BTRVETC-L Digest		Volume 98 : Issue 40
14 Jun 1998

Today's Topics:
	 Re: BTRVETC-L Digest V98 #39
	 Dr. Jack Thorne Turner obituary
	 RE: Burnett & Graham
	 Unidentified subject!
	 Re: Mary Ann Burnett

for the Burnett/Turner/Ross/Via/Etc Mailing List  (BTRVETC-L)

Welcome to all our new subscribers; please send us a message to let us
know what lines you are working on. :-)

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replaces the compilations.  There is also a regular list, where you 
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Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 13:43:53 EDT
From: <>
Subject: Re: BTRVETC-L Digest V98 #39
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Please be advised that I cannot read mime attachments.  Therefore, I will
unsubscribe -- using the proper email address, of course.  I'm surprised that
you send posts as file attachments -- many people, especially those on juno
can't accept attachments.  This seriously limits your list of members and
that's too bad.

Good Luck to you all.

Nancy Byrd


Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 18:33:17 -0700
Subject: To
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Tried answering you but message was returned.  If you would like to send
your Patrick/Floyd Co family, I will do what I can to help you.  June


Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 19:12:44 -0700
Subject: Turners
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Does anyone know who John Turner was that married Nancy/Fannie Burnett
of Floyd Co, Ky? And was she daughter of William Burnett (1762-1860)
below?  William Burnett's family can be found in BURNETTS & THEIR
CONNECTIONS, Vol 1, p.202-4. 

This is all I know:
JOHN TURNER married NANCY "Fannie" BURNETT, born about 1790 VA and died
in Floyd Co, KENTUCKY after 1850.  Supposedly, John and Nancy were
married in Henry or Patrick Co, Va and he either died or moved from
Floyd Co about 1845.  In 1850, their son JOHN BURK TURNER was head of
house.  Eight houses away (#218) was WILLIAM BURNETT 88 VA with a JOHN
B. (Burk) BURNETT 50 VA; Hannah 48 VA; Adam 46 VA; Wood 14 Ky.  WILLIAM
BURNETT SR, was born 1762 and died Oct 1860 in Floyd Co, Va of old age. 
He married ELIZABETH ______, b. 1766 and she too died after 1850 when
last found in PATRICK CO, VA in (AGE 84) the house of her dau,
Elizabeth, the wife of John Tuggle.  

Nancy is shown there in 1850, #210 living with son/sons?
BURKS TURNER, 25 Ky (1825)
*NANCY        60 VA (1790; nee Burnett)
Morgan        18 Ky (1832)
n/Izza        16 Ky
WILLIAM "     30 VA

1850 - House #213
ADAM TURNER 38 VA (1812)
Margaret    28 Ky (nee Patton; m. 15 Jul 1840 Floyd Co, Ky)
Wm. J.       9 Ky
Elizabeth    7 Ky
Nancy        6 Ky 
John         5 Ky
Sarah        4 Ky
Samuel       3 Ky 
Judah        2 Ky
  In 1860, Ford Dist, House 515 - several more children born to Adam and
Margaret: Polly 8, Richard 6, Adam 5, Catherine 4, Morgan 1.  The birth
records show a George was born to them Nov 1858 on Beaver Creek.  George
is not shown on 1870 census.  Two more children were added to house in
1870: Martha 9, Louisa 8

In 1860, house #522 (mother Nancy dec'd?):
JOHN B. TURNER 35 KY (John Burk Turner)
Polly          25 Ky (nee Martin)
Jemima          6 Ky
Nancy           4 Ky
Melvina         3 Ky (birth reg. says b. Apr 1858 on Beaver Creek

1860 - House #523
WILLIAM TURNER 40 VA (living alone)

1860 - House #524
GREEN TURNER 31 KY (Greenville)
Sarah        22 Ky (nee Martin)
John          3 Ky
John H.       4 Ky
Tandy         2 Ky (Sandy/Alexander?)


Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 00:07:33 EDT
From: <>
Subject: Dr. Jack Thorne Turner obituary
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>From the Register-Herald onLine (Beckley, WV).

Dr. Jack T. Turner

PERRYSBURG, Ohio -- Dr. Jack Thorne Turner, 75, of Lake Vue Drive, a scholar
and teacher who was a former Dean of the College of Business and Economics at
West Virginia University, died Monday, Feb. 16, 1998, in Harborside of
Born Sept. 8, 1922, at Clarksburg, he was the son of the late Thorne and Nan
Nave Turner.

Dr. Turner held a long and successful career in academics during which he
taught and administered at Indiana University, University of Illinois, Old
Dominion University, West Virginia University, University of North Carolina at
Wilmington, and Davis & Elkins College. He received his undergraduate and
Masters Degrees from West Virginia University, his Doctorate Degree of
Business Administration at Indiana University, and an Honors Degree at Oxford
University (Worcester College) in England.

Mr. Turner married Nancy Russell on Sept. 11, 1957 in Huttonsville.
Survivors include his wife, Nancy Russell Turner of Perrysburg, Ohio; a son,
John Turner and his wife, Theresa Galasso Turner and their children,
Christopher Russell Turner and Sara Ann Turner of Perrysburg, Ohio; a
daughter, Margaret Nan Turner of Wrightsville Beach, N.C.; a brother, William
Nave Turner of Beckley; and a stepsister, Sandra Bersford of Fairmont.

Following his request for immediate cremation, the family is planning a
memorial service at 11 a.m. Friday, June 12, at the Vance, Barb & Lohr Funeral
Home in Elkins. Following the service, the family will return to the O.S.
Russell home at Mill Creek, to meet with friends and family.

Those planning expression of sympathy are asked to consider the Jack Turner
Scholarship Fund, established by The College of Business & Economics at West
Virginia University, c/o WVU Foundation, Kraft Hall, Morgantown, W.Va. 26505.



Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 22:42:06 -0500
From: "Kevin K. Stephenson" <>
To: "'Phyllis Bell'" <>
Cc: "'Burnett Family Newsgroup'" <>
Subject: RE: Burnett & Graham
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  I have 18 Grahams in my files.  Jeremiah Burnett I & II are in another line, 
but I have a couple of  friends that are descended from them!  I'm going to 
forward this message to the Burnett newsgroup to which I belong and have them 
get in touch with you personally.
  The Grahams that I show are:
	Charles P. Graham, no birth or death info available, married Sarah E. Burnett, 
born January 23, 1840, Shelby county, KY, daughter of  James C. Burnett & 
Permelia Shepherd.
	Elizabeth Graham, born Sept. 13, 1779, married to James Cunningham Burnett on 
January 20, 1806, Mercer Co. Kentucky.  They had a son named Richard Graham 
	Elizabeth Graham Shields, no birth or death info available, married Oct. 5, 
1780, Pittsylvania Co. VA, to Henry Burnett, born Ireland, died Aug. 31, 1817, 
Pittsylvania County, VA.
	Sarah Graham, born Dec. 21, 1776, Prince Edward County, VA, married William 
Burnett, Oct. 22, 1796, Prince Edward County, VA., died November 26, 1821, 
Raleigh, Saline County, Illinois.
	Richard S. Graham, born Aug. 19, 1814, Raleigh, Saline Co., Ill., married Mary 
Jane Blue, Dec. 10, 1834, White County, Ill.  Other wives Mahala Harman, Sarah 
Bradshaw. Richard S. Graham had the following children, unknown which wife was 
the mother of each:
James S. Graham, Mary A. Graham, Mariah E. Graham, Mahala A. Graham, Virginia 
I. Graham, William R. Graham, Charles E. Graham, Lillian O. Graham.
	James S. Graham, born VA, died 1822, drowned in Mississippi River.  Married 
Elizabeth Burnett, May 7, 1809, Henderson Co. Kentucky.
	Burnett Graham, born 1816, died 1817, son of James S. and Elizabeth.

