BTRVETC-L Digest Volume 98 : Issue 52 24 Aug 1998 Today's Topics: RE: The Burnetts & Crathes Castle ... Character sets [was RE: The Burnetts & Crathes Castle] Josiah Burnett, b ~1800 in Patrick Co, VA Josiah Burnett & Jemimah Dickerson George Marrion Burnett ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 21:12:24 -0500 From: "Kevin K. Stephenson" <> To: "'Burnett Family Newsgroup'" <> Subject: RE: The Burnetts & Crathes Castle ... Message-ID: <001701bdccaa$d0554e00$9207ed81@kevinste> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-7" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Britt-- The Burnett website which refers to Crathes Castle is: The membership secretary for the House of Burnett is: Mary Dunklee 1470 N. Harrison Avenue Fresno, CA 93728-1547 There is a pretty decent gif picture of the castle on their website. Enjoy+ACEAIQ- Kevin K. Stephenson 1600 Kentucky St. +ACM-2 Lawrence, KS 66044 (785)865-1586 Data/Fax:(785)865-1586 e-mail: website: -----Original Message----- From: BRITT BURNETT Sent: Thursday, August 20, 1998 7:42 PM To: Subject: The Burnetts +ACY- Crathes Castle ... Some time ago, I came across a posting by Anne Burnett on a Burnett web page (I've forgotten the web address, etc). She stated that she had a family tree of Burnetts dating from 1066 - 1973, including Burnetts that lived in Crathes Castle. I posted an inquiry to her on the website but never heard from her. Does anyone have this information? If so I would like to hear from you. Thanks, Britt Burnett ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Aug 1998 08:15:45 -0400 (EDT) From: "Christine E. Gaunt" <> To: Subject: Character sets [was RE: The Burnetts & Crathes Castle] Message-ID: <> Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Hi, Folks, Please be aware that some messages are going through the list using a different set of characters than what you may be using. Characters such as the "at" symbol, ampersand, tilde, and so on, may not look right if you have your email program set to a different character set than what the sender is using. My email program lets me know of the discrepancy by putting this at the beginning of the email: [The following text is in the "utf-7" character set] [Your display is set for the "ISO-8859-1" character set] [Some characters may be displayed incorrectly] They are indeed displayed incorrectly. Kevin's email address is given as "" when it should be "". The 2 is displayed as a capital S, the at symbol is displayed as a string of characters: +AEA- or for those of you using the utf-7 character set, it looks like this, but strung out: + A E A - Hmmm, I've no idea what that plus sign and minus sign translate to in utf-7.... It's too bad there is more than one character set. (Just like there is more than one version of GEDCOM....) So much for standards. <grin> Character sets are discussed in many places on the Internet; one place is: The only reason I mention the character set difference is because it helps to be able to communicate on a mailing list.... after all, that's what they are designed for. The most often seen (by me) character sets are the ISO-8859-1 and US-ASCII, which means that they've been around a while. Those of you using other character sets may want to consider changing to one of these. Chris Christine Gaunt, or Campbell-L and BTRVETC-L listowner On Thu, 20 Aug 1998, Kevin K. Stephenson wrote: [snipping out the lines with characters that displayed ok, and leaving those that didn't] > Enjoy+ACEAIQ- > 1600 Kentucky St. +ACM-2 > e-mail: > website: > > > -----Original Message----- > From: BRITT BURNETT > To: > Subject: The Burnetts +ACY- Crathes Castle ... > > > ------------------------------ Date: 22 Aug 1998 07:24:39 -0700 From: "Christine E. Gaunt" <> To: cc: Subject: Josiah Burnett, b ~1800 in Patrick Co, VA Message-ID: <> Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Hi, Folks, Russ Burnett sent this message to the list, but the list software did not find his email address among the list subscribers. Please reply directly to Russ at so he gets your message. (And not to me!) Russ, you may want to check the list archives at: Chris Christine Gaunt, or Campbell-L and BTRVETC-L listowner ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: 21 Aug 1998 15:41:42 -0000 From: Russ Burnett <> To: Subject: Greetings! I have been researching my ancestry and have learned that I come from a line of Burnett's from Floyd county and Patrick county Virgina. I am descended from a Josiah Burnett who was born around 1800 in Patrick county and married Jemimah Dickerson. They raised 4 sons named; Early, Asa, Josiah D., and William Austin and settled in Floyd county Virginia. If you have any connections to those I have named, let me know. Thanks, Russ Burnett ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 22 Aug 1998 18:41:06 -0700 From: To: "" <> Subject: Josiah Burnett & Jemimah Dickerson Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit If I remember correctly, Elisha and Josiah were brothers and sons of Samuel Burnett. There is a deed in Floyd Co, Va dated 13 Sep 1835 (do not have bk & p.#) "Power of Atty from Austin H. Smith of Grayson Co to ELISHA BURNETT OF FLOYD CO, VA.. to recover a debt from Samuel Mitchell of BEDFORD CO, VA due Smith 'WHEREON I AM HEIR OF SAMUEL BURNETT & SARAH BURNETT'" On 24 Nov 1804, Samuel Burnett married Sarah Smith by consent of George and Sarye Smith in Bedford Co. 1835 May 28 - Floyd Co, Va - Deed Bk A:331 Power of Atty from JOSIAH BURNETT to ELISHA BURNETT THERE ARE MANY MANY RECORDS OF THIS FAMILY IN FLOYD, GRAYSON, BEDFORD, AND CARROLL CO, VA. I did not run across them in Patrick Co. Samuel Burnett was born about 1750/60. In the Bedford Co records there seems to be a Samuel Sr and a Jr. 1784-86 Bedford Co Court Order Bk 8:229 SAMUEL BURNETT allowed 6 days attendence as witness. His records start in Bedford in 1783 on the Tax list and continued to at least 1794 and perhaps later. In 1812 there is a interesting deed (Bk 13:758) dated 3 June: Samuel Burnett SR in debt to Leftwich.. again securing payment of debt, mortgaged 85 1/4 acres; security: John Clayton Wit: Nicademus Leftwich, Samuel Wilkes, MEADOR TURNER, Thomas R. Clayton. This deed was regarding a debt for 6.14.1, whereby he mortgaged livestock & house goods to secure a debt. In 1814 (DB 14:234 - Bedford Co - Samuel Burnett Sr and Sara his wife sold to William Bates.. $190 for 85 acres on Blackwater Creek. The Claytons, S. Jr, John R., and D.L. were witnesses. This is land he bought in 1796. Josiah and Jemima had at least 11 children. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 24 Aug 1998 17:34:24 -0400 From: Madhatters <> To: Burnett/Turner <> Subject: George Marrion Burnett Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I found some information about a George Marrion Bunett and was wondering if anyone could help me figure out if this is the same George M. Burnett that is in my line. George Marrion Burnett was married to Elizabeth Horn. They had a son, Emery Otis Burnett b. March 24, 1878 in Carrier Mills, Saline Co. IL, d. September 5, 1952, Franklin Co, IL. I don't have any dates for George Marrion Burnett. I was wondering if this was the same George M. Burnett that was the son of Thomas Houston Burnett and Nancy Caroline (Parks) Burnett, b. about 1843 in Marion, Williamson Co. IL? George M. Burnett's siblings were: John Houston b. Sept. 19, 1844 m. Mary Ann Davis, d. July 13, 1934 Felix M b. about 1847 m. Susan (?) Elizabeth Jane b. 1854 Leander W. b about 1850 m. Ruth (?) Lewis C. b. January 29 1856 d. September 29, 1856 William (Boss) Franklin b. 1858 m. Sarah Erwin Sarah (Sadie) A, b. 1862 m. Rollie Corley All of the above were born in Marion, Willamson Co. I have George M. Burnett married to a Mary Glen. Did George marry twice (Mary GLEN and Elizabeth HORN)? If anyone could help me figure this out, it could help me link to another cousin. I would greatly appreciate any help. Thanks Anne Burnett Hatter -------------------------------- End of btrvetc-d Digest V98 Issue #52 *************************************