BTRVETC-L Digest		Volume 98 : Issue 60
19 Sep 1998

Today's Topics:
	 Turner, Which
	 Turner, Which
	 Repeated Post
	 Turner, which 
	 Turner, Georgia(State)
	 Dem Georgia Turners
	 Where do these belong
	 Re: Jeremiah & Bond Burnett
	 Burnett, Jeremiah & Bond
	 John1 & Eliz
	 Replying to list messages; getting off the list
	 Re: BTRVETC-L Digest V98 #59
	 Joyce TURNER m. 1808 Charles LEWIS in Virginia
	 Turner Family Sort
	 Maryland Clan-William Turner

for the Burnett/Turner/Ross/Via/Etc Mailing List  (BTRVETC-L)

Welcome to all our new subscribers; please send us a message to let us
know what lines you are working on. :-)

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replaces the compilations.  There is also a regular list, where you 
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Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 10:18:10 -0400
From: "Mitosis" <>
To: "Btrvetc List" <>
Subject: Turner, Which
Message-ID: <003601bde310$c34fa300$47358acd@mitosis>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Hey familiy...

Michelle ask how many Turner families are there?  And I've got the same
question.  Pretty much in acceptance is the term "Shadrack" Turners...
reference being ancestor of same name.  This Turner family, in the main
settled in southwest Va, counties of Bedford, Pittsylvina, Henry,
Franklin etc.  Also in some use is term "One of the Allied Families".

There is a family of Turners who settled in Maryland, now I refer to
those as Maryland Turners or William Turner family.  Now inasmuch as
this reference came from my mind, we can know that isn't the proper
nomentclature(gonna have to get a spell chker one of these days).

Also, a Turner family that appears to have settled for the most part in
Ohio and Indiana... some have advised me that this family of Turners are
an extension of the Maryland Turners, and moved north to Mich. and south
to Kentucky, me... I dunno!

A small family of Turners who appear somewhat isolated from other Turner
families settled in NH.  Is this a "Stand Alone Family" or associated
with the Maryland group?

Seems there was a concentration of Turners in Utah, New Mexico etc...

Not sure that there is a particular Turner family to associate with
Oregon, Calf, etc... maybe extension of Utah Turners?

Now I would expect every "Turner Family" hits this board one time or the
other so please don't DOA this request.  Because left to my own means I
might just call you "Those Trasher Turners".

May be the "SourDough" can help... And certainly the members of the
various Turner families know who they are.
And it sure would help us who try to lend assistance to a query.

Back to Michelle, this lineage doesn't seem to reflect any in
kinda think may be those of Ohio/Ind?  Which of the "Turner Families" do
you associate with Michelle?  Just can't seem to locate these cousins in
few bases I have.  Like to help if I can.


Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 10:36:46 -0400
From: "Mitosis" <>
To: "Btrvetc List" <>
Subject: Turner, Which
Message-ID: <004501bde312$756aec60$47358acd@mitosis>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Hey familiy...

Michelle ask how many Turner families are there?  And I've got the same
question.  Pretty much in acceptance is the term "Shadrack" Turners...
reference being decendants same. This Turner family, in the main
settled in southwest Va, counties of Bedford, Pittsylvina, Henry,
Franklin, and state of Kentucky, Cumberland area, which may have been
part of Va. at that time...  Also in some use is term "One of the Allied

There is a family of Turners who settled in Maryland, I refer to those
as Maryland Turners or William Turner family.  Now inasmuch as this
reference came from my mind, we can know that isn't the proper
nomentclature(gonna have to get a spell chker one of these days).

Also, a Turner family that appears to have settled for the most part in
Ohio and Indiana... some have advised me that this family of Turners are
an extension of the Maryland Turners, and moved north to Mich. and south
to Kentucky, me... I dunno!

A small family of Turners who appear somewhat isolated from other Turner
families settled in NH.  Is this a "Stand Alone Family" or associated
with the Maryland group?

Seems there was a concentration of Turners in Utah, New Mexico etc...
Not sure that there is a particular Turner family to associate with
Oregon, Calf, etc... maybe extension of Utah Turners?

Now I would expect every "Turner Family" hits this board one time or the
other so please don't DOA this request.  Because left to my own means I
might just call you "Those Trasher Turners".

May be the "SourDough" can help... And certainly the members of the
various Turner families know who they are.
And it sure would help us who try to lend assistance to a query.

Back to Michelle, this lineage doesn't seem to reflect any in
"Shadrack"... kinda think may be those of Ohio/Ind?  Which of the
"Turner Families" do you associate with Michelle?  Just can't seem to
locate these cousins in few bases I have.  Like to help add to you
family if I can.



Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 10:48:17 -0400
From: "Mitosis" <>
To: "Btrvetc List" <>
Subject: Repeated Post
Message-ID: <007d01bde313$62ac8880$47358acd@mitosis>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Sorry about "multi" post, but I got it fixed now...
Found loose connection between Keyboard and back of chair... :=)


Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 10:56:03 -0400
From: "Mitosis" <>
To: "Btrvetc List" <>
Subject: Turner, which 
Message-ID: <000201bde315$66c13b80$47358acd@mitosis>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Hey familiy...

Michelle ask how many Turner families are there?  And I've got the same
question.  Pretty much in acceptance is the term "Shadrack" Turners...
reference being decendants same. This Turner family, in the main
settled in southwest Va, counties of Bedford, Pittsylvina, Henry,
Franklin, and state of Kentucky, Cumberland area, which may have been
part of Va. at that time...  Also in some use is term "One of the Allied

There is a family of Turners who settled in Maryland, I refer to those
as Maryland Turners or William Turner family.  Now inasmuch as this
reference came from my mind, we can know that isn't the proper
nomentclature(gonna have to get a spell chker one of these days).

Also, a Turner family that appears to have settled for the most part in
Ohio and Indiana... some have advised me that this family of Turners are
an extension of the Maryland Turners, and moved north to Mich. and south
to Kentucky, me... I dunno!

A small family of Turners who appear somewhat isolated from other Turner
families settled in NH.  Is this a "Stand Alone Family" or associated
with the Maryland group?

Seems there was a concentration of Turners in Utah, New Mexico etc...
Not sure that there is a particular Turner family to associate with
Oregon, Calf, etc... maybe extension of Utah Turners?

Now I would expect every "Turner Family" hits this board one time or the
other so please don't DOA this request.  Because left to my own means I
might just call you "Those Trasher Turners".

May be the "SourDough" can help... And certainly the members of the
various Turner families know who they are.
And it sure would help us who try to lend assistance to a query.

Back to Michelle, this lineage doesn't seem to reflect any in
"Shadrack"... kinda think may be those of Ohio/Ind?  Which of the
"Turner Families" do you associate with Michelle?  Just can't seem to
locate these cousins in few bases I have.  Like to help add to you
family if I can.



Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 11:31:39 -0400
From: "Mitosis" <>
To: "Btrvetc List" <>
Subject: Turner, Georgia(State)
Message-ID: <004901bde319$72b08320$47358acd@mitosis>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Ouch... Nell had to remind me about those "Georgia" Turners.  Well, see
Nell I got this loose connection between my "Keyboard" and the "back of
Chair"...  :=)

But yes, The Georgia Turners... now Nell, which Turner Family...
Shadrack, Meshack & Abendego?  Seems from what I have, there are several
separate Turner familes in NC and Ga.  Ga. would be near the exit of
"Great Valley Wagon Trail" and "Warriors Path Trail"... am I correct in
that assumation ?  If so, may account for the convergence of varied
Turner families... Your thoughts?



Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 11:46:21 -0400
From: "Mitosis" <>
To: "Btrvetc List" <>
Subject: Dem Georgia Turners
Message-ID: <005d01bde31b$811e2320$47358acd@mitosis>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Ouch... Nell had to remind me about those "Georgia" Turners.  Well, see
Nell I got this loose connection between my "Keyboard" and the "back of
Chair"...  :=)

But yes, The Georgia Turners... now Nell, which Turner Family...
Shadrack, Meshack & Abendego?  Seems from what I have, there are several
separate Turner familes in NC and Ga.  Ga. would be near the exit of
"Great Valley Wagon Trail" and "Warriors Path Trail"... am I correct in
that assumation ?  If so, may account for the convergence of varied
Turner families... Your thoughts?



Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 12:06:36 -0400
From: "Mitosis" <>
To: "Btrvetc List" <>
Subject: Where do these belong
Message-ID: <008701bde31e$6a130f80$47358acd@mitosis>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Now here,  the Turner's who appear on "America's First Families" list.
Can anyone advise me which Turner family they belong...  Maybe Maryland
Turners or ????   I see a little now and then on the "Humphrey" Turners,
could these be part of those.  (whee, that's a tongue twister)

