BTRVETC-L Digest		Volume 98 : Issue 69
23 Oct 1998

Today's Topics:
	 Rightson TURNER, 1815-1863
	 Re: Post Offices
	 Brurnett help needed
	 Re: Margraet (Peggy) Burnett- 1827-1864
	 Reposting info re: LDS CDs
	 Re: Reposting info re: LDS CDs
	 Re: Brurnett help needed
	 Re: Reposting info re: LDS CDs
	 Reposting info re: LDS CDs
	 Re: Reposting info re: LDS CDs
	 LDS Family History Resource Series
	 Quick Shots


Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 09:04:31 EDT
Subject: Rightson TURNER, 1815-1863
Message-ID: <>
Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit

I'm searching for information on Rightson Monroe Turner, b. 1815 in Maryland,
farming in Franklin County Indiana by 1840, moved to Amazonia, MO in c. 1858,
died 1863.  Is there anyone with Turner roots in Maryland that can give me
some leads to his father and mother?  Thanks, Gary Turner


Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 11:38:01 PDT
From: "Mary Smith" <>
Subject: Re: Post Offices
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain


I don't know if this will answer your question, but "Virginia 
Postmasters & Post Offices 1789-1832," compiled by Edith Axelsom, lists 
the following post offices in Patrick Co.:  Ararat (est. May 1825); 
Bakersville (est. Feb 1817, discontinued 1822); Hairston's Store (est. 
as Corn's Store Dec 1816, changed to Hairston's Mar 1820, discontinued 
Jun 1824); Patrick Court House; & Penn's Store.  John Wood's 1816 map 
also shows a post office at Hine's Mill.  I don't know which one might 
have been closest to Patrick Springs.

Mary C. Smith

>From Sun Oct 18 19:54:08 1998
>Received: (qmail 20337 invoked by uid 531); 19 Oct 1998 02:54:09 -0000
>Resent-Date: 19 Oct 1998 02:54:08 -0000
>Resent-Cc: recipient list not shown: ;
>From: "Jim Spencer" <>
>To: <>, <>
>Subject: Post Offices
>Date: Sun, 18 Oct 1998 22:41:34 -0700
>Message-ID: <000001bdfb23$21f874c0$8b4d82d0@default>
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: text/plain;
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>X-Mailing-List: <> archive/latest/504
>Precedence: list
>Can someone tell me what the name of the post office was at the current
>Patrick Springs, Virginia location.  I know that Patrick Springs became 
>post office in 1925 and that prior to that it was called Shuff, 
Virginia and
>prior to that it was called Spa Brook Station, Virginia.  What I need 
>know is the name of the post office for that area prior to that, or 
what was
>the name of the closest post office to that area.
>/s/ Jim Spencer

Get Your Private, Free Email at


Date: Wed, 21 Oct 1998 23:53:31 -0400
From: "Eunice B. Kirkman" <>
To: "BTRVETC List" <>
Subject: Brurnett help needed
Message-ID: <013d01bdfd77$cef462a0$3af463ce@ekirkman>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

I'm passing this on from ROOTS-L.  Thought maybe some of you Burnette
researchers could help her.

Subject: Thomas Barnett & Sarah Barrett

Thomas Barnett was born about 1764 in Maryland or Virginia, was orphaned
at age 7 and was married in 1795 to Sarah Barrett, daughter of Arthur
and Elizabeth (Baldwin) Barrett.  They had a family of 12 children--8
girls and 4 boys.  Each of the sons carried Barrett as a middle name.
My great-grandfather was Enos Barrett Barnett who was married first to
Mary Hiatt and second to Eliza Jane Broyles.  Enos was born in Harrison
Co., Ohio, migrated to Ringgold Co., IA for awhile, then to Mercer Co.,
MO where he died and is buried.  Thomas Barnett is really my big
question.  Who were his parents and where and when was he born.  I have
the Bible record from the Barrett Bible about his marriage to Sarah, but
where were they married.  They were living in Frederick Co., VA.
Sarah's father was Quaker and her mother was Methodist.  My grandfather
said that he thought Thomas was born in Maryland and that he was brought
to VA by friends--could it have been Friends, meaning Quakers.  Thank
you for any help.



