BTRVETC-L Digest Volume 98 : Issue 61 20 Sep 1998 Today's Topics: Thomas Turner Turner, Joyce Indiana Turners Hey Don Flame! Turners in Maryland Kathy Lincks Burnetts Break! Info re: Brassiers/Brashears Book Re: Indiana Turners Re: Kathy Lincks Burnetts Lineage Elijah Again Admin: Change in List Configuration "jokes" Administrivia: for the Burnett/Turner/Ross/Via/Etc Mailing List (BTRVETC-L) Welcome to all our new subscribers; please send us a message to let us know what lines you are working on. :-) We became automated 19 Jan 1998, with everyone that had been on Nyla Creed DePauk's list of subscribers being subscribed to the digest, which (kind) replaces the compilations. There is also a regular list, where you receive messages one at a time. If you wish that version, unsubscribe from the digest, and subscribe to the regular list (see below). Please do not send your emails to Nyla any longer; if you do, she will send them to the list. Please post your messages to: (that's a lowercase ell, not a number one.) ***** Do not send attachments or multipart MIME messages to the list! ***** ***** Send only plain text. Microsoft Outlook and Express seem to do ***** ***** this without the poster knowing. Check your configuration. ***** ***** Thanks! ***** To unsubscribe, email with the SUBJECT: UNSUBSCRIBE. To subscribe to the regular list, email with the SUBJECT: SUBSCRIBE You can also use the web page at: ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 19 Sep 1998 05:46:35 -0400 From: "Mitosis" <> To: "Btrvetc List" <> Subject: Thomas Turner Message-ID: <00b101bde3b2$6aaf5040$25358acd@mitosis> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Anita... this is from Btrvetc email archive. Haven't seen this book, maybe can find at local library. Would suggest a review of same for your William & Thomas Turner. Checking for William and Thomas in Shadrack... willl advise asap. Might post query to the list, never know who might have something for you. ----------------------------------------------------- X-Sender: Date: Sun, 30 Jun 1996 06:31:41 -0500 To: From: (Pat Chesney) Subject: Terisha Turners family line Hi, Nyla and fellow Turner researchers, I have a copy for a short while of the A History of The Turner Family by William Roskey. Will copy it when I have time and then get it back to its owner. But thought I would give the table of contents in case anyone needs a look up BUT there is not an index and I don't have a lot of time to search so if you recognize a certain family line I will be glad to do look up even if it takes me a while since I know it will be productive. Turner Families of Virginia The Thomas Turner Family of King George Co. The Terisha and Stephen Turner Families of Albemarle Co. The James Turner Family of Bedford Co. The Shadrack Turner Family of Halifax Co. Turner Families of Maryland The William Turner Family of Calvert Co. The William Turner Family of Frederick Co. The Turner Family in NC The Turner Family in NJ The Turner Family in Mass. Turner Families of Conn The Nathaniel Turner Family of New Haven The John Turner family of New Haven The Turner Family in Delaware Appendixes Mrs. Kerenhappuch Turner Turners in the Rev War Turners in Andersonville Prison Homesteading Turner Place Names I have more information on my Suddarth and Terisha Turner ancestors. Have been collecting the names and emails of people researching Terisha Turners line. We might do a side emailing for just this family if we get enough people. I have hard time keeping up with who I've given what info to. Please write me if you are researching Terisha and want to get my info and possibly do a combined emailing. Take care and God bless you! Terri Chesney Pat and Terri Chesney Rt. 5 Box 895 E Waco, Texas 76705 fax: (817)-829-0251 phone: (817)-829-0153 ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 19 Sep 1998 05:59:32 -0400 From: "Mitosis" <> To: "Btrvetc List" <> Subject: Turner, Joyce Message-ID: <00cb01bde3b5$b13d1d00$25358acd@mitosis> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I'm looking for the parents, siblings and ancestors of Joyce TURNER, wife of Charles LEWIS. I have no information on Joyce other than she is believed to be of Irish/Scottish descent and married Charles in 1808, probably in Virginia. --------------- I've researched the Shadrack line for Joyce couple times before. Can only advise were she isn't... Shadrack lineage. _Mitosis_ ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 19 Sep 1998 06:17:35 -0400 From: "Mitosis" <> To: "Btrvetc List" <> Subject: Indiana Turners Message-ID: <012701bde3b7$03b8b980$25358acd@mitosis> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Sandra... curious, you advise James Turner of Bedford which could be Shadrack Lineage. However can't turn your Jesse & Elijah... do you link to Shadrack? Thanks for the info you sent. _Mitosis_ ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 19 Sep 1998 07:42:25 -0400 From: "Mitosis" <> To: "Btrvetc List" <> Subject: Hey Don Message-ID: <014f01bde3c2$95a326e0$25358acd@mitosis> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Don, can you play Guru for queries about the "WILLIAM TURNER CLAN OF MARYLAND". I just don't have enough information and your line appears to cover as much ground as my Shadrack, so if you could "field" some of those inquires it would be a big help and much appreciated. And on a personal note, if they look and act like a "leech" just dust them off, that's my advice. Note this is not a rule of Btrvetc, I have no more "standing", "privledge" on this site than anyone else. However, if they don't want to share then I don't have the time for their questions. One Company, mind you I said company, ripped off June's work so one does have to be careful. Had a fellow just recently send me a gedcom, wanting to exchange for my complete database. I looked at it... AV10 from Ged, damn do this people think we're that dumb! Tis yours to do as you see fit, but you have my comment... Thanks _Mitosis_ ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 19 Sep 1998 08:30:24 -0400 From: "Mitosis" <> To: "Btrvetc List" <> Subject: Flame! Message-ID: <01ab01bde3c9$4cea5840$25358acd@mitosis> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Well, I knew this was coming, just didn't know when. Got another those "anony" emails again. Want belabor you with all however he had one question that was fair to ask, tho I doubt he knew it. (Let me stick this in rat cher for my buddy Caroline... He as you, got a surprise, however his with less pleasant results, "Format C:\") Oh... back to the question. Minus the curse words, "Where did I get my information", as I said, fair question. When I first started, Tess McMillian supplied the base for my database. Thank you Tess. Lots of data from Caroline, Eunice, June, Nyla...heck all the "Sourdough" have contributed something. Thanks Gals Then David backed up my keyboard entry in the order of months... wheee. Thanks David. And the Btrvetc list. If you've a mind you can build a very good database with information hereon. Of course, it shall be awhile before you read this, but it will be in the archives awaiting your return. And a thought you might wish to keep in mind... lighting can strike twice in the same place. _Mitosis_ ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 19 Sep 1998 10:58:32 -0500 (CDT) From: (Kathy Lincks) To: (Mitosis) Cc: (Btrvetc List) Subject: Turners in Maryland Message-ID: <> Content-Type: Text/Plain; Charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7Bit Hi I am fairly new to the list. I joined it because it has Burnetts. Don't think any of mine are on here, but it was nice to see June on this list. We corresponded years ago before email when you had to do it the old fashion way and then wait and wait for your answer. Anyway the reason I am writing. Someone wrote in about Turners in Maryland, I have a book 'The Boston Family of