BTRVETC-L Digest		Volume 98 : Issue 65
3 Oct 1998

Today's Topics:
	 RE: Peter Burnett
	 Harvey Burnett
	 June Bork
	 Updated website
	 RE: Updated website
	 Burnett, Jesse
	 Seth Burnett
	 (no subject)
	 Address Change
	 Obit - Gussie M Burnett
	 Civil War Veterans

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Date: Tue, 29 Sep 1998 09:23:47 -0500
From: "Kevin K. Stephenson" <>
To: "'Don Knecht'" <>
Cc: "Burnett Family Newsgroup \(E-mail\)" <>
Subject: RE: Peter Burnett
Message-ID: <001701bdebb5$ebefa140$a107ed81@kevinste>
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  Peter Hardeman Burnett was the first governor of California, and yes, I have
a lot of info on him.  He wrote a book, called "Recollections of an Old
Pioneer", in which he outlines his genealogy.  I also have a book entitled
"Cain-Burnett Kin" written by some folks in Texas, which outlines his family in
  In looking through the genealogical info that I have on him, I am unable to
find a Harvey Burnett.  He had no children by that name, and some of his
grandchildren are not listed in my information.  I tend to think Harvey was a
grandchild because Peter's children were born in the period from 1829 to 1841.
Harvey would had to have been born in 1848 or so, which means he could be a son
of one of the older boys.  Dwight Jay Burnett would be the most likely candidate
to be his father, strictly from the timeframe, and Dwight's children included
Harriet/Henrietta Morrow Burnett, Franklin Burnett, George M. Sargent Burnett,
Franklin Wilcox Burnett, Rometta Burnett, Ruby Letitia Burnett, Armistead Dudley
Burnett, and Peter Hardeman Burnett.
  I am a member of the Burnett-Turner-Via-Ross newsgroup, so I will forward your
question to them and see if anyone knows more.  If you have any other
information about Harvey which might shed some light, send it along and we'll
try to help!
	Kevin Stephenson
-----Original Message-----
From: Don Knecht []
Sent: Monday, September 28, 1998 11:17 PM
Subject: Peter Burnett

I hear you have researched a lot of info on Peter Burnett - the one I'm
interested in is the same that was the first Governor of California.   Do
you have any idea of children he might have had? My only link is Harvey
Burnett who died in the early 1880s at the age of 32 or so.  He may have
been a son but I have not been able to make the link - any help?


Date: Tue, 29 Sep 1998 10:34:46 -0500
From: Betty Mirly <>
To: "" <>
Subject: Harvey Burnett
Message-ID: <>
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My grandfather and ggrandfather were both Harvey Burnett. I would be
interested in finding someone else with that name because I haven't been
able to get past my gggrandfather Quinton Burnett. Thanks


Date: Tue, 29 Sep 1998 11:08:13 -0700
To: "" <>
Subject: Harveys
Message-ID: <>
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Whenever submitting inqueries about a certain person, you will need to
give approximately dates; where they lived; name of spouse; name of
child that you descend from and other siblings if you have them. 
whether you have found them on a certain census and then give the state,
county, page #, etc.  The more you tell, the most likely you will get an

There were many Harveys all over U.S.


Date: Tue, 29 Sep 1998 15:59:20 -0500
From: Betty Mirly <>
To: "" <>
Subject: June Bork
Message-ID: <>
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I was actually trying to sent my message to Don Knecht. He is the one
who mentioned Harvey Burnett. Sorry I got the wrong person.


Date: Tue, 29 Sep 1998 17:29:38 -0400
From: "Mitosis" <>
To: "Btrvetc List" <>
Subject: ?
Message-ID: <001901bdebf0$48a9ae00$66358acd@mitosis>
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Now that's what I call having the winning lottery ticket in hand, then
flushing down the hopper  :=0


Date: Wed, 30 Sep 1998 00:08:05 -0500
From: "Kevin K. Stephenson" <>
To: "Burnett Family Newsgroup \(E-mail\)" <>
Subject: Updated website
Message-ID: <000001bdec33$07e3d1a0$3707ed81@kevinste>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Hi cousins!
  I thought I would let you know that I have UPDATED my website!  The download
page now contains ALL of the compilations, and the 98 digests, numbers 1-63.  As
the 'old-timers' to this list are aware, I have kept 'zipped' files containing
all of our correspondence on my web page for close to two years, but it hadn't
been updated in awhile(I only had up to #278 in the compilations, and none of
the automated digests).  Chris's homepage is the place to go to look at or
search the compilations on-line, but if you want to browse and search them at
your leisure, off-line,  and would like to have copies of them on your computer,
then go to my website, hit the Burnett Family Tree Research page, and go to the
download site.  There are links on this page to WinZip and PKZip, which are
utilities that you can use to work with zip files.  Sorry it took so long to
catch up!!
  I have been recently been corresponding with some descendants of Pryor
Burnett(1855-1943), and am attempting to run down as many of his descendants as
I can find.  This line runs back through James Cunningham Burnett(1776-1839),
who was born in Pittsylvania County, VA, and died in Shelby County, KY.  I would
love to correspond with anyone related to this branch of the Burnetts(this line
also ties to George Burnett and Dorothy Hardeman, parents of Peter Hardeman
Burnett, first Governor of California).
  June Bork and I have been trying to get information on the estate of George
Burnet, James Cunningham's grandfather, from Prince Edward Co., VA.  So far I
haven't had much luck.  Anyone close enough to that area to go do some
  I am still willing to post any old Burnett (or Turner or Via or Ross or etc.)
photos on the site that anyone wants to share.  I also have a flatbed scanner,
and am willing to scan and digitize any photos for any of the cousins.  If you
have any rare photos you want to share, and you'd like them put on CD-Rom, if
you will loan them to me to scan, I'll put them on CD for you also!  CD's are
supposed to be good for about 30 years, but if you take care of them, they'll
last a lot longer than that!

