BTRVETC-L Digest		Volume 98 : Issue 39
10 Jun 1998

Today's Topics:
	 Re: BTRVETC-L Digest V98 #38
	 Re: Burnetts
	 Burnett Copyright
	  Re: information vs publishing
	 Re: Burnetts
	 John Turner b 1800
	 Elias Burnett
	 Selling info, copyright infringement, appreciating others' efforts
	 Re: John Turner b 1800
	 (no subject)
	 To Jerry Baker
	 Re:ROSS News from Dickenson County ,Va. in 1890s

for the Burnett/Turner/Ross/Via/Etc Mailing List  (BTRVETC-L)

Welcome to all our new subscribers; please send us a message to let us
know what lines you are working on. :-)

We became automated 19 Jan 1998, with everyone that had been on Nyla Creed
DePauk's list of subscribers being subscribed to the digest, which (kind)
replaces the compilations.  There is also a regular list, where you 
receive messages one at a time.  If you wish that version, unsubscribe 
from the digest, and subscribe to the regular list (see below).

Please do not send your emails to Nyla any longer; if you do, she will 
send them to the list.  Please post your messages to:  (that's a lowercase ell, not a number one.)

***** Do not send attachments or multipart MIME messages to the list! ***** 
***** Send only plain text.  Microsoft Outlook and Express seem to do *****
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Date: Sat, 06 Jun 1998 20:24:47 -0500
From: Sharon Crawford <>
Subject: Re: BTRVETC-L Digest V98 #38
Message-ID: <>
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In reading the post from Jerry Baker I guess I ought be happy that the
information in volume 3 about my Cornelius S.Burnett's family was full
of errors. My Burnett page is at
along with information I have picked up on Oklahoma Burnetts.
Also was interested in the post from Jerry Lou "For the reasons that
have been stated in the last compulation, I do not give my Genealogy to
anyone." And wondered if after asking and receiving my Burnett line that
this was the reason the return post just said "sorry, all I have is
about dates".
Sharon Crawford
Garvin Co. OKGenWeb
Burnett Page
Wright Page


Date: Sun, 07 Jun 1998 00:33:39 -0400
From: Jerry Baker <>
Subject: Re: Burnetts
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit wrote:
> All I can say to what Jerry is:
>     When a professional genealogist writes an extensive book on the genealogy
> of one family and copyrights it, that person (June Bork in this case) has put
> a lot of time and study into a ponderously intricate, DOCUMENTED work. Your
> names are your own, and of course you CAN put anything you want online, but
> not necessarily legally and CERTAINLY not ethically. The docmentation to prove
> it and the time and effort put into the genealogical interaction as a WHOLE
> comes under copyright. THEREFORE, if a large portion of it is plagerized, then
> it is a prosecutable offense, which is why we HAVE copyrights in the first
> place.
> Caroline Burnett Cook

Hello Caroline 

 I guess i thought more of you for you helped me a long time ago.
and as far as June goes I have done nothing wrong the info I have came
from this list and other places. ANYONE can get I think I asked you many
times and you gave it to me!  I think that make s you as bad as me
giving her info to others!!!!

 Now the stuff she has in her book is not on my page Deeds, ship logs,
etc. I do have a will it maybe in her book but it came off of the
BTRVETC list so is the list as bad as me?

 You know the old timers that think they own the genealogical world
(you, June, and some other) need to wake up I posted my stuff on the web
for all the new comers, it is for them.  No asking and then being told
for $XX.XX amount you can have this infomation, I was so glade to get
the information on my family and were they came from that I thought of
what I could do to show my support to others, and all I could do was
share it and I will so.  The only reason she wants it down is the
almighty dollar she thanks I have costed her a sale or two, well if I
did they were never going to pay for her books any way.
 I have my Warren side Back to France, Mills to Pitt Co. NC., Bakers to
NC. and so many more I have copies of Marriege Bonds, Discharge papers,
photos and more and will share them with all if I can help someone with
them for nothing. I was going to send June copies of Stehpen Burnett and
more for her book but I would say I wont know, I want to beable to us
them later.

 I to plan on doing a book but it is for my son and him only it will be
my gift as a father to a son his family tree so he will know more about

 Now I may have not been working on this for 25 year but you never asked
me how long I have been doing this so you should think before you jump
to the aid of you friend and wanting to say the thing about me you were
trying to say nicely.

 So next time you give out the information you have think of June and
the Copyright laws you and her think everyone is going around you have
done it to over the list for years.

