BTRVETC-L Digest Volume 98 : Issue 68 20 Oct 1998 Today's Topics: Archibald TURNER/Mary CREASY Seven Turner Sisters RE: Ancestry Post Offices odds and ends ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 16 Oct 1998 00:31:14 -0400 From: Allen Richmond <> To: BTRV Etc <> Subject: Archibald TURNER/Mary CREASY Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Howdy Cousins: Hope this isn't redundant for some of you, but saw this on the Franklin Co list and thought I'd pass it along -- looks like a familiar one! :-) [NOTE: Let * RUSS * know of your interest ... I'm just the messenger!] ______________________________________________________________________ Subject: Turner Date: Thu, 15 Oct 1998 23:08:34 -0500 From: "Russ Turner" <> To: Hi folks, I'm new, and here is my problem.... Archibald TURNER married Mary Creasy in 1825 in Bedford County, possibly the part that became part of Franklin County, VA . They had at least 5 children, one of which was named Obidah. Obediah was my great grandfather. He married Nancy Dent in West Virginia, after the Civil War. I am trying to find information on Archibald. My understanding is that Archibald was a mean slave owner, and Obediah and his mother, Mary, used to sneak food to the slaves. During the Civil War, Archibald and Mary's home was burned and they had to live in the caretaker's home. After the War, Obediah, his brother John, and 2 of the former slaves moved to West Virginia, where they lived the rest of their lives. One of the former slaves became a barber in Kanawha County, and used to cut my father's hair. Where would I look to find land records of Archibald's plantation? I have come to a dead end when it comes to him. Any help would be appreciated. Russ Turner, The Woodlands, Texas ______________________________________________________________________ Happy Hunting! Allen -- Allen Richmond ^� ^� Scioto Trails ^� OHGebWeb County Host Coordinator ^� In the asking comes sharing; in sharing comes knowledge; in knowledge comes wisdom which lasts a lifetime. --ar. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 17 Oct 1998 11:49:14 EDT From: To: IA-NEB-ROOTS-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU,, MISSOURI-ROOTS-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU, OHIO-ROOTS-L@LISTSERV.INDIANA.EDU, Subject: Seven Turner Sisters Message-ID: <> Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit My Bedford Co, Virginia.Turner's (Albert, son of Meador and Piety Hackworth) finally settled in Page and Taylor Co., Iowa, via Preble and Clinton Countys, Ohio. Albert and his wife, Elizabeth Hiatt, had eleven children, eight of which lived to adulthood. The only male was my GGrandfather, Asher Hiatt Turner. The other seven, all women, are the subject of this message. I would like to find out what happened to their descendents. The seven are as follows: 1. Narcissus M. Turner, b: 8/6/1843, Clinton Co., Ohio; m: John West, 2/22/1874, Taylor Co., Iowa. 2. Rosena J. Turner, b: 6/20/1856, Clinton Co., Ohio; m: Lorenzo Kent, 2/1862, Page Co. Iowa. My Grandfather, Alonzo Turner, tells how he was born (1885) in a "dugout" house on the farm of 'Ren Kent, in Lincoln Co., Kansas. I have land records and census records of Lorenzo Kent's short time in Lincoln Co. 3. Mary Ellen Turner, b: 7/1/1849, Clinton Co., Ohio: m: Benjamin Kelso, 3/16/1865, Page Co., Iowa. I have a copy of a land tranaction, where Albert transfers a parcel of land, 16 rods x 24 rods, to the township for $40. The land was to used to erect a school. The representative who made the deal for the township, was Benjamin Kelso, his son-in-law. Benjamin and Mary Ellen are buried in the Memory Cemetary, Page Co. Their marker is an obelisk, with the notation, of a child, who died and was buried in Indiana. 4. Sarah Alice Turner, b: 8/11/1853, Clinton Co, Ohio; m: Alfred H. Raynor, 7/3/1873, Taylor Co. Iowa. Like the Kent's, the Raynors lived and farmed for a while in Lincoln Co., Kansas. The History of Taylor Co. Iowa, lists several Raynors, but there is no mention of a relationship with Alfred. 