	We'll see if Jeremiah Burnett's descendants can help you with more information 
about him.	
Kevin K. Stephenson
1600 Kentucky St. #2
Lawrence, Kansas  66044
Fax/Data: (785)865-2555

-----Original Message-----
From:	Phyllis Bell []
Sent:	Thursday, June 11, 1998 12:51 PM
Subject:	Burnett & Graham

Hi Kevin,
     Here are the lines I'm working on:

1  Jeremiah BURNETT, b. 1718 @ VA, m. 1738, d. ca 1773
  + Mary MCDANIEL, b. ca 1720 @ MD, d. ca 1745 @ VA
  2  Jeremiah BURNETT II, b. 1740 @ MD, d. @ Wayne Co.,
    + Unknown
    3  Matilda BURNETT, b. 1777 @ VA, m. 1796 @ VA,
              d. @ Wayne Co., KY
      + William SLOAN
      4  William SLOAN, b. ca 1812, m. 1832
        + Elizabeth BAKER, b. ca 1815
        5  Anna SLOAN, b. ca 1838 @ Wayne Co., KY,
                   m. 1856
          + Samuel B. MCGOWAN, b. ca 1836
          6  Ocia Ann MCGOWAN, b. ca 1859, d. 1908
            + William Thomas TROXELL, b. Apr 1856
                   @ Wayne Co., KY
            7  Zona May TROXELL, b. ca 1888, d. 1912
              + Riley Vanroe RAMSEY, b. 1885, m. 1908,
                      d. May 1928
              8  Ocea Elizabeth RAMSEY, b. 1908, m. 1926,
                      d. 1976
                + William Ransom BELL, b. 1895, d. 1984

1  John GRAHAM
  + Elizabeth SMITH
  2  Paris/Parrish GRAHAM, b. 1824, m. 1848, d. 1869
   + Adaline W. SNOW, b. 1822
   3  Lavinia GRAHAM, b. 1848, d. 1935
     + Richard Armstrong RAMSEY, b. 1842, m. 1867,
               d. 1898 @ Danville, KY
     4  Riley Vanroe RAMSEY (see above)

See any connections?
Happy hunting,

Kevin K. Stephenson wrote June 09, 1998
<I am related to Burnetts and Grahams...I suggest we
<get together and compare notes!!  Many of mine are in
<Shelby County, but some could be in Wayne.


Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 23:15:26 -0500
From: "Kevin K. Stephenson" <>
To: "''" <>
Cc: "'Burnett Family Newsgroup'" <>,
Subject: Unidentified subject!
Message-ID: <>
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  The Burnett's went to Kentucky about 1808, settling in Shelby county.  They 
were originally from Pittsylvania County, VA.  I had John Hardin married to 
Elizabeth Burnett, this is incorrect, she was his daughter.  The Hardin 
reference I had is as follows:

Will of Major John Hardin (son of Mark and Mary Hardin)
  Nelson Co., Ky., Bardstown courthouse, 4 June 1788/13 October 1789, p. 61.

Anyone recognize these folks?

Nelson Co., Ky., Bardstown courthouse, 4 June 1788 / 13 October 1789, P. 61.

In the Name of God, Amen, I, John Hardin of Nelson Co. and country of Ky., 
Being Infirm In Body & In a Bed of Sickness, But Sound of mind & memory doth 
make, ordain, & Constitute this to be my Last Will & Testament.

First, I gave my soul to god who gave it me & my Body to the Earth to be buried 
by the discretion of my Executors & all funeral Expenses to Be paid out of my 

*ITEM, I give and Bequeath unto my sons, John, Mark, William, and Benjamin 
Hardin, 5 Shillings to Eatch of them freely for them to Enjoy & possess.

ITEM, I also give & Bequeath unto daughters, Abigail Linch, Mary Thomas, 
Catharine Burnett, Elizabeth Martin, & Susannah Walker, Eatch of them 5 
Shillings for them freely to Enjoy & possess.

**ITEM, I give & Bequeath unto Polly Hardin, the daughter of Margaret Huly 
(Heely? Ruby? Heeby?) that was A Tract or parcel of Land that I Lived on In 
Hardin's Settlement in Nelson Co. & all my goods & Chattles that I posses at 
this present time for her to Enjoy & poses.