Maryland" there is a few Turners listed in it and I would be happy to look for any of your Turners, just give me a name and date if you have it. Kathy Burnett Lincks ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 19 Sep 1998 12:24:47 -0400 From: "lndshll" <> To: "Burnett Turner News Letter" <> Subject: Kathy Lincks Burnetts Message-ID: <000001bde3ea$059efd80$5981aec7@oemcomputer> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi, What Burnetts do you have ??? I haven't found mine on this list yet.You never know!! Linda Burnett Shull ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 19 Sep 1998 16:38:00 -0400 From: "Mitosis" <> To: "Btrvetc List" <> Subject: Break! Message-ID: <03c201bde40f$36023a80$25358acd@mitosis> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Folks, I got to take a break... 24 hours, I've got to catch up with the requests I have. Most are pretty tough and force me back into my paper documents which really slows things to a crawl. Please post to the list, maybe some will help take up the slack. If you post to the list and don't have some type answer in a week's time, then send me private and I will do the best I can and make sure you get a reply... _Mitosis_ ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 19 Sep 1998 16:30:39 -0400 From: "Eunice B. Kirkman" <> To: "BTRVETC List" <> Subject: Info re: Brassiers/Brashears Book Message-ID: <008201bde413$54fe37a0$d6f463ce@ekirkman> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Date: Wed, 02 Sep 98 21:25:38 PDT From: "Marlene Holmes" <> To: "MD-Roots" <>, Subject: Brashears and variations of the name Message-ID: <> I have been corresponding with this gentleman for over a year now and he has been very helpful in my research. All you out there that are researching this surname/s may be interested in the book he has just finished. THE FIRST 200 YEARS OF BRASHEAR(S) IN AMERICA, and Some Descendants in Western Maryland, the first volume of A BRASHEAR(S) FAMILY HISTORY, is in the mail to the printer! Hooray! The printer tells me I'll have books in 35-40 working days--i.e. about Hallowe'en. WARNING! Don't mistake this for something it isn't. This is a book about descendants of Robert and Benois Brasseur, French Huguenot immigrants to Virginia, c1635, whose surname was Anglicized as Brashear. Over the years, many branches of the family added an "s" to make is Brashears. Benois Brasseur was naturalized in Calvert Co, MD, in 1662, and became known as Benjamin Brashear; he is the progenitor of virtually all Americans with surnames Brashear, Brashears, Brashares, Breshear(s), Breashear(s), Broshear(s), Beshear(s), Boshear(s), Beshires, often Brasher, Brashers, Brashier, Brashiers, sometimes Brazier, and about 35 other spellings. Also, this only treats the first 200 years of the family, mainly in Virginia and Maryland, from about 1635 to about 1835, except that the Western Maryland chapter comes up to the last few years. I'm working on other books that will bring many of the Brashear(s) lines down to more recent times. Vol. 2, for example, will be ROBERT C. BRASHEAR OF NORTH CAROLINA AND SOME DESCENDANTS IN TN, KY, MO, TX, ETC. I'm already nearly finished with that one, but don't know when I'll be able to afford to have it printed. I'm having 60% of the order done in Hard-cover and 40% in Paper back; so you have a choice. The book is 7" by 10", 336 pages long (16 pages of front matter, including contents and a review of the deBrassier Family of Carpentras, France; 300 pages of text (see contents below); and 20 pages of 4-column index--about 3500 entries). In order for me to get my money back on what I think I will sell, I'm going to have to charge $35 for the hard-cover, and $25 for the paperback. I'll pay the packaging and postage, but California residents (sigh) will have to add 7.75% sales tax. It's a pain in the uh-- elbow, but I'm going to have to pay the State, so you'll have to pay me. However, to encourage advance orders (and