BTRVETC-L Digest		Volume 98 : Issue 54
1 Sep 1998

Today's Topics:
	 Where are you now
	 Tidbit & Oddbits
	 Re: Tidbit & Oddbits
	 A Home for Charlie
	 John Turner/Nancy Burnett
	 Unidentified subject!


Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 23:03:21 -0400
From: "Mitosis" <>
To: "Btrvetc List" <>
Subject: Where are you now

Eunice, Ida sent you a copy too but you're worst than a frog on a hot
rock....  where is you child?  Are back at, huh?


Date: Sat, 29 Aug 1998 00:43:17 -0400
From: "Mitosis" <>
To: "Btrvetc List" <>
Subject: Tidbit & Oddbits

Guess you kinda know about my grandson, Jordan Blake Turner... he makes
those runs on the ole barn fetching Lord  knows what next...

Today it was a "fly sprayer".  Now if you don't know what a fly sprayer
is I'll try an explain.  (and those who do, quit laughing).  Well it's
kinda like a bicycle pump with a #10 tomato can attached.  All the
hardware stores use to carry them.  You filled the can (it had a screw
on cap) with any of various liquid fly killer mixtures.  Then you pumped
the handle and that produced a fine spray, good enough to fill a room
with a breath catching, strangling mist.  Works on the same idea as a
squeeze bulb perfume bottle.  Reminds me, anybody still see those sticky
ribbon fly catchers about.  Now there's something every kitchen should
have again.  Man they were gross... all dem dead flies stuck to the tape
hanging in the kitchen while you're trying to eat.  Still, it was better
than flies in your gravey!

Now Iam gonna say that this fly sprayer cost dollar maybe dollar and
quarter in it's heyday.  At the moment, not including labor, I've got
about $50.00 in this dude. The 0-rings had to be replace in the pump.
Nothing on the shelf fits this thing... thankfully we have a
manufacturer of 0-rings in my area, so off we went.  The president of
the firm, his like me, older than dirt and was the only one there who
knew what this dodad was and took immense pride in that fact.  He was
determined to find the proper parts for it's repair and that he did, at
a cost of $9.40

Then a stop at the TV service shop where they applied solder to numerous
pin holes in the unit.(another $5.00)  Then a shock, that top wasn't
about to come off. It's been on there I reckon 20 years and was content
with it's present location. $3.95 for liquid wrench, didn't help much
tho... I manged to twist the damn can right off the pump. Now we're on
our way to the sheet metal fabicators, they complete the repair, $10.00.

At last, a working unit....

Now I figure it's not wise to fill this thing with some killer chemical,
so I opt for a little white lie and a mixture of soap and water.  "Yep
son, you got what it takes to whip out all the bugs in the

What's that you say... where did I spend the rest of the money?
At the drugstore... hornets are not impressed with soap and water it
Well, gotta run... Iam busy trying to think up a good story to tell my
daughter when she arrives to fetch her "lumped up" son.

          Searcher of Lost Souls
              Tidbit & Oddbits
... and that's the way it was long ago


Date: Sat, 29 Aug 1998 09:08:23 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Christine E. Gaunt" <>
To: Mitosis <>
cc: Btrvetc List <>, Bea <>,
Subject: Re: Tidbit & Oddbits


Ouch!  Guess you shoulda told Jordan it only worked on flies.  Hope he's


On Sat, 29 Aug 1998, Mitosis wrote:

> Guess you kinda know about my grandson, Jordan Blake Turner... he makes
> those runs on the ole barn fetching Lord  knows what next...
> Today it was a "fly sprayer".  Now if you don't know what a fly sprayer

> Now I figure it's not wise to fill this thing with some killer chemical,
> so I opt for a little white lie and a mixture of soap and water.  "Yep
> son, you got what it takes to whip out all the bugs in the
> neighborhood".
> What's that you say... where did I spend the rest of the money?
> At the drugstore... hornets are not impressed with soap and water it
> seems.
> Well, gotta run... Iam busy trying to think up a good story to tell my
> daughter when she arrives to fetch her "lumped up" son.