 And to the person that liked the clan badge thank you it took me years
before I found a photo of it that I could see well enough to get any
colors off of it and it was the Burnett key chain.

P.S. I do respect her for her time in doing the stuff she has done and
with out her help with the names she gave me just enough to hook me into
her book I would have never got as far as I did.  But the people who
share the same feelings for this as I do will share information with
each other. So I have the information on my web page for all to see and
use if they can. 

Jerry Baker                                          nWo 4-Life
CEO nWo MotorSports
Sim Racing's most winning team ever!
nWo's Main Pages
nWo Fan Club
R.A.P. Member
SRA Member
Team Sponsors
Baker Design's


Date: Sun, 7 Jun 1998 03:41:59 -0400
From: "GK Turner" <>
To: <>
Subject: Burnett Copyright
Message-Id: <>
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Don't believe any of us qualify as copyright lawyers and it would appear to
me that's 
from whom we need to hear.  (Surely there's a Brunett lawyer out there who
could help)

If we say copyright law forbids Jerry from helping others better know their
roots, then I
would suggest we "all" are guilty.  Carrying this one step further begs the
question as to
whether all subjects and material in the Library of Congress is also "out
of bounds".

Assuming that we all agree that everything can't be "out of bounds", then
wherein is
June's protection.  Certainly her material has value and has been gathered
at considerable
expense.  June must have "rights" in this debate or the need for copyright
law would be

May I submit that we "all" need to be informed as to just what is correct
before going
much further.  Again I renew my request for a qualified member of the
family help us to
understand that which must be considered.

And please Jerry, let's drop the "money" angle... It cost money to publish
and that's a
fact we can't dispute.  I promise you June didn't start out, years ago, to
make a million!

And June, need to polish your "authoritative, no recourse" email that you
drop on people.
It certainly begs a "battle".  (assuming copies viewed are 'true copies') 
My advance
years has proven that most people want to cooperate if a comprise is

Now I am a Turner, therefore just have a small dog in this hunt, and
certainly do not
suggest I'm the guru here!  However I can't help but believe that as
Jerry doesn't want to see his cousin "walked on", and neither does Judy
want her
cousin deprived of his roots.  Maybe if you could start over again on this

Proud Direct Descendant of "Shadrack Turner(1)"

And if anyone can help me cross the big water to my direct line, Shadrack,
Would like to know before I die if I'm ENGLISH, SCOTT, IRISH or ANY
THEREOF... I desire my demise be cause for a huge party, all family
invited.  So, which
shall it be... A Wake, Highland Games or do we just gather at the Pub ?...
love to all
the family!

you Judy didn't 



Date: Sun, 7 Jun 1998 08:12:34 -0400
From: "lndshll" <>
To: "Burnett Turner News Letter" <>
Subject: Burnetts
Message-ID: <000501bd920d$8e28a360$5ce6aec7@oemcomputer>
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Hi Ya'll I think we all need to stop knocking June and at least try to see
her side of things.I am all for sharing with each other but some of you are
overlooking the fact that some big companies are getting information off of
our websites and June's books and reselling the information on disc for
39.99 each.June has helped me alot to find my Chrisenberry Burnett and his
family. E-mailing back and forth. Not one time did she say go to my website
or maybe you should buy the book(s). She just helped with no strings
attached.I see her helping so many others,so how about giving her a break.
                        Linda Burnett Shull


Date: Sun, 7 Jun 1998 11:38:41 EDT
From: <>
Subject:  Re: information vs publishing
Message-ID: <>
Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
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    I don't think anyone objects to passing on information and of course I
  you information. That is what the lists are for. I couldn't reach your
  (must be aol acting up again) but I take your word for what is on it. If you
  didn't copy her information, etc. that is not plagerism and neither is
  along your line or finding information for someone else on their line. That
  what these email lists are for, and the webpage, too, I guess.
    Except for one difference: when you put something on a webpage, that is
  PUBLISHING, so you have to be careful to attribute quotes and not use large
  chunks of someone's work verbatim.
    As for being an old-timer... I may be older than you (but maybe not)
  however, I do respect the work of a professional genealogist and researcher.
  If I sent you information and I didn't tell you that I got my information
  June's book... then you are absolutely right: I was WRONG. Not "BAD." But
  there is a place for ethics, even among us amateurs....maybe ESPECIALLY
  In a message dated 98-06-07 00:29:41 EDT, you write:
    I guess i thought more of you for you helped me a long time ago.
   and as far as June goes I have done nothing wrong the info I have came
   from this list and other places. ANYONE can get I think I asked you many
   times and you gave it to me!  I think that make s you as bad as me
   giving her info to others!!!!
    Now the stuff she has in her book is not on my page Deeds, ship logs,
   etc. I do have a will it maybe in her book but it came off of the
   BTRVETC list so is the list as bad as me?
    You know the old timers that think they own the genealogical world
   (you, June, and some other) need to wake up I posted my stuff on the web
   for all the new comers, it is for them >>