Date: Thu, 22 Oct 1998 06:36:02 -0400 (EDT)
From: Christine Gaunt <>
Subject: Re: Margraet (Peggy) Burnett- 1827-1864
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Hi, Mamie,

I don't have the answer to your query, but perhaps someone on the
Burnett/Turner/Via/Ross/Etc list does.  I'm taking the liberty of Cc'ing
to the list; hope you don't mind. :-)


On Sun, 18 Oct 1998 wrote:

> Hi, I am looking for this lades parents, she was born in Indiana and died
> there.  I believe she had a brother by the name of John, and her father may
> have been John also.   She married my mothers great grandfather, in Washington
> County Indiana, Andrew Gullett.    Thanks Mamie  

Christine Gaunt, or
Campbell-L and BTRVETC-L listowner 
Co-compiler of Genealogy Resources on the Internet
       File (2.4M):  via autoreply from


Date: Thu, 22 Oct 1998 11:14:25 -0400
From: "Eunice B. Kirkman" <>
To: "ROOTS-L" <>
Cc: "BTRVETC List" <>,
  "VA-ROOTS" <>
Subject: Reposting info re: LDS CDs
Message-ID: <00cd01bdfdd2$c661ce60$7bf463ce@ekirkman>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

I've received so many different questions regarding these sets that I'll
repost all of it.  I ordered both sets, but the North American set will not
be shipped for two more weeks, so I can't answer questions about it.  I did
receive the British Vital Records yesterday and  I am very pleased with

These disks hold much more than just a list of names.  I was able to trace
three of my ancestors, find their marriage record, then find a list of their
children.  And, most important, you know that these are the actual records.

You must have a Pentium processor, Windows 95 or 98, at least 16MB RAM, and
20MB of hard disk space.  Each set comes with a program called Resource File
Viewer that can be used with both sets.  It is simple to install, and it is
very simple to do the searches.  You can't beat the prices!  Broderbund will
turn green with envy!

Church Distribution Center
1999 West 1700 South
Salt Lake City, Utah 84104-4233
(800) 537-5950

British Vital Records Index (1538-1888), (Item #50028) 5 CDs, Price: $15
This product is an index to parish registers, civil registration records and
other records collections in parts of England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland.
Nearly five million names. Four CDs contain birth and christening records;
one CD lists marriages.  Set of 5 CDs  $15 US

North American Vital Records Index (1620-1888), (Item #50029) 7 CDs, Price:
This product is an index to church and civil records and some other records
collections in partsof the United States and Canada. Nearly five million
names. Six CDs contain marriage records;one CD lists births and


Date: Thu, 22 Oct 1998 12:36:07 -0400 (EDT)
From: Christine Gaunt <>
To: "Eunice B. Kirkman" <>
cc: ROOTS-L <>, BTRVETC List <>,
Subject: Re: Reposting info re: LDS CDs
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

I just ordered all of their CDs and was told that both the North American
Vital Records Index and the British Vital Records Index are on back order. 
The total came to $73.14. :-)

Check out their web page at:

for more details on the CDs.

Christine Gaunt, or
Campbell-L and BTRVETC-L listowner 
Co-compiler of Genealogy Resources on the Internet

On Thu, 22 Oct 1998, Eunice B. Kirkman wrote:

> I've received so many different questions regarding these sets that I'll
> repost all of it.  I ordered both sets, but the North American set will not
> be shipped for two more weeks, so I can't answer questions about it.  I did
> receive the British Vital Records yesterday and  I am very pleased with
> them!


Date: Thu, 22 Oct 1998 12:41:55 -0400 (EDT)
From: Christine Gaunt <>
To: "Eunice B. Kirkman" <>
cc: BTRVETC List <>
Subject: Re: Brurnett help needed
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII


There are also Barnett and Barett mailing lists - check the "B" mailing
list web site at:

It's about 188K -- good thing the Ba's are near the top. :-)

Christine Gaunt, or
Campbell-L and BTRVETC-L listowner 
Co-compiler of Genealogy Resources on the Internet


Date: Thu, 22 Oct 1998 17:17:44 -0400
From: "Eunice B. Kirkman" <>
To: "BTRVETC-L" <>
Subject: Re: Reposting info re: LDS CDs
Message-ID: <006401bdfe03$fe79e400$6df463ce@ekirkman>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Oops, you ordered all of them, I only ordered two sets.  But heavens, the
price is certainly right.  The British set is fantastic.  Broderbund should
have such quality at such a price.