maybe generate some of the $8000 this book is going to cost me!), I'll discount $5 on each order, hard-cover or paperback, for paid orders I receive during September and October. Send a note, saying which version you want and where you want it sent, along with the money, to Charles Brashear, 5025 Old Cliffs Road, San Diego, CA 92120-1151. I'll mail the books as soon as I get them and can get them into the boxes. If any of you want to order a gift copy for your favorite library, I'll knock $12.50 off the price (that is, you pay $22.50 for the hardback), and I'll send it to the library in your name. Just tell me which library, or let me pick one. Well, inundate me with orders, please. Pass the word on to all your friends and relatives! Copy this and mail it to people like grandmothers, cousins. Here's a run-down of the contents: CONTENTS PREFACE viii WARNING ix The deBrassier Nonsense x Some of Our Conventions: xiv 1. ROBERT BRASSEUR, THE HUGUENOT IMMIGRANT 1 TO ISLE OF THANET, THEN VIRGINIA 3 LAND RECORDS AND HEADRIGHTS 5 ROBERT BRASSEUR's FAMILY 8 ROBERT BRASSEUR's DAUGHTERS 11 PERSIDE BRASSEUR and JOHN COBREATH? 11 KATHERINE BRASSEUR and MARK CLARE? 12 MARTHA BRASSEUR and WILLIAM MOSELEY 14 MARGARET BRASSEUR and THOMAS JORDAN 15 MARY BRASSEUR and JAMES BIDDLECOMBE 21 2. BENJAMIN (BENOIS) BRASSIEUR, The American 23 UPPER BENNETT 25 BENJAMIN BRASHEAR, CITIZEN 30 BENJAMIN'S ESTATE 33 MARY, WIDOW OF THE CLIFTS 33 MARY'S PRENUPTIAL ARRANGEMENTS 37 FAMILY OF BENJAMIN (BENOIS) and MARY BRASSIEUR 39 BENJAMIN BRASSEUR/BRASHEAR JR, 39 JOHN BRASSEUR/BRASHEAR 40 ANNE BRASSEUR and WILLIAM DALRYMPLE 41 Jeannette (Dalrymple) Tucker/ Kent/ Williams 42 SUSANNAH BRASSEUR and MAREEN DUVALL 43 ELIZABETH BRASSEUR and JOHN SELLMAN 45 MARTHA BRASSEUR and HENRY KENT 46 MARY BRASSEUR and CHRISTOPHER ELLIS 49 3. JOHN BRASSEUR, of Nansemond Co, Virginia 50 JOHN'S MOIETY OF ROBERT'S ESTATE 52 Land Records in Surry Co, VA 53 Records in Nansemond Co, VA 54 JOHN BRASSEUR'S FAMILY 55 JOHN BRAZER Jr and ANN GRILL 56 JOHN BRASIER III and ELIZABETH HOLT 60 JOHN BRAZIER IV and ELIZABETH SIMMONS 62 4. THOMAS BRASHER, of Cecil Co, MD 65 LAND RECORDS IN MARYLAND 65 SPECULATIONS 69 5. ROBERT BRASHEUR, II, "Elder" 70 POSSIBLE FAMILY 70 THE SQUABBLE OVER ROBERT'S WILL 71 6. ROBERT BRASHIER, III, The Improvident 77 ROBERT'S POSSIBLE WIVES AND FAMILY 77 ROBERT'S WILL & ESTATE 80 ASSOCIATED FAMILIES; WARING 82 ASSOCIATED FAMILIES: BILLINGSLEY/ PAGET 84 ASSOCIATED FAMILIES: SPRIGG 88 7. THREE BROTHERS OF MARYLAND: 92 BENJAMIN BRASHEAR Sr and MARY JONES 92 THE JONES PUZZLE 93 BENJAMIN'S LAND RECORDS 94 Family of Benjamin Brashear Sr and Mary Jones 95 THOMAS BRASHEAR, Innholder 96 SAMUEL BRASHEAR Sr and ANN JONES 98 SAMUEL'S LAND RECORDS 98 CARPENTRY AND CHURCH RECORDS 101 Family of Samuel Brashear Sr and Ann Jones 103 THE WILL OF SAMUEL BRASHEAR 104 ELIZABETH BRASHEAR and JOHN TURNER Jr 107 ANN BRASHEAR and THOMAS BROWN Sr 109 ROBERT BRASHEAR IV 109 PROVING METES AND BOUNDS 110 Family of Robert Brashear IV and Mary _____, 114 THOMAS BRASHEAR and ANN HYATT 116 CHARLES BRASHEARS and Charles Brashears Jr 117 WAYMACK BRASHEARS and MARY MULLICAN 119 8. BENJAMIN BRASHEAR Jr and REBECCA WALKER 121 The Walker Connection 122 Family of Benjamin Brashear Jr and Rebecca Walker 123 JOHN WALKER BRASHEAR & MARY WELLS 124 Some of Richard Wells Brashears' land transactions: 126 Some other Land Transactions: 128 BENJAMIN BRASHEAR V 129 A SHOCKING DEATH, Miss Dorcas Brashears, 130 10. JOHN BRASHEAR "Junior" and MARY DOWELL 131 DOWELL-TYDINGS-SPARROW 131 JOHN BRASHEAR'S LAND RECORDS 133 NATHAN BRASHEARS Sr & ESTHER SAPPINGTON 141 BENJAMIN BRASHEAR VI and MARY _____ 143 JONATHAN BRASHEAR Sr and ESTER _____ 144 WILKERSON BRASHEAR SR and LURANA _____ 145 WILKERSON BRASHEARS Jr, 147 Judge James Russell Brashears 150 ZADOCK BRASHEAR and ELIZABETH SPARROW 151 THE DISPOSAL OF "BRASHEARS PURCHASE" 152 9. WILLIAM BRASHEAR "Senior" and SARAH WALLINGSFORD 156 WILLIAM, WILLIAM, WILLIAM--Some Revisions 156 The Wallingsford Connection 158 WILLIAM BRASHEAR, the Young Scapegrace 160 LIFE AT "MAJOR'S LOTT" 162 MOVE TO VIRGINIA? 