Date: Sun, 7 Jun 1998 12:03:38 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Christine E. Gaunt" <>
To: Jerry Baker <>,
  June Baldwin Bork <>
Subject: Re: Burnetts
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Hi, Folks,

I think we are discussing something that is both very personal and yet
very global -- the use of published material on web sites.  Personal
because for us it's our family histories, global because I'm sure other
web pages on other topics are most likely doing the very same thing.
Published now means anything in print, on CD, on tape, or digital.  See
the following web sites for US Copyright info:

US Copyright Office or

Copyright Basics
(this one's fairly readable!) and

Copyright Law

I know folks are taking stuff out of books, off web pages (ie logos,
graphics, etc) and mailing list messages, and putting it on their web
sites without so much as a "Gee, I really like your <graphic>, may I use
it?".  From the reading I've done, this is wrong.  Much better would be to
*link* to the site as a reference.  (See the Web Law FAQ by Oppedahl &
Larson at )  Or to get the copyright
holder's permission to include their work.  I have found there is a grey
area called "fair use", but I think that it would be much preferable to
communicate with the individual(s), asking permission to use whatever.

Why should we care?  How about because the genealogy community is one of
the most polite and caring groups there is?  (Sandi Gorin, I'm *so* glad
you're well enough to post!)  Because even though some of us are doing
this out of love for our families, others are doing it because it's their
livelyhood and they have to pay their bills and put food on their table
like everyone else. 

Yes, I know people will share information, but it is always nice to give
credit where it's due.  If you haven't seen June Baldwin Bork's books on
the Burnett family, you are missing some great work.  She has deeds,
wills, census info, tax info, and more, which support her line of
reasoning.  It is the line of reasoning that is the glue that holds her
books together, and I believe it is this line of reasoning that is
copyrighted.  You can send for the supporting documentation yourself,
which is what anyone would do, to see if indeed the reasoning is solid.

Jerry, you will notice if you visit her web site (at one )  that the third
volume contains corrections and additions to the first two volumes.  If
you are getting information from the Internet, then how do you know where
it came from?  It might have come from June's books, but possibly the
sources were not included in messages, etc. 

I noticed that you list your sources as:
"The information I have came from the internet, and may other places and
people and my family Such as The above information
can be gathered buy this group of people join the list and start asking,
The Gathering of the Clans web page ( they have a message board ), And
fellow Burnetts on the net that I have meet."

It would be much more beneficial to any cousins you may hook up with to
have the exact sources, even if you are using a web page or mailing list
archive.  Then they can go to these sites and judge for themselves.

What good is a genealogy if it's not valid?  How can we tell if it's valid
without itemized resources listed?

Jerry, if June helped you in compiling your family history, then why not
put that on your web page?  How much time did she spend on just your
family?  Did she ask for payment?  

June, maybe the wording of your initial email to Jerry could have been
revised somewhat?  

I can understand both points of view -- I know how really nice it can be
to hook up with cousins, no matter how distant, who help you along in your
research, and you want to pass along that information.  But I also know
how unsettling it is if your hard work has been copied and put on the net
(folks have done this with my web site). 

I only hope that there can be a meeting of the minds rather than a meeting
of the lawyers!

Christine Gaunt, or
Campbell-L and BTRVETC-L listowner 
Co-compiler of Genealogy Resources on the Internet
       File (2.4M):  via autoreply from


Date: Sun, 7 Jun 1998 15:00:45 -0400
From: "lndshll" <>
To: "Burnett Turner News Letter" <>
Subject: Burnetts
Message-ID: <000001bd9246$98394ce0$d0ceafce@oemcomputer>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Hi' I am trying to find out about a couple of Burnetts.
      Chrisenberry Lee Burnett & Sophrina Oglesby
       b.Jan.1855                  b.???
               children: John C Burnett
                         William "Willie" Burnett