TURNER Anne Mrs m/c1627 New Haven, CT 1-008
TURNER Daniel 1626-1673 Harlem, NY 1-005
TURNER Daniel 1626-1673 NY 1-009
TURNER Eliza. (Freestone) c1643- Boston, MA 1-005
TURNER Humphrey c1593-1673 Scituate, MA 1-005
TURNER Jacqueline(D/Paris m1650-d1700 Harlem, NY 1-005
TURNER John -d1621 Plymouth, MA 1-005
TURNER Lydia (Gamer) c1593-1673 Scituate, MA 1-005
TURNER Margaret (Leachland c1630- New Haven, CT 1-005
TURNER Nathaniel Capt. 1630-IMM New Haven, CT 1-005
TURNER Robert 1611-1651 Boston, MA 1-005


Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 12:28:37 -0400
From: "Mitosis" <>
To: "Btrvetc List" <>
Subject: Hum
Message-ID: <009501bde321$8352a7a0$47358acd@mitosis>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Take a peek at this...  I have my own opinion, but real interested in
how it reads to other's on Btrvetc.



Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 13:28:53 EDT
Subject: Re: Jeremiah & Bond Burnett
Message-ID: <>
Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit

Hi Cousins, 

I picked this up from the notorious "other" Burnett list, but this one should
be one of ours, too. She has VIAS and Jeremiah and Bond BURNETT.
Is anyone close kin to JL MAUPIN?...cousin Carole

In a message dated 98-09-18 01:34:54 EDT, writes:

 Does anyone have any information of a Jeremiah or Bond Burnett of Albemarle
 Co., Virginia?  William Via II supposedly married Sarah Burnett and Micajah
 Via Sr supposedly married a Phillipi Burnett.  These marriages were in the
 1700's.  The Via's had Burnett neighbors in Hanover Co., Virginia before
 migrating to Albemarle in the 1750's.  And in 1761 Micajah Via witnessed a
 deed in Albemarle Co.  Also witnessing this deed was a Jeremiah Burnet and a
 Bond Burnet. appears as the Via's and the Burnett's did have a close
 relationship in the early to mid 1700's but I have been unable to find proof
 that Sarah or Phillipi was in fact a Burnett.
 Thank you,
 Judy >>


Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 14:30:21 -0400
From: "Mitosis" <>
To: "Btrvetc List" <>
Subject: Burnett, Jeremiah & Bond
Message-ID: <002301bde332$6e060480$61358acd@mitosis>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Don't any Maupin's ...  no Bond Burnett.
Capt. Jeremiah Amos Burnett with Nancy Turner early 1800's, so that
doesn't fit... no help here I'm afraid.

When I need Burnetts I go "kissing up" to June...

Hey... Caroline!  you got  a Brassier?

(Been wait'en all week to catch Caroline posting to "gotcha".  Now for
my 'Slick Willie' fade)
Sometimes spelled Brashear(s) Brasshiers and others.  Has anyone had a
chance to see the marriage document for John1 and Elizabeth?... I'm
still not real comfortable with this combination.  Maybe I just don't
have enough data.  Eunice told me about a book on the Brassiers due to
be publish, believe this month. Have to find her note and post on list
if she doesn't mind.  It had a preview of contents, looked interesting.

Later Folks...   Bye Caroline.


Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 15:08:49 -0400
From: "Mitosis" <>
To: "Btrvetc List" <>
Subject: John1 & Eliz
Message-ID: <003f01bde337$c7eac440$61358acd@mitosis>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Hey Eunice... meant to ask okay to post info on that Book about
Brashears?  And I know you checked out this connection to some extent...
where you able to make connection that was comfortable for you? I'm
still wishie-washie with it.  Per chance did you get a chance to review
the "Parish" document?... Sure like to hear comment of someone who has.
I know, buy the book... grrrrr!

Later Love


Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 17:09:02 -0400 (EDT)
From: Christine Gaunt <>
Subject: Replying to list messages; getting off the list
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Hi, Folks, 

Just a reminder about replying to list messages.  If you want everyone to
see your message, you will need to manually enter the list's posting
address ( ) into the To: or Address: field in your
message.  Otherwise, your reply will go to the person who posted the
message, and to that person only.

Also, if you wish to unsubscribe from the list, you will need to send your
request to the appropriate address with the Subject: Unsubscribe

Regular list:
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The above addresses also work for subscribing (use Subject: Subscribe).