166 11. Speculations About DOWELL BRASHEARS, His Family 169 THE "EXTRA" JONATHAN BRASHEARS, 171 WILKINSON/WILKERSON BRASHEARS, 172 JOSHUA "James" BRASHEAR and ANN CHEW 173 ZADOCK BRASHEARS and ELIZABETH DRANE 174 ZADOCK BRASHEARS Jr, of Cumberland, MD 175 12. SAMUEL BRASHEAR Jr and ELIZABETH BRASHEAR 177 SAMUEL BRASHEAR III and RACHEL BRASHEAR 180 JOHN BRASHEAR & SARAH TILGHMAN(?) 181 CASSANDRA "Cassie" BRASHEAR and CHARLES DUVALL 182 ELIZABETH BRASHEAR and BASIL LUCAS, 183 BARTON BRASHEARS and JEMIMA _____ 184 WILKINSON BRASHEAR and HANNAH BROWNE 186 MORRIS BRASHEAR Sr and MARY ELIZA HOLMES 187 MORRIS BRASHEAR Jr 188 JEREMIAH BRASHEAR Sr and ESTHER BELT/ RACHEL GREEN 189 JEREMIAH BRASHEAR Jr & JEMIMA ?BOWLING 191 BELT BRASHEAR and AMELIA DUVALL 191 13. JOHN BRASHEAR "Senior" and RUTH WALKER 193 Isaac Brashear 201 John Brashears, Son of John 201 Basil Brashear 205 A Generation Later? 205 14. HARD TIMES IN MARYLAND: TWO BROTHERS GO BROKE 207 ROBERT C. BRASHEAR and CHARITY DOWELL 207 Mortgages 208 Arrested for Debt 209 Move to Fairfax Co, VA 209 BASIL BRASHEAR and ANN BELT 210 Early Debts 212 Basil Jumps Bail 213 Migration to North Carolina 214 15. WILLIAM BRASHEAR "Junior" and PRISCILLA PRATHER 215 Prather Family 216 MOVE TO FREDERICK COUNTY, MD 219 CAPT. WILLIAM BRASHEAR Jr 221 Dr. BELT BRASHEAR and ANN COOK 223 CAPT. ELY BRASHEAR and JULIA MAGRUDER 225 Lt. REZIN BRASHEAR & his four wives 226 16. WILLIAM BRASHEARS, The Millwright, and MARGARET CARR 229 BENJAMIN BRASHEARS & SARAH MILLER 230 WILLIAM BRASHEARS IV & SARAH PURTLE 232 THOMAS BRASHEARS & REBECCA HOOD 234 ANDREW JACKSON BRASHEARS and CASSANDRA EWING 235 WILBUR BRASHEARS and SUSAN M. RUTH 236 Stray: WILLIAM C. BRASHEAR, Commander, Texas Navy 237 Vansville/Beltsville Strays 239 17. JOHN BRASHEARS, III, and MARY POTTINGER 241 The Pottinger Connection 242 Some Land Records 244 Move to Piscataway 245 JOHN POTTINGER BRASHEARS and ANN PUMPHREY 247 GASSAWAY BRASHEARS I 250 FRANCIS BRASHEARS I 251 BALTIMORE STRAYS 253 Frank Lee Brashears, unidentified stray 254 Benjamin W. Brashears, unidentified stray 256 Gassaway Brashears II & Amelia Laws 256 18. SOME BRASHEAR FAMILIES OF WESTERN MARYLAND 260 JOSHUA BRASHEARS JR 261 OTHO BRASHEARS and RACHEL HARDING 264 CHRISTIAN H. BRASHEAR and MARY DEMSEY/ ANNA D. CAIN 265 ZACHARIAH A. BRASHEARS and SARAH JANE CHANEY/ SARAH HARSHER 268 JAMES WILLIAM BRASHEARS and ANN ELIZABETH BRAWNER 269 ANDREW JACKSON BRASHEARS and SUSIE M. BOWERS 275 RUSSELL B. BRASHEARS, grandson of Zachariah 278 RICHARD BRASHEAR and ELLEN CLARY 278 SAMUEL ELIAS BRASHEAR and MATILDA FARVER 282 OSBORN S. BRASHEARS and RACHEL DORSEY 284 CORNELIUS BRASHEARS and CATHERINE BRASHEAR 286 FRANCIS E. "FRANK" BRASHEARS and EMMA CATHERINE LOWMAN 289 ERWIN W. BRASHEAR and BERTIE ALDRIDGE 290 GURNEY EUGENE BRASHEARS and MARY RIGLER/ ADA LENNORA MAIN 292 ALFRED C. BRASHEARS and GRACE V. LONG 296 CORNELIUS OSBORNE BRASHEARS and CHRISTINA ELIZABETH GOSNELL 296 RICHARD J. BRASHEARS and SARAH ANN CAIN 297 SOME FAMILY FRAGMENTS: 299 THOMAS BRASHEAR and LOUISA ROHR 299 Hannah Brashear and Joshua Hood 299 Arnold L. Brashears and Anna G. Haney 299 STRAY DATA: 300 INDEX 301 Charles Brashear 5025 Old Cliffs Road San Diego, CA 92120-1151 619/265-7674; 582-5513 e-mail: ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 19 Sep 1998 16:47:57 -0400 From: "Eunice B. Kirkman" <> To: "Mitosis" <> Cc: "BTRVETC List" <> Subject: Re: Indiana Turners Message-ID: <008401bde413$6753d220$d6f463ce@ekirkman> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit James Turner of Bedford County was an uncle of Shadrach. Right church, different pew. That is IF you accept that Richard>John>Shadrach is the lineage. I believe that it is. If you need some info, I'll be glad to send it. -----Original Message----- From: Mitosis <> To: Btrvetc List <> Date: Saturday, September 19, 1998 6:22 AM Subject: Indiana Turners >Sandra... curious, you advise James Turner of Bedford which could be >Shadrack Lineage. However can't turn your Jesse & Elijah... do you link >to Shadrack? >Thanks for the info you sent. >_Mitosis_ > > > ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 19 Sep 1998 17:23:09 -0500 (CDT) From: (Kathy Lincks) To: Cc: (Burnett Turner News Letter) Subject: Re: Kathy Lincks Burnetts Message-ID: <> Content-Type: Multipart/Mixed; Boundary=WebTV-Mail-1126916417-1374 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7Bit --WebTV-Mail-1126916417-1374 Content-Type: Text/Plain; Charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7Bit HI Linda and all, My gg-grandpa was Jeremiah Burnett born Dec. 20, 1830 in Monroe co GA. He married Nancy Ranie who was born in SC. They were married Sept. 1, 1850 (I think in GA) They had children in AL: MS: and LA. Elizabeth E. 1851; Isaac 1853; Martha 1855 all in AL; Martin 1857 MS (my line) and Thomas 1865 in LA. They settled in Winn parish, LA. close to the border of Jackson parish, LA. I found a Jeremiah on the 1850 census of GA listed as 18 years old with parents Pleasant and Martha Burnett both from SC. This is the only Jeremiah that I could find that was close to the right age. I think this might be his parents , if so this census was taken right before he left home and got married. I can not find anything else on Pleasant and Martha.. Thanks for reading this and for any help. Kathy --WebTV-Mail-1126916417-1374 Content-Disposition: Inline Content-Type: Message/RFC822 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7Bit Received: from ( []) by (8.8.5/po.gso.24Feb98) with ESMTP id JAA02936; Sat, 19 Sep 1998 09:28:55 -0700 (PDT) Received: from ( []) by (8.8.8/ms.graham.14Aug97) with SMTP id JAA17127; Sat, 19 Sep 1998 09:28:55 -0700 (PDT) Received: (qmail 4084 invoked by uid 531); 19 Sep 1998 16:28:53 -0000 Resent-Date: 19 Sep 1998 16:28:52 -0000 Resent-Cc: recipient list not shown: ; Reply-To: <> From: "lndshll" <> To: "Burnett Turner News Letter" <> Subject: Kathy Lincks Burnetts Date: Sat, 19 Sep 1998 12:24:47 -0400 Message-ID: <000001bde3ea$059efd80$5981aec7@oemcomputer> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Priority: 3 (Normal) X-MSMail-Priority: Normal X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook 8.5, Build 4.71.2173.0 Importance: Normal X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V4.72.3155.0 Resent-Message-ID: <"CzyT-3.0.c_.4lz0s"@genealogy> Resent-From: X-Mailing-List: <> archive/latest/412 X-Loop: Precedence: list Resent-Sender: Hi, What Burnetts do you have ??? I haven't found mine on this list yet.You never know!! Linda Burnett Shull --WebTV-Mail-1126916417-1374-- ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 19 Sep 1998 21:21:05 -0400 From: "Mitosis" <> To: "Btrvetc List" <> Subject: Lineage Message-ID: <009101bde434$f320fe60$11358acd@mitosis> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Eunice, yes I'm comfortable with the Shardrack, John, Richard secenario. Even begining to like John & Eliza Brashier, thanks for the tips... plan to check those out soon as can catch up. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 20 Sep 1998 00:19:49 -0400 From: "Mitosis" <> To: "Btrvetc List" <> Subject: Elijah Message-ID: <00f501bde44d$eee45cc0$11358acd@mitosis> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Here's a snipe of request rec'd from Fleix... And Fleix if you would repost to the list so all can see, cause I need some help on this one... Also I keep getting hit on "Elijah", Lifus Moody Turner was from Gaffney, born when it was still the Spartanburg District, his father was Felix Littlejohn Turner, his Lawrence Allen Turner, and his Elijah Turner (1772-1859), born somewhere in North Carolina. Can NOT find out for the Love of God who his Father was. ------------------------ Eunice, should I have Elijah somewhere in my James, Shadrack's