John and William were my grandfathers brothers (Half).William went to
Saratoga,California and William "Willie" went to Forsythe,Georgia.They were
both born in Spartanburg, South Carolina.I can't seem to find them once they
left SC.Anybody got any leads???Any help would be appreciated!!
                 Linda Burnett Shull


Date: Mon, 08 Jun 1998 00:45:06 -0700
From: Penny <>
Subject: John Turner b 1800
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Hi all,
I have finally been able to place my John Turner b 1800 Wilkes Co., GA.
He was the son of James Turner, and grandson of Meshack Turner. Nyla,
Thank you for all of the time you put in, moderating and making it
interesting to read. David for all of his time to keep us doing the
right thing, and  Janice who questions what should be questioned if we
get to anxious to add our lines to the already established lines.  I am
so greatful that each of you has given so I could find my next
generations back in time.
Anyone out there that is a cousin and would like a copy of the gedcom or
txt files for John Please email me.


Date: Mon, 8 Jun 1998 08:23:35 -0400
From: "lndshll" <>
To: "Burnett Turner News Letter" <>
Subject: Elias Burnett
Message-ID: <000101bd92d8$42ef1d40$cad2afce@oemcomputer>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Hi,I have found a death certificate of Elias Burnett (Son of Woodson
Burnett). I found it looking for a different Elias Burnett.
              Certificate of Death
             State of South Carolina
      Place of death:
      County of Spartanburg
      Township of Cherokee
      Full Name: Elias Burnett
      Male  White  Married
      Date of Birth: Dec.28,1822
      Age: 97 yrs 2 months and 10 days
      Occupation: Unable to Work
      Birthplace: SC
      Name of Father: Woodson Burnett
      Maiden name of Mother: Susan Burnett
      Birthplace of Father: SC
      Birthplace of Mother: SC
      informant: Jud McDaniel
      address:Cherokee SC
      Date of Death: March 8,1920
      Cause of Death: Carcinoma of Liver,Stomach
      and Bowels
      Duration: 19 days
      MD.J B Cash
      Buried Arrowood Church

                       Linda Burnett Shull


Date: Mon, 8 Jun 1998 15:46:15 -0500
From: "Kevin K. Stephenson" <>
To: "'Burnett Family Newsgroup'" <>
Subject: Selling info, copyright infringement, appreciating others' efforts
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Hi cousins!
  I feel compelled to comment on several of the conversations which have 
occurred lately concerning the accuracy of genealogical data, violation of 
copyright laws, and the propriety of 'paying' for genealogical data.   I'm a 
law student at the University of Kansas, as many of you know, and I just 
finished studying Patent and Copyright Law last semester.
  First of all, let me say that I am DEEPLY GRATEFUL for the efforts that 
others have made in the search for genealogical material on the Burnett family, 
as well as the related lines.  My maternal grandfather, Ralph Burnett, raised 
me, and my grandmother, his wife, Ethel, was the one who got me interested in 
genealogy in the first place.  I found out over the last two summers, 
firsthand, how time consuming and expensive it is to go do a lot of the 
research yourself.  I travelled to Indiana and Kentucky in search of Burnett 
info, and spent close to a thousand dollars on a trip of less than a week.  I 
therefore am MORE THAN WILLING to spend a couple of hundred dollars for the 
full set of June Bork's books, which comprise about 30 years of faithful 
research.  The time alone that it would take to gather that data is worth much 
more than she's charged.  I also know that June's research is very meticulous 
and totally reliable.
  I am willing to share anything I have found with anyone who asks, but for 
those who have expended large amounts of time and money to create something of 
value for the rest of us to use, I don't object to helping to pay for it. 
 After all, the free enterprise system and pursuit of profit is what created 
the computer industry and an internet capable of allowing us to communicate 
with each other about this information.  If it hadn't been for a posting I made 
to Family Tree Maker's website, I would never have known of the Burnett-Turner 
Newsgroup.  Thanks to Nyla's response to my posting, I became a member and 
subsequently unearthed another 500 years of my ancestry.
   With regard to the Family Tree Maker CD's, etc...any time you rely on 
information gathered by others, you need to make a judgment as to its 
reliability.  The Family Tree Maker CD's that I've bought are indeed full of 
errors...however, there are also some valuable leads in them if you verify the 
data and dig deeper... and some of the submissions are very accurate.  You need 
to assess the accuracy of the material before you add it to your own, if 
necessary by contacting the submitter and getting references to their sources. 
 Some of FTM's other CD's include marriage, land, birth, and death records 
which were gathered by field personnel visiting courthouses all over the U.S. 
 This is, again, a very expensive proposition to undertake on your own, so I 
don't mind paying for the information that I can get from them, since it's much 
cheaper than I can get it myself.
   I initially was pretty perturbed at the thought of paying someone to find 
out where I came from, but now that I know what it costs to go and do it, I'm 
glad someone else is willing to save me the time and expense.  I think we need 
to put it in the proper perspective, and distinguish between the folks who're 
trying to recoup their costs, and perhaps pay for future research, and those 
who are simply speculating to make a buck.  Family Tree Maker, granted, is in 
it for the money, but they're providing a valuable service at the same time, 
and they care enough about the genealogical community to furnish grants for 
genealogical research projects based on need and value to the genealogical 
   With regard to the violation of patents when posting material to the 
internet...when someone has compiled a body of factual information, the facts 
themselves are not copyrightable.  The arrangement of those facts, or an 
author's interpretation of them, can be, because those things constitute an 
original effort on the part of the author/compiler, apart from the gathering of 
the facts.  I would think that it would be extremely difficult to prove 
copyright infringement where someone has posted facts to an internet site, 
because (1)it would be difficult to prove exactly where they came from, and (2) 
the facts themselves aren't protected by the copyright.  If, however, someone 
posted, verbatim, a passage from a book which was written about those facts, 
then there are grounds for infringement.
   Aren't we all, ultimately, searching for who we are, and where we're from, 
and isn't the most important thing to help each other find out these things?  I 
think the fact that, in the long run, we're all 'family', should dictate that 
we help each other all we can, and helping  includes not stealing from each 
other, and helping to repay someone who's spent a lot of time and money doing 
something that's benefitted the rest of us.  It also includes not trying to 
keep one another from having or sharing information that will help someone else 
find the 'link' they've been looking for.