As always, contact me if you have trouble,
Christine Gaunt, or
Campbell-L and BTRVETC-L listowner 
Co-compiler of Genealogy Resources on the Internet
       File (2.4M):  via autoreply from


Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 18:21:41 -0400
From: "Jonathan M. Parker" <>
Subject: Re: BTRVETC-L Digest V98 #59
Message-ID: <>
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Disposition: inline

Turner cousins,

I'm interested in knowing more about this tidbit snipped from the message=

posted by

 1    John TURNER b: 1755 Number of children: 10
=2E.  + Elizabeth "Sukie" DILLARD  Number of children: 10
=2E... 2    William TURNER b: Abt. 1777 =

=2E.......  + Frances (Turner) UNKNOWN  =

=2E... 2    [7] George TURNER b: July 22, 1780 Number of children: 12
=2E.......  + Susannah ADAMS b: 1782 Number of children: 10
=2E.......... 3    John C. TURNER b: 1800 =

=2E..............  + Sara E. (Turner) UNKNOWN  =

My 3G grandfather was a John Turner, born about 1800, married to a Sara(h=
I've been puzzling over their whereabouts for years. Does anyone know whe=
this family lived, and how I can find some sources for the information gi=
here? My Turners seem to have traveled from Tennessee (possibly Bedford C=
to California during the 1849 gold rush. Can you help?

Jonathan M. Parker
3:05 PM Pacific time, Friday, September 18, 1998=


Date: Sat, 19 Sep 1998 00:58:02 -0500
From: "C. T. Lewis" <>
Subject: Joyce TURNER m. 1808 Charles LEWIS in Virginia
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

I'm looking for the parents, siblings and ancestors of Joyce TURNER,
wife of Charles LEWIS.  I have no information  on Joyce other than she
is believed to be of
Irish/Scottish descent and married Charles in 1808, probably in

Charles was born in 1788 in Carroll Co., VA; lived in Pittsylvania
Co.,VA at least during 1808-1815, and settled near Danville,VA.  His
father was Charles LEWIS (d. 1805 in Pittsylvania Co.,VA); mother's name

I have found an abstract of the Pittsylvania Co., VA will of William
LEWIS, Sr. written 7/3/1821 and probated 8/15/1831 referring to Charles
LEWIS (brother of William) and witnessed by William TURNER.  Could
William TURNER be the father or brother of Joyce TURNER??



Date: Sat, 19 Sep 1998 04:15:02 -0400
From: "Mitosis" <>
To: "Btrvetc List" <>
Subject: Turner Family Sort
Message-ID: <004b01bde3a6$1faab780$25358acd@mitosis>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Folks, I really appreciate your replies to mine regarding "Which Turner
Family".  Please don't get me wrong, I love every piece of mail I
receive, however in order to get Btrvetc to help us, I need to know if
it's okay to re-post these results and queries to the list.  Now I
intend to reply to each that I have received after checking data I have
on hand.

However, on Burnetts, and Loves, (really weak this area) I have to query
to Carole or June to see if they can help.  Eunice helps me when I just
don't know what  the hell to do next.  :=).  Chris advises me what,
where, when for data on the Btrvetc Computer.  Add Don for information
on William Turner Clan, I feel sure he will want to help for his family
tho I have not asked him as yet. David keeps me straight on Shadrack (my
strong suit). Many others that I just can't recall at the moment. Now
all have other lives, so takes a bit to get all data assimilated(?)

So my request is, please note if it's okay to re-post queries to the
Btrvetc list on your message, or if you prefer just address your replies
to the list.  Let me state again, I will reply to each... but I've got a
lot of mail and research to do, to get you your reply, I'm not DOA,
just BURIED!  Those who know me will advise you I take a very dim view
of those who repost other's messages.  To easy to mis-quote, convey the
wrong thought and it's alway out of context.  Sometimes people are
thinking aloud with their messages, at least I sure do.  Some are just
testing a scenario and do not wish to see it spread all over the net as
their authorship and embedded in stone conclusion.  Simply stated, if I
receive on the private side then damit... it's private!

Now heres a neat resource, just in case you might be un-aware... Chris
keeps on her site all the email archive for Btrvetc.  Think it dates
back to 1996, if I'm wrong Chris will post a correction :=)  It contains
family data, issues resolved, if you follow the thread.  Lots more.  I
download all these digest and merge into one file, this allows me to use
editor of choice (mine WordPad, Win95) to do "keyword search", "cut and
paste", for material need for my notes.  Think Chris will advise you,
her search engine isn't all she would like for it to be.  Anybody who
feels uncomfortable with this procedure, I can post a "step by step"
guide if you like.  I would supply as a zip file but my ISP has limit of
1meg "send".

For those who still perfer to message direct and private, please do
so... just give me a little time to do the work required to answer.

And for Michelle... lot more than a couple Turner Families.... wheee.
Yeah, and answer your mail girl !
For Eunice, Caroline, June, Don, Chris.....HELP!,   I've got way more
than I can handle here.