Date: Sun, 30 Aug 1998 19:36:42 -0400
From: "Mitosis" <>
To: "Btrvetc List" <>
Cc: "June" <>, "Rees" <>,
  "Prospector" <>, "Eunice" <>,
  "David" <>, "Chris" <>,
  "Bea" <>
Subject: A Home for Charlie

Charlie King Turner will fluff his pillow and position himself more
comfortable this night.  No longer a "Lost Soul" to his brothers,
sisters and his ancestories proceeding.  Tho his life upon this earth
was brief, 1909 to 1930, I doubt he could understand his absent from the
minds and thoughts of his cousins. Tis worrysome to be a "Lost Soul".

>From the memories of an ole man, "Mitosis",  and the clever mind of
"Puzzler" you return.  You were a problem to find... but a thread left
for connection.  And we shall be there soon to rest flowers upon your
head, to tell you we care.

Welcome home "Charlie King"

Charlie King Turner
son of Nathanial "Nat" Henry Turner and Lula Belle Scott
b. Oct 22, 1909
d. Nov 27, 1930
No known marriage or issue

Mitosis... it's of no importance
Puzzler... N4JED


Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 22:04:47 -0700
From: "Jim Spencer" <>
To: <>
Subject: John Turner/Nancy Burnett

I'm wondering if anyone has compiled a list of Turner's that left Virginia
in the early 1800's, particularly counties of Partirck, Henry and Franklin.
I am looking for the John Turner that married the Nancy Burnett (daughter of
William Burnett and sister to Elizabeth Burnett Tuggle).  Any help would be

/s/ Jim Spencer


Date: Tue, 1 Sep 1998 10:43:34 -0500
From: "Kevin K. Stephenson" <>
To: "'Burnett Family Newsgroup'" <>
Subject: Unidentified subject!

Hi cousins!
  I've been quiet for quite a while, studying law...however, I was doing some
research on the net about a week ago, got distracted, and started looking for
family tree stuff.  I contacted a gentleman named Glenn who was researching the
Tilley family, which is connected to my Burnett line.  He provided a great deal
of information on them, and the information he provided leads me to believe that
there may be a connection between the North Carolina Burnetts and the Shelby
County, Kentucky, Burnetts.  I've included the text of our discussions in this
message.  Does anyone out there see connections in North Carolina to any of
these folks???
	Kevin Stephenson

Sent: Monday, August 31, 1998 12:30 PM
Subject: Joel Tilley

Received your e-mail regarding Joel Tilley. I think the one you mentioned may
have been in my direct line. There is a mass of confusion about this, however,
and I don't want to confuse you either, but here is what I have pretty well
documented. The line ( (at least what I have so far) started with Lazarus
Tilley who died in Orange County, Virginia in 1744. His son (and there may
have been others) was named Henry. Henry evidently migrated to the Surry
County area of North Carolina, and he died there in 1789. He specifically
named three sons in his will, Lazarus, Edmund & John, but referred to his
other children, so he had more. The Lazarus mentioned apparently moved in the
mid 1790's to Shelby County, Kentucky where he died in 1814. While still in
Stokes County, North Carolina he apparently had a son Joel (born 1765, died
1847 in Stokes County) who did not move with him to Shelby County, Kentucky
but stayed behind in North Carolina. Lazarus also had another son named
Lazarus who apparently moved to Putnam County, Indiana. This is where it gets
confusing. In addition to the three sons specifically named in Henry's will,
there is another son named Joel who is listed in Henry's estate settlement.
The Stokes County Census for 1810 & 1820 lists a Joel Tilley & a Joel Tilley,
Jr.. As you know that does not necessarily indicate a father-son relationship
but was used by the Census taker to differentiate between two people of the
same name,. In the 1830 Census (Stokes) there is only one Joel. I think the
other Joel moved to Warrick County, Indiana and then to Breckinridge Couny,
Kentucky where he appears in the 1840 Census and died there in 1843. Going
back to the Lazarus in Putnam County, Indiana  I am a little uncertain, as
that part of Indiana as a connection has come about very recently and I really
haven't done the research yet to explore that line. It is possible that the
Lazarus that moved to Putnam county had a son named Joel & that may be the one
in your line. The Tilleys, as you  know had a penchant for cross-naming their
children. It drives me to distraction. My Joel is in the Indiana area in the
time period you mentioned but I've always thought only in the Spencer &
Warrick areas.  Hope I haven't bored you with all this but will look forward
to your reply.       Glenn

