BTRVETC-L Digest		Volume 98 : Issue 76
27 Nov 1998

Today's Topics:
	 Turner Robert Taylor m Sarah Jane Sparger - Surry Co NC
	 Re: Louisa Sinai Turner
	 Re: BTRVETC-L Digest V98 #76

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Date: Sat, 21 Nov 1998 10:37:47 EST
Subject: Turner Robert Taylor m Sarah Jane Sparger - Surry Co NC
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Greetings to Everyone:
	I received the following email from  If you're able to help
her, please respond to her directly since  I don't believe she's a member of
the BTRVETC-L.   Nyla

You mentioned among the names you are researching, the name of Turner. Have
you run across any Taylors in your search? This is just a long shot for me. My grandfather was Turner Robert Taylor. He was married to Sarah Jane
Sparger. He lived in Mt. Airy, Surry Co. NC and died about 1854. The 1850
lists his birthplace as Virginia, which is, of course, just right next door to
Mt. Airy. I can't help thinking that there was a Turner connection somewhere
in his family. I have wondered if his mother may have been a Turner. No real
basis for this, but sometimes hunches prove to be helpful. Any help
Blessings and Happy Thanksgiving,
Sally K.


Date: Sun, 22 Nov 1998 21:29:02 -0500
From: "Mitosis" <>
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Jacob Helms
m(1)  Nancy Webb 8 March 1806. Nancy died (no date)
m(2). Rebecca Williams 17 Dec. 1822 in Patrick Co.
Rebecca had five children:
Children are:

Trying to run down these people.  It was suggest to me that Jacob may be
the father of Thomas H. Helms who married Lousia Sinai Turner d/o James
Turner of Bedford.  If anyone can point me in the right direction should
would appreciate it.  Even if not connect to Thomas & Sinai, kinda like
to know where they do belong.



Date: Sun, 22 Nov 1998 23:44:22 -0500
From: "Eunice B. Kirkman" <>
To: "BTRVETC-L" <>
Subject: Re: Louisa Sinai Turner
Message-ID: <000d01be169c$3fec1ba0$cbf463ce@ekirkman>
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>It was suggest to me that Jacob may be
>the father of Thomas H. Helms who married Lousia Sinai Turner d/o James
>Turner of Bedford.  If anyone can point me in the right direction should
>would appreciate it.  Even if not connect to Thomas & Sinai, kinda like
>to know where they do belong.

This is what I have on this couple.  I hope it helps.

1. Jacob (William) Helms b. ca    1738, m. Mary Ann ---, b. ca     1740,
Virginia, d. 28-Mar-1828.  Jacob died ca    1780, Virginia.
 From "FLOYD COUNTY, A History of It's People and Places," by Dr. Amos D.
     "The Helms family lived in Franklin County, VA before coming to what is
now known as Floyd.  The name was probably spelled
"Helm" originally.  Johan Nicklaus Helm arrived at Philadelphia, Aug. 24,
1750, from Rotterdam; Johan Jacob Helm arrived at
Philadelphia, Sept 19, 1752, from Amsterdam; Joh. Jacob Helm and John Jacob
Helm arrived at Philadelphia Oct. 26, 1754, from
amsterdam; John Frederick Helm arrived at Philadelphia Sept 23, 1766, from
Rotterdam; J. Frantz Helm arrived at Philadelphia, Oct.
3, 1768, from London.
     Meredith Helm was a Major in the Colonial wars, residing in Frederick
County {Maryland} from 1755 to 1761.  Thomas Helm, with
his two sons, Meredith and William J., and one daughter, Margaret (who
Ambrose Barnet, June 8, 1791) were living within the
limits of Augusta County....
     The Helms family of Floyd is derived from Thomas Helms, who lived at
foot of Daniel's Run in Franklin County, and Adam
Helms, a brother, who lived on Goblintown Creek in Patrick County."
           i John Helm b. ca     1761, d. unknown.  Married Anna Ockerman.
          ii Peter Helm. Married Leah Shoults.
         iii Jacob Helm, Jr.. Married 1st. Nancy Webb Helm, d/o Adam and
Constance Webb Helm. 2nd. Rebecca Williams.
             Children by Mary Ann ---:
    2.    iv Adam Helm b. abt 1765.
    3.     v Thomas Helm b. 11-Jan-1773.

                                                          Second Generation

2. Adam Helm b. abt 1765, Franklin Co., VA?, m. 27-Apr-1789, Constance Webb,
b. ca     1763, Franklin Co., VA?, (daughter of
Cuthbert Webb and Mary Burton) d. unknown.  Adam died unknown.  Lived on
Goblintown Creek in Patrick County.
    4.     i Jacob Helms b. abt 1800.
          ii John Helms b. abt 1805, Patrick Co., VA?.
    5.   iii