Kevin K. Stephenson
1600 Kentucky St. #2
Lawrence, Kansas  66044
Fax/Data: (785)865-2555


Date: Mon, 8 Jun 1998 21:36:26 EDT
From: <>
Subject: Re: John Turner b 1800
Message-ID: <>
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Penny and All,

Thank you for your kind words.

I've enjoyed every minute I spent with the Burnett-Turner-Ross-Via-Etc/Etc
list.  And I have truly enjoyed meeting all my cousins onLine.  

Lots of folks have very generously contributed information on their family.
You folks are the greatest.




Date: Mon, 08 Jun 1998 20:41:06 -0500
From: "Ann D. Scott" <>
To: "" <>
Subject: (no subject)
Message-ID: <>
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Date: Tue, 09 Jun 1998 04:46:42 -0700
Subject: To Jerry Baker
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I have been sick for several days and have not been able to answer any
of my mail.  

Yes, I agree with everyone - I do owe you a public apology.  My initial
letter to you sounded like a lion out of a cage.  I suppose it was
caused by fear that we would lose the little income that we do receive
from my book business.  

You see, my husband and I are 70 years old and live on Social Security
which does not go very far and must depend upon the sale of books for
extra imperative needs and if there is enough left over, I use it to
further the study of the Burnetts in Scotland.

Remember when you first wrote me and told me that all you knew was your
grandfather's name was BIGE BURNETT and did not know his real name, plus
where he lived.  This was all I had to go on.  I worked for 3 whole days
to find your connection to our line of Burnetts and finally found that
"Bige" was a nick-name for "Abijah," the son of Frances Burnett and
Steve Bowlin.  That was a very difficult problem to solve.  I sent you
the names and dates of your ancestors and did not ask for any payment. 
If you had paid to have your family researched, this alone would have
cost you a lot of money.  So I am not all that money hungry, but have
tried to help everyone that I can.

Again, I am sorry.  /s/ June


Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 10:12:27 EDT
From: <>
Subject: Re:ROSS News from Dickenson County ,Va. in 1890s
Message-ID: <>
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Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit

I came across this in the Va-Roots list. Thought the ROSSes might be
interested if this man is their ancestor. It is part of a newspaper column

Caroline Burnett Cook

In a message dated 98-06-09 22:41:52 EDT, you write:

 name of paper unknown
 William Ross, of Pond Creek, Oklahoma, is visiting  his parents 
 at this place this week.  Mr. Ross went from this place when the 
 "strip" was opened for settlement, and has been fairly successful,
 having secured a good homestead, and been appointed County
 Superintendent of Schools of the county in which he located.

End of btrvetc-d Digest V98 Issue #39