5. Laura F. Turner, b: 3/26/1856, Clinton Co., Ohio, m: William D. Harris, 2/28/1877, Taylor Co., Iowa. The Harris's are both buried in the Memory Cemetary. My GGrandfather, Asher, (Laura's brother) is also buried in their plot. 6. Emma C. Turner, b: 5/16/1860, Page Co., Iowa; m: John H. Beale, 2/6/1861. Mayville, Missouri (just over the state line from Taylor Co.). 7. Demaries May Turner, b: 2/9/1863, Page Co., Iowa; m: Orlando V. Long,MD, 3/1/1883, Taylor Co.,Iowa. She went by May, but died, 11/26/1905. Dr. Long, who was highly regarded physician in Gravity, Iowa, remarried, and died in 1916 of a heart attach. He and May had a daughter, Myrtle. I would appreciate any information about any of these families. My Grandfather tells of visiting his Turner cousins in Southern Califonia, in 1965. I believe that they were Beale cousins, but I can't say for sure, nor can I say that they were the only family represented. Vern Turner Menlo Park, California ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 18 Oct 1998 10:06:15 -0500 From: "Kevin K. Stephenson" <> To: "'Russ Burnett'" <> Cc: "Burnett Family Newsgroup \(E-mail\)" <> Subject: RE: Ancestry Message-ID: <001f01bdfab0$7c7e9320$7a07ed81@kevinste> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Russ-- I don't have anything on your line in my files, but I'm sure someone in our Burnett Research Group probably does. I'm forwarding your message to the group in hopes someone else may have something. Kevin. -----Original Message----- From: Russ Burnett [] Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 1998 10:26 AM To: kevinS@UKANS.EDU Subject: Ancestry Hi Kevin; I've been looking through your web-site and have down loaded the compression files. I've gotten through about 80 of the files so far looking for some lose ends in my line of Burnett's. My line travels through Floyd Co., VA to Bedford Co., VA. I have a G-G-G Grandfather named Josiah Burnett b. abt 1806 in Bedford Co., VA. He married a Jemimah Dickerson in 1824 in Montgomery Co., VA. His father was Samuel Burnett b. 1785, m. Sarah Smith in 1804, Bedford Co., VA. His father was also named Samuel but that is all I have on him. I was wondering if by chance you might have some info on this line of Burnett's. Waddie Salmon is also looking into this for me. I would appreciate any help that you can offer. Thanks. Your probable cousine, Russ ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 18 Oct 1998 22:41:34 -0700 From: "Jim Spencer" <> To: <>, <> Subject: Post Offices Message-ID: <000001bdfb23$21f874c0$8b4d82d0@default> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Can someone tell me what the name of the post office was at the current Patrick Springs, Virginia location. I know that Patrick Springs became a post office in 1925 and that prior to that it was called Shuff, Virginia and prior to that it was called Spa Brook Station, Virginia. What I need to know is the name of the post office for that area prior to that, or what was the name of the closest post office to that area. /s/ Jim Spencer ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 19 Oct 1998 22:11:34 -0500 From: "Libby Nations" <> To: "Burnett,ect. Mailing List" <> Subject: odds and ends Message-Id: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Here are some Burnetts I found in searching different records. Thought it might help someone else. Blount Co., TN Marriages: H. T. Burnet married Margaret Wayman 29 Sep. 1850; Margaret S. Burnet married James Goodin 22 Aug. 1855; William M. Burnett married Laticia Sharp 15 Mar. 1839; Edward Burnette married Rachell Cheetwood 20 Jul. 1801; John S. Burnette married Lydia S. Danforth 12 Nov. 1818. Also found a Amos Burnett in the 1810 Pendleton Co., SC census. Also a JOhn Burnett in the 1840 Anderson Co. SC Census and the 1840 Tax records for Anderson Co.SC. Hope this is helpful. Libby Nations -------------------------------- End of btrvetc-d Digest V98 Issue #68 *************************************