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Monday, August 31, 1998 11:46 PM
Subject: Tilleys

Lets start with Shelby County, Kentucky Lazarus who died in 1814.
Some of his land was sold to one of his sons (Henry) and all of his other
children who were legatees had to approve the sale. They were:
5)Lazarus (married a Caty Heady (Hedden) October 23, 1802 in Shelby County)
6)Betsey (married a Burge)
7)Nelly (married a Graves)
8)Ann (married a Richardson)
9)Mary Ann (married a Lisley)
10)Agatha (married a Mitchell)
13)Nancy (married a Simmons)

1) Joel stayed in North Carolina after his father moved to Shelby County, as
per my previous message.
5)Lazarus ended up in Greencastle, Indiana as he gave his approval from there
on October 17, 1840 for his son Abraham to marry a Charity Hedden in Shelby
He is probably the one buried at Cloverdale. This would make him the brother
of  1) Joel. Don't know who Polly was. She could be a second wife of Lazarus
(Caty Heady, the first) or one of Lazarus' daughters.

My line is with the other Joel whose father is, I believe, but have been
unable to prove, the son of Henry, the father of the Shelby County Lazarus.
This would make my Joel the brother of Shelby County Lazarus & the uncle of
Lazarus' son Joel. Is this confusing ir what!!!

You mentuioned that an Elizabeth Tilley married a Pryor Burnett. Do you have
any idea as to when that marriage took place? It might help to determine  who
was her father.

Will try & get some more info on my Joel & send it to you next time. In the
meantime if you have any comments, specific dates, locations etc. please fir


  Pryor Burnett married Elizabeth Tilley Dec. 20, 1827, Shelby County, Kentucky.
His dad, James Cunningham Burnett, owned land which adjoined the Heddens' land
southeast of Shelbyville. The land descriptions there are in metes and bounds,
and Hedden is mentioned several times in the deed.   Pryor sold his share of
this land, as did the other Burnett children, to his brother, Felix Grundy
Burnett, after J.C. died.
  The Tilleys (Lazarus and Caty, presumably) moved to Indiana with the Burnetts
(Pryor and Elizabeth (Tilley)) between 1837 and 1840, because Pryor deeded his
share of the estate to Felix from Indiana in 1840.  This coincides with Lazarus
granting permission for Abraham to marry from Indiana, also in 1840.
  The Burnetts also married into the Richardson family, in Virginia before they
all moved to Kentucky.  Joshua Richardson married Mary Burnett, James Cunningham
Burnett's aunt.  William Burnett, J.C.'s nephew and John D. Burnett's son,
married Elizabeth Richardson, Joshua and Mary's daughter.  Joshua Richardson
remarried, and his son James, by his second wife(Mary Snow), married Ann Tilley
in 1807, Shelby County, Kentucky.  This is the Ann that you show.
  My records show Lazarus Tilley (buried in Cloverdale) married to a Catherine
H. (Caty Hedden?).  She was born 1784, died 1851.  Polly probably was a second
wife...she died in 1865, and is buried alongside Lazarus and between him and
Pryor Burnett.  Looking at the picture I took of her gravestone, it says on it
she was Lazarus's wife.
  Are our families tangled up enough with each other????
  The Tilleys having been in North Carolina leads me to believe that there's a
strong possibility of a connection between the Shelby County, KY Burnetts and
the North Carolina Burnetts, since the Burnetts and the Tilleys were
intermarrying.  That being the case, I'm going to post this letter to the
Burnett research group discussion, and see if any of the North Carolina Burnetts
can add anything to this.
  Thanks for the info, and stay in touch!  I'll let you know what the others
have to say.

Kevin K. Stephenson
1600 Kentucky St. #2
Lawrence, KS  66044

End of btrvetc-d Digest V98 Issue #54