-----Original Message-----
From: Christine Gaunt <>
To: Eunice B. Kirkman <>
Cc: ROOTS-L <>; BTRVETC List <>;
Date: Thursday, October 22, 1998 12:36 PM
Subject: Re: Reposting info re: LDS CDs

>I just ordered all of their CDs and was told that both the North American
>Vital Records Index and the British Vital Records Index are on back order.
>The total came to $73.14. :-)
>Check out their web page at:
>for more details on the CDs.
>Christine Gaunt, or
>Campbell-L and BTRVETC-L listowner
>Co-compiler of Genealogy Resources on the Internet
>       Web:
>On Thu, 22 Oct 1998, Eunice B. Kirkman wrote:
>> I've received so many different questions regarding these sets that I'll
>> repost all of it.  I ordered both sets, but the North American set will
>> be shipped for two more weeks, so I can't answer questions about it.  I
>> receive the British Vital Records yesterday and  I am very pleased with
>> them!


Date: Thu, 22 Oct 1998 17:52:14 -0400
From: "Eunice B. Kirkman" <>
To: "ROOTS-L" <>
Cc: "VA-ROOTS" <>,
  "BTRVETC List" <>
Subject: Reposting info re: LDS CDs
Message-ID: <00a901bdfe06$4c72e920$6df463ce@ekirkman>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

The LDS has more than one set of records, Christine ordered all of them.  I
only ordered the North american and the British Vital Records totaling $34.
The URL gives all of the info re: all sets.
X-Message: #8
Date: Thu, 22 Oct 1998 12:36:07 -0400 (EDT)
From: Christine Gaunt <>
Subject: Re: Reposting info re: LDS CDs

"I just ordered all of their CDs and was told that both the North American
Vital Records Index and the British Vital Records Index are on back order.
The total came to $73.14. :-)"

Check out their web page at:

for more details on the CDs.


Date: Thu, 22 Oct 1998 18:40:17 -0400 (EDT)
From: Christine Gaunt <>
To: VA-ROOTS <>,
  BTRVETC List <>, ROOTS-L <>
Subject: Re: Reposting info re: LDS CDs
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Hi, Folks,

I was writing my previous message while on my lunch break at work, so it
was a bit short.  I should have emphasized the word "all", but didn't.

There are 5 CDs (sets?) available from the LDS, not just the new ones. 
>From the web page: 

British Vital Records Index (1538-1888), (Item #50028) 5 CDs,
	Price: $15 (new; on back order)
North American Vital Records Index (1620-1888), (Item #50029) 7
	CDs, Price: $19 (new; on back order)
Family History SourceGuideT, (Item #50176), Price: $10
1851 British Census, (Item #50096) 1 CD, Price: $5
Australian Vital Records Index (1788-1905), (Item #50095) 4 CDs,
	Price: $20

Also mentioned on the same web page are the CDs they have in the works: 
the 1880 U.S. Census and the 1881 British Census, expected out in early

The CDs are made from microfilmed records, the data from which is not
copyrighted, but the resulting CD is, as "The resulting data is then
indexed, and in the case of the vital record indexes, automated into
valuable resource files that improve ease of access and save time for
family history devotees."  I only mention this because I'd hate to start
seeing exerpts from these CDs appearing on web sites....   

