BTRVETC-L Digest Volume 98 : Issue 53 29 Aug 1998 Today's Topics: James Overton Turner Re: Unsubscribe Address Change/ Again!! Address change / Again! Missing Soul ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 24 Aug 1998 07:59:47 -0400 From: ShermanPillis <> To: Subject: James Overton Turner James Overton Turner May 1, 1816- Dec 13, 1864 There will be a Grave stone marker placed in the old Turner cemetery September 26. 1998 at 11:00..In Henry Va. If anyone is interested I can provide detailed directions to the cemetery..Thanks. James O Turner was a member of Co. D. 5 th. Btn. Va. Reserves..He was 48 years old and left a family of 11 children and a Loving Wife. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 23:29:56 -0400 From: "Eunice B. Kirkman" <> To: "Angus P. Robinson" <> Cc: "VA-ROOTS" <>, "Tom Minix" <>, "BTRVETC List" <>, Subject: Address Change/ Again!! I'm back to Citizens Internet. Eunice B. Kirkman ~~~~~ ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 22:38:57 -0400 From: "Mitosis" <> To: "Prospector" <>, "Btrvetc List" <> Subject: Missing Soul Mitosis... Searcher of the "Missing Soul" "Turner" experts, researchers, plinkers and common folk. Please open your Hymn book to page: "Nathanial "Nat" Henry Turner" family group. Do we all have the page now? It probably looks similar to this... Nathanial "Nat" Henry Turner, s/o George King Turner and Pricey Jane Turner b. April 23, 1877 in Franklin Co., Va. d. July 06, 1974 in Franklin Co., Va. m(1) Lula Belle Scott December 01, 1901 b. October 03, 1878 d. May 21, 1937 m(2) Burlie Hutcherson Tyree July 18, 1945 There were no issue from this union Children of Nathanial and Lula Belle Scott Letcher Henry Turner b. October 31, 1902 Della Mae Turner b. September 05, 1905 Harry Lee Turner b. October 11, 1909 d. November 27, 1930 Vera Turner b. Feburary 12, 1912 d. Feburary 14, 1914 Gladys Belle Turner b. Feburary 27, 1913 Curtis Scott Turner b. June 22, 1915 Jefferson Turner Feburary 25, 1918 Mildred Emma Turner b. December 19, 1920 Hum... notice that poor ole "Jefferson" was the only one without a middle name! Whatca think? Is that likely? If I may make a suggestion, let's try "Morris Jefferson Turner"... Guess I cheated a little there, they always called him "Morris", that's how I was able to cipher this one. Uh... another problem is a break in the birth pattern, every two or three years Lula has presented us a new babe, what happened between 1905 and 1909? Well, just maybe she made "Nat" sleep on da couch a while, or maybe not! Let's see... Harry Lee Turner fathered a child in 1934... see any problem here? Guess not, I mean plus or minus a few years, who cares. Uh... says on his tombstone b. April 29, 1907... is there a problem here? Probably a typo! Oh boy... it also says he died May 26, 1981... probably a damn lie, well what else could it be, probably for insurance purposes. Guess it wouldn't hurt to check tho... Okay SS# 226-12-1035 issued in Va. Plug dat in da SSDI and we'll put an end all this crap! HUSTON... WE GOT A PROBLEM !!!!! Now class, are we still paying attention? Note how exact the dates for Harry Lee Turner were, even tho in error... no guess work here, somebody was working with some type document. Could this document have been credited to the wrong Turner. If there was a document I believe we can agree it was mis-interpted. Also that little break in the birth pattern is repaired... Therefore some one has to be applicable to these dates... our "MISSING SOUL". I have reason to believe his name is "Charley King Turner". To date I have been unable to prove same... every query I've sent get's the same reply, "I copied it from another database". Have checked every source I can think of, every tax list, every cemetery listing... name it, I've been there. (Still, may not have looked at the one needed, or just plain missed it). Okay... is there anyone who has "Harry Lee Turner, born October 11, 1909 and died November 27, 1930, who did not copy this information from another database?? If so, you have a document all of the Turners need to know about. (Wouldn't it be hell if it was Shadrack's birth cft they're looking at and thought it said Harry Lee... guess not huh?) Iamma waiten and hopen, and hopen and awaiten........... _Mitosis_ Searcher of the Missing Soul -------------------------------- End of btrvetc-d Digest V98 Issue #53 *************************************