BTRVETC-L Digest		Volume 98 : Issue 72
8 Nov 1998

Today's Topics:
	 Re: Introducing Sonny Griffith
	 Re: BTRVETC-L Digest V98 #70
	 "New Web Page"
	 Help, anyone?
	 Re: sickness and death

for the Burnett/Turner/Ross/Via/Etc Mailing List  (BTRVETC-L)

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know what lines you are working on. :-)

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Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 00:10:32 -0500
From: Jerry Baker <>
Subject: Re: Introducing Sonny Griffith
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Marv Griffith wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I am new to the lists and want to introduce myself.  My name is Sonny
> Griffith, AKA Marvin Griffith, and I am researching the Griffith, Bryant,
> Semones, Cochran, and Eanes lines, plus a considerable number of side
> families some of which are Cannaday, Hall, Ingram, Lyon, Martin, Rakes,
> Spencer, Thomas, Turner, Underwood, and Worsham.  I have posted Outline
> Descendant Tree files for the Griffith, Bryant, Cochran and Eanes families
> plus a file listing everyone in my Family Tree Maker database on my home
> page at  My
> biggest challenge right now is trying to find the parents of John Crafty
> Griffith.  Any help would be appreciated with him or with any of my lines
> and hopefully my data will be of some benefit to some of you.  Thanks.
> Sonny Griffith

Hello what Halls do you have I have a Liscom Hall b. 1720 were? died
after May 1802 in Pitt Co Nc.

Any help would be great.
Jerry D. Baker
Clan Baker


Date: Sun, 1 Nov 1998 17:21:51 EST
Subject: Re: BTRVETC-L Digest V98 #70
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Hi all... Yes, Chief John Ross's friend was John Greenberry Burnett, born in
Sullivan County, TN in 1810 and died there in 1893. He was a guide on the
"trail of tears" and acted as a translator.  <a copy of a letter he wrote on
his 80th birthday can be found on the internet at the place referenced below
... I have a copy of the handwritten version and the original is in the
Cherokee Museum in NC>

He was also my g-g-g-grandfather.  If folks are interested in him, let me
know...   I've tried to find more about him via this list
(parents) but no luck yet!  Not really met anyone else out here researching
him or his family either... oh well..!  Gary


Date: Mon, 02 Nov 1998 14:15:01 -0500
From: "Wm. W. Turner" <>
To: "" <>,
  "" <>,
  "" <>,
  "" <>,
  "" <>
Subject: "New Web Page"
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Hello everyone, I have just updated my web page and I thought I would send it through the
lists. I have just had a course online on html and I would  enjoy any comments you may
have. The web page has my ancestry surnames on them.

Her is my URL  

Wm. W. Turner
South Shore, KY


Date: Mon, 2 Nov 1998 23:28:18 -0500
From: "Eunice B. Kirkman" <>
To: "BTRVETC List" <>
Subject: Help, anyone?
Message-ID: <002501be06e2$69c44ac0$feac99ce@ekirkman>
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Date: Mon, 2 Nov 1998 19:05:58 EST
Subject: What can I try Next? Help!

I'm still searching for info on Wallace BARNETT.  Someone tell me what to
I've tried Census, Church Records, Tax List, Newspaper Obituary, Cemetery
Records, Marriage Records, and I still don't know the names of his parents.
The Census does indicate that his parents were born in TN but that's all I
know.  Should I just give up?  Here is all that I know about him:

Wallace BARNETT was born 28 May 1843 in Missouri (according to ARK 1870/1880
Census and according to the date on his Tombstone at Harmony Methodist
Cemetery and Church Records (between Magnolia and Taylor, AR)).

I've been unsuccessful at finding a Barnett with a son named Wallace in the
1850 and 1860 MO census.

Wallace's name appears in the 1865 Tax List for Magnolia, AR

Wallace marries Martha Wheelus 30 Nov 1866 in Magnolia, AR (according to
Marriage Record)

Child born to Wallace and Martha: Wm Lindsay Barnett was born 3 Sep 1867 in
Columbia Co. AR (according to Columbia County, AR 1870/1880 Census)

Wallace appears on the Tax List 1868 for Magnolia, AR

Wallace is shown on Census 1870 Buena Vista, AR

Child born to Wallace and Martha:  Lucy Barnett was born 1872 (maybe) in AR
(according to 1880 census).

Wallace marries Annie Colquitt 20 Nov 1873 in Columbia Co. AR (according to
Marriage Record).

Child born to Wallace and Annie:  Garnett Barnett was born 26 Nov 1874 AR
(according to 1880 Census).  Garnett died 26 May 1891 in AR.

Child born to Wallace and Annie:  Jane Barnett was born 1879 (maybe) AR
(according to 1880 Census).

Wallace is shown on 1880 Census for Georgia, Columbia Co, AR

Wallace's son, Wm Lindsey marries Sallie POE on 28 Aug 1891. His son was
living in Sharman, AR at the time of the marriage (according to marriage

Wallace died 22 Jan 1897 in Magnolia, AR (Buried in Harmony Methodist Church
Cemetery).  No obituary was found in Newspaper microfiche.

Reply to:


Date: Sun, 8 Nov 1998 03:22:19 -0500
From: "Mitosis" <>
To: "Btrvetc List" <>, "Eunice" <>
Subject: Re: sickness and death
Message-ID: <002201be0af0$fba6e440$130d1bd0@mitosis>
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    Eunice and I have often discussed the number of people that passed
on due to the "fever".  She has spoken of the many children recorded in
her research of death records in Patrick Co. Va. who encountered this
disease.  This prompted a little reseach on my part to see how
widespread this problem might be...  At present, veiwing records in the
Clinch Valley area of Tn., and found the following:
    Knoxville Register
    27 October 1830

    A list of the Deaths by fever in the upper end of Hawkins County,

    Mr. Lame, Mr. Smallwood and wife, Mr. Falkner's child, a poor woman
at Ross's, Mrs. Anne Morrison and her two sons, George Morrison's wife,
Robert Hamilton, Mr. Albert, Widow Alexander, Mrs. Pratt and grandchild,
Joseph McCullough, Polly Harrell, Mr. Harless, Philip Winegar, Andrew
Forgey and wife, George Smith, Tho. McKurgan, Mr. Surgenor, Mrs. North,
Mrs. Long, Mrs. McDaniel, Mrs. Skelton wife of Wm. Skelton, Mrs. Skelton
wife of James Skelton, children of widow McPheeters, Samuel McPheeters,
Jno. McPheeters and two daughters, widow of George Curry, Henry
Marshall, widow Curry, Rebecca Curry, Samuel Curry and wife, a child of
Mr. Lawson's, Mrs. Ball, a negro belonging to Thomas Morrison, In all

    These are all the deaths by fever in the upper end of Hawkins
County, since about the first of July, in about 20 miles on Holston
river, from Ross's bridge to four or five miles below Surgoinsville. The
sickness has been confined to about a mile on each side of the river.
There have been probably 400 people sick in this bounds. A great number
are still sick but generally their cases have become fever and ague. The
sick have been very subject to relapses, and there are few who have been
sick that are perfectly recovered. There have been but six new cases
since the late rain, and perhaps none within the last five or six days.
More than two thirds of those who have died were old people, or at least
past the prime of life. -- The fever is a bilious remittent and
intermittent, and in soe cases, early in the season, highly malignant.
Laterly there have been a great many cases of fever and ague. The people
have suffered much for want of Doctors and medicine.

End of btrvetc-d Digest V98 Issue #72