Also, as with *any* extraction of data from records, there undoubtedly are
errors.  The CDs will help to find resources, but I'll still be writing
for copies of the originals. :-) 

That URL again is

Christine Gaunt, or
Campbell-L and BTRVETC-L listowner 
Co-compiler of Genealogy Resources on the Internet


Date: Thu, 22 Oct 1998 18:01:58 -0400
From: "Eunice B. Kirkman" <>
To: "ROOTS-L" <>
Cc: "VA-ROOTS" <>,
  "BTRVETC List" <>
Subject: LDS Family History Resource Series
Message-ID: <000001bdfe32$dbb2f400$b7f463ce@ekirkman>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Items from the Family History Resource File CD-ROM Series are available
Church Distribution Center
1999 West 1700 South
Salt Lake City, Utah 84104-4233
800-537-5971 [from the U.S. or Canada]
801-240-1126 [international]
FAX orders:
Product description:
     �    British Vital Records Index (1538-1888), (Item #50028) 5 CDs,
Price: $15
     This product is an index to parish registers, civil registration
records and other records
     collections in parts of England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. Nearly
five million names.
     Four CDs contain birth and christening records; one CD lists marriages.
     �    North American Vital Records Index (1620-1888), (Item #50029) 7
CDs, Price: $19
     This product is an index to church and civil records and some other
records collections in
     parts of the United States and Canada. Nearly five million names. Six
CDs contain
     marriage records; one CD lists births and christenings.
     �    Family History SourceGuide , (Item #50176), Price: $10
     The first automated Windows  product of its kind for the Church,
SourceGuide is an
     automated research guide. Product does not show information about
individuals, but will
     help the researcher by listing the types of records and sources needed
to find the
     requested information. CD is designed for those who know basic
information about their
     ancestors, but now need to search original sources to complete their
personal records.
     Also compiles information from more than 150 research guides developed
at the Family
     History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah.
     �    1851 British Census, (Item #50096) 1 CD, Price: $5
     This product is an index to the census records of Devon, Norfolk, and
Warwick counties
     only. About 1.5 million names were transcribed from original census
returns. Includes
     such information as a person's name, relationship to head of household,
sex, age,
     occupation, birthplace, and residence.
     �    Australian Vital Records Index (1788-1905), (Item #50095) 4 CDs,
Price: $20
     This product is an index to records from New South Wales (1788-1888),
     (1803-1899), Victoria (1837-1888), and Western Australia (1841-1905).
The index
     contains about 4.5 million records of births, christenings, marriages,
and deaths.

For more information, contact Dan Rascon 801-240-1977 or Paul Nauta


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 15:40:32 -0400
From: "Mitosis" <>
To: "Btrvetc List" <>
Subject: Quick Shots
Message-ID: <008c01bdfed0$d5d1efc0$33358acd@mitosis>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

For lack of better, this shall be called "Quick Shots"

When you are receive "new" material, certainly it must be reviewed, also
it is often necessary to exam long existing data for error.  All of the
following suggestions can be found in books regarding Genealogy,
internet sources etc. This is but naught a "Check List" to use in your
review. The "obvious" I have tried to elimante from the list...
it's those "out of sight, out of mind" this list attempts to addresses.

Therefore, if you have a "aid" in use of the nature of those noted, just
add the next applicable number and "Quick Shot", and repost the entire
message.  In this manner it should be possible to simply copy the "one"
document and aid to your files for quick reference. As always,
suggestions are encouraged


1...There are approximately three generations per century.

2..Average age for men to marry was 24. They rarely married before age

3...The average age for women to marry was 20. They rarely married
before age 16.

4...First marriages were usually between couples near the same age.
Women generally outlived their husbands, but older widowers frequently
married much younger women who had never been married before.

5...Birth generally occurred at two-year intervals. Frequently the first
child was born a year after marriage. As a woman aged, the interval
between births grew slightly. Child bearing generally ended around age

6...Families and neighbors usually migrated together from their previous
location. Women rarely traveled alone.

7...Men usually married women from their neighborhood, but if a
seemingly "strange" woman turned up, check the man's former home. Often
men returned to their prior residence to find a wife.

8...If you can't find an old parent, chances are he/she "went West" with
a son.

9...If you have a male ancestor born around 1840, strongly consider
Civil War service.

10...If your ancestor has a virtue name (e.g. Patience, Charity,
Silence) consider a New England heritage.

11...Children were often named for grandparents, both male and female.

12....Frequently middle names or even a first name was the mother's or
grandmother's maiden name, especially if the name was repeated through
several related families.

13...Nicknames, they can be elusive and have different associations than
those in our time.  Build a reference file for these.

14...Note "breaks in birth pattern", this may indicate missing children
or death at early age.


End of btrvetc-d Digest V98 Issue #69