ITEM, I give & Bequeath unto Henry Hardin, a grandson, the son of John
Hardin, a track or parcel of Land on Patterson Creek in Hampshire Co. In
Va., one Hundred Acres More or Less in the Lot No. Seventeenth on the
South side of Sd. Creek & also forty four acres adjoining to the Other
Land for him fray to Enjoy & Posses.

ITEM, I give & Bequeath unto my Granddaughter Katy Thomas two Hundred acres, of 
Land Near Hardin Settlement on A Run Called or None by the Name of Lost Run, a 
branch of Ruff Creek, for her freely to Enjoy & possess

*** ITEM, I give & Bequeath unto my Granddaughter, Cassandra Hardin, two 
Hundred acres of Land adjoining the aforesd. Katy Thomas for her freely to 
Enjoy & posses.

All Other wills or gifts Relative to anything herein Mention or here given by 
this my Last Will & Testament I do hereby declear them all Null & Void & of 
Know Effect & I hereby do Anominate William Hardin & Benjamin Hardin my 
Executors to this my Last will & Testament.

SIGNED, SEALED, & ACKNOWLEDGED this fourth day of June in the yr one thousand 
Seven Hundred Eighty Eight. JOHN HARDIN.
In the Presents of us: Lewis Thomas, Philip Davis, Mary Thomas(her mark).

NB In the Legacy given to Henry Hardin the word four & Creek & the word  where 
my daughters is mentioned is Enter Line Before Signed.

AT A COURT held for Nelson Co. on Tuesday the 13th day of Oct. 1789 The within 
last will & Testament of John Hardin, ded., was proved by the testimony of L  
ewis Thomas & Mary Thomas, 2 of the subscribing Witnesses & ordere(d to Record. 
Pages 61 & 62. TESTE: Isaac Morrison.

Kevin K. Stephenson
1600 Kentucky St. #2
Lawrence, Kansas  66044
Fax/Data: (785)865-2555

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent:	Friday, June 12, 1998 7:29 PM
Subject:	Re: HARDIN>Forks of Elkhorn Church

In a message dated 98-06-12 14:01:29 EDT, you write:

<<  I found a year or so ago a reference to a John Hardin who had married a
 Catherine BURNETT.  The Burnetts are in my lineage, and I was wondering if
 knew any more about this?  The Burnetts were also from VA, and also emigrated
 to KY. >>

I have nothing linking Hardin and Barnett names yet.  I have just received a
reference to a Horace K.Hardin to Elizabeth Barnett  Jan 24, 1849 by Sam B.
White, MG from Christian Co. KY maggiage records 1797-1850.

What part of KY did your Barnett's  go to and what is an approximate years.
I have a Jack Barnett m: Mabel Lee Craigmyle b: 1922 son George W. Barnett.
Those are the only Barnett names in my data.
Three John Hardin's none married to a Barnett.


Date: Sun, 14 Jun 1998 07:48:39 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Christine E. Gaunt" <>
To: Bob Brummel <>
Subject: Re: Mary Ann Burnett
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

On Fri, 12 Jun 1998, Bob Brummel wrote:

> There was a Mary Ann Burnett that married Robert Brummel Nov 4 1811 in
> Mecklenburg Co. Virginia.  Does this ring a bell.
> Bobby Brummel


I find no Mary Ann Burnett in the Burnett/Turner/Ross/Via/Etc mailing list
archives at

You might want to see the excellent books on the Burnett family by June
Baldwin Bork titled, The Burnetts and Their Connections.  June is on the
mailing list, and has been known to help others in their research.  You
can find out about her books from her web site at:

I'm sending your message and my reply to the list -- possibly someone has
Mary Ann Burnett in their database.

Folks, Bobby Brummel is not on the mailing list, so please reply directly
to him.  Thanks!

Christine Gaunt, or
Campbell-L and BTRVETC-L listowner 
Co-compiler of Genealogy Resources on the Internet
       File (2.4M):  via autoreply from

End of btrvetc-d Digest V98 Issue #40