Date: Sat, 19 Sep 1998 05:06:13 -0400
From: "Mitosis" <>
To: "Btrvetc List" <>
Subject: Maryland Clan-William Turner
Message-ID: <005d01bde3ac$dc585b20$25358acd@mitosis>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Don, found this in Btrvetc email archives.  That's a "public" list so
okay to post.  Hope it helps in some regard.
Date: Wed, 27 Nov 1996 13:53:26 -0500
Subject: Turners

Hope this list is O.K., if not let me know.

Descendants of Zadock Turner

1    Zadock Turner  b: February 23, 1728/29 in Worchester, MD
.         +Sabra Hicks
........  2    Henry Turner   b: 1758 in MD
............        +Abegail Turner
................... 3    Archibald Turner    b: October 1780 in
.......................       +Jenny Ranson
..............................     4    Jared L. Turner     b: 1808 in
                                        Hancock, GA
..................................      +Nancy B. (T.) Credille
.........................................    5    Henry C. Turner     b:
1830 in
                                                  Greene Co., GA
..............................     4    Rebecca Turner b: 1810 in Greene
                                        Co., GA
..............................     4    Henry Pompey Turnerb: October
                                        in Greene Co., GA   d: 1901 in
                                        TX - Montague Co.
..................................      +Elizabeth B. Greene (O'Neil) b:
                                        January 1823 in Georgia  d: 1907
                                        Bowie, TX - Montague Co.
.........................................    5    Archie G. Turner b:
                                                  04, 1856 in MS d:
                                                  15, 1936 in Bowie,
TX -
                                                  Montague Co.
.............................................          +Elizabeth Sarah
                                                       b: April  08,
1856 in
                                                       Attala Co., MS d:
                                                       June 08, 1911 in
                                                       TX - Montague Co.
....................................................   6    Edward
(Edwin) Tan
                                                            b: Oct. 02,
                                                            in Fort
Worth -
                                                            Tarrant, TX
                                                            May 1980 in
                                                            TX -
Montague Co.
...................................................... +Beulah Albright
                                                       b: February 21,
....................................................   6    James Henry
                                                            Turner    b:
                                                            April 16,
1881 in
                                                            Bowie, TX -
                                                            Montague Co
                                                            Dec 12, 1962
                                                            Bowie,TX -
                                                            Montague Co.
........................................................    +Jessie Ray
                                                            McCaskill b:
                                                            August 13,
1888 in
AR -
                                                            Logan Co. d:
                                                            June 06,
1977 in
                                                            Bowie, TX
....................................................   6    A. John
                                                            b: January
                                                            d: 1956
....................................................   6     Minnie
                                                            Turner    b:
                                                            December 06,
                                                            in Bowie,
TX -
                                                            Montague Co.
                                                            in Bowie,
TX -
                                                            Montague Co.
........................................................    +Charles
.........................................    5    Lizzie Turner
.........................................    5    Cornelia (?) Turner b:
                                                  1843 in Mississippi
.........................................    5    Ranson H. Turner    b:
                                                  in Mississippi (?)
.........................................    5    S. Jud Turner b: 1865
d: 1932
                                                  in Bowie, TX
.........................................    5    Jared W.(?) Turner  b:
                                                  February 1865 in MS
..............................     4    Sarah Ann Turner    b: 1819 in
                                        Co., GA
..............................     4    Eliza Turner   b: 1820 in Greene
                                        Co., GA
..............................     4    Reuben T. Turner    b: 1820 in
                                        Co., GA
..................................      +Phebe Ann Bishop
................... 3    Samuel Parker Turner     b: November 11, 1782
.......................       +Sarah Roe
................... 3    Nancy Turner   b: 1784 in MD
................... 3    Noah Turner         b: 1787 in MD
................... 3    Henry Turner   b: 1789 in MD
........  2    Joshua Turner  b: 1761 in Worchester, MD
............        +Eunice Turner
........  2    Phillip Turner b: September 09, 1762 in Worchester, MD
............        +Judith Parker
........  2    Mary Turner    b: 1763 in Worchester, MD
........  2    Zadock Turner, Jr.  b: 1764 in Worchester, MD
............        +Mary Ann Blizzard
................... 3    Elizabeth Turner    b: 1760 in Worchester, MD
................... 3    Sabra (Babia) Turner     b: 1762 in Worchester,
................... 3    Hezekiah Turner     b: February 20, 1774 in
                         Worchester, MD
.......................       +Sarah Giles
*****.............. 3    Thomas Turner  b: August 21, 1774 in
                         Worchester, MD
................... 3    Easter Turner  b: 1782 in Worchester, MD

End of btrvetc-d Digest V98 Issue #60