uncle, decendants? ah hell, never mind I see him now, several more in fact. Thanks for correcting my "goof" to Sandra. Man, I may have really screwed up here... Gotta quit, to tired to do things right. And 13 straight hours in this chair is hurting more than my search ability! Will anyone that ask me about Elijah, see below, repost your message to the list again. Somebody else ask me about "Elijah and Jesse" I'm sure. Maybe with Eunice's help I can get it right this time, (thanks to David's notes) Elijah Turner b. Best guess 1745 to 1750... Albemarle Co. Royal Colony, later Bedford. m. Sarah _?_ Children: Tabitha Sally Richard Dosha Wilson Jesse Meador Rebecca ------------------ ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 20 Sep 1998 01:09:47 -0400 From: "Mitosis" <> To: "Btrvetc List" <> Subject: Again Message-ID: <012201bde454$e71f0ec0$11358acd@mitosis> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Anita... somehow I've dropped your message on Thomas and Indian attack. Could you repost, I want to look at that again. _Mitosis_ ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 20 Sep 1998 08:30:49 -0400 (EDT) From: Christine Gaunt <> To: Subject: Admin: Change in List Configuration Message-ID: <> Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Hi, Folks, I just modified the list's configuration to add a "Reply-to" header to each of the regular version's messages. Now when you go to reply to a list message, your email program should ask you whether you want to use the "Reply-to" address or not. At least, that's the way it works in my program. Chris Christine Gaunt, or Campbell-L and BTRVETC-L listowner ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 20 Sep 1998 14:13:24 -0400 From: "Mitosis" <> To: "Btrvetc List" <> Subject: "jokes" Message-ID: <00a901bde4c2$6f894f60$43358acd@mitosis> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Thought some of these were pretty good... for your review _Mitosis_ >---------- Forwarded message ---------- >Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 17:56:32 GMT >From: >To: >Subject: LDS Lookup Mail >Resent-Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 11:00:44 -0700 (PDT) >Resent-From: I had to share this with all of you. It had me in "stitches"! If it's already been shared, my apologies. :) Elizabeth -------------- These questions are from actual correspondence received by the LDS Family History Library: Our 2nd great-grandfather was found dead crossing the plains in the library. He was married 3 times in the endowment house and has 21 children. **** _Mitosis_... I don't get this one, somebody give me a clue? For running down Wheelers, I will send $3 more. He and his daughter are listed as not being born. I would like to find out if I have any living relatives or dead relatives or ancestors in my family. Will you send me a list of all the Dripps in your library? My grandfather died at age 3. We are sending you 5 children in a seperate envelope. Documentation: Family Bible in possession of Aunt Merle until tornado hit Topeka, Kansas, now only the Good Lord knows where it is.... The wife of #22 could not be found; I have worked on her for 30 years without success; now see what you can do. I have a hard time finding myself in London; if I was there I was very small and cannot be found. This family had 7 nephews that I am unable to find; if you know who they are, please add them to the list. We lost our grandmother. Will you please send us a copy? Will you please send me the name of my first wife. I have forgotten her name. A 14 year old boy wrote: "I do not want you to do research for me. Will you please send me all the material on the Welch line in the U.S., England and Scotland countries? I will do the research." Further research will be necessary to eliminate one of my parents. ----------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- End of btrvetc-d Digest V98 Issue #61 *************************************