Kevin K. Stephenson
1600 Kentucky St. #2
Lawrence, KS  66044


Date: Wed, 30 Sep 1998 03:54:14 -0400
From: "Mitosis" <>
To: "Btrvetc List" <>
Subject: Hum...
Message-ID: <008201bdec47$871e8780$5a358acd@mitosis>
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Watching a "zoo keeper" on TV today, as he tried in vain to gain
attention of "Steps" horse gave cause to reflect upon advice my
grandfather imparted in years past.  "If you want 'Rodie' (mule) to see
that apple son, hold it to the side of his head, ain't no eye in his
nose".   Hum... maybe "zoo keepers" should pull a tour on the "farm"
before diploma.



Date: Wed, 30 Sep 1998 10:47:11 -0400
From: "Barbara F. Bonham" <>
To: <>
Subject: RE: Updated website
Message-ID: <000901bdec81$34941c20$b1628cd0@tfsweb>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Please note my email address change:


Barbara Bonham


Date: Wed, 30 Sep 1998 17:26:11 +0000
From: "Frank H. Miller" <>
Subject: Burnett, Jesse
Message-ID: <>
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For anyone who is following the Jesse and Judith Prince line on down 
tho Enoch, James C. and Adeline Burnett, James Swan and Mae Burnett, 
James Eugene Burnett died 9-28-1998 Little Rock, Ar. Burial will be 
Clinton, Ar. Clinton, Cemty.
Thank You,


Date: Wed, 30 Sep 1998 16:24:51 -0700
To: "" <>
Subject: Seth Burnett
Message-ID: <>
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My message to Bob was returned:
Maybe he will see it here:

The only thing I have for a Seth L. Burnett in Hancock Co, OH is:

Seth, b. about 1821 in Hancock Co
married 18 Sep 1843 to Sarah Hoy
A few of the children were listed on 1850 Census, p.491, Orange Twp:

Mary A. Burnett, b. ca 1844
Leonora Burnett, b. ca 1845
Eliza Lavina Phebe Burnet, b. ca 1848
Sarah Ann Burnett, b. ca 1850

The only Burnet in 1840 Hancock Co Census, p.48, Richland Twp:
William Burnet.  You need to see this census to find if there is a male
the age of Seth.

Sorry I couldn't be of more help.  June


Date: Wed, 30 Sep 1998 22:10:08 EDT
Subject: (no subject)
Message-ID: <>
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Beckley, Raleigh Co WV, online newspaper 30 Sep 1998.

Gussie Burnett
GILROY, Calif. -- Gussie Burnett, 93, formerly of Beckley, died Friday, Sept.
25, in Gilroy.
Arrangements by Richardson Funeral Home, Bluefield.


Date: Thu, 1 Oct 1998 04:41:40 -0400
From: "Barbara F. Bonham" <>
To: <>
Subject: Address Change
Message-ID: <000601bded17$4ee98740$4e628cd0@tfsweb>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Please change my address to:


Date: Fri, 2 Oct 1998 01:37:41 EDT
Subject: Obit - Gussie M Burnett
Message-ID: <>
Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
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From:  Register-Herald online, Beckley WV, newspaper (http://register-

Gussie M. Burnett
GILROY, Calif. -- Gussie M. Burnett, 93, formerly of Beckley, died Friday,
Sept. 25, in Gilroy.
Born June 24, 1905, at Hinton, she was the daughter of the late Andrew and
Brinnie Medley.
Mrs. Burnett married William C. Burnett of Perry County, Ala., on June 10,
1943, and they later became members of Welcome Baptist Church.
She was known by her love for her family and friends.
She was preceded in death by nine brothers and sisters.
Mrs. Burnett was the last surviving member of her immediate family.
Survivors include a son, David C. Burnett; a daughter-in-law, Barbara; four
grandchildren, Sandra, Lauren, David, and Robert; three great-grandchildren;
three stepchildren, Willis, Earl, and Angelet; a host of nieces, nephews,
relatives and friends.
Services will be noon Saturday at the Welcome Missionary Baptist Church of
Beckley, with the Rev. D.F. Allen officiating. Burial will follow in the
Harris Family Cemetery in Lovern.
Friends may call one hour before the services Saturday at the church.
Arrangements by Richardson Funeral Home, Bluefield.


Date: Fri, 2 Oct 1998 21:11:33 -0400
From: "Eunice B. Kirkman" <>
To: "BTRVETC List" <>
Cc: "VA-ROOTS" <>, "ROOTS-L" <>,
  "Patrick County List" <>
Subject: Civil War Veterans
Message-ID: <002301bdee6a$e2c446e0$74f463ce@ekirkman>
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Those seeking records of soldiers who fought in the Civil War should write

Reference Services Branch (NNIR)
National Archives and Records Administration
7th and Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20409

And request copy of:  NATF Form 80 (11-87)

Fill out the forms, giving as much info as you have on each soldier and mail
to the address listed on the form.  Send no money,  I believe the cost is
about $10 for each application processed, but only if they find a record.
They will notify you if they find a record and tell you then how much to

It takes time, so the sooner you get the forms, the sooner you'll get a
record.  I've gotten records, then applied to the Veterans Affairs and
gotten free monuments for my gr-grandfather and one of his brothers.

Good luck!

Eunice B. Kirkman *****

End of btrvetc-d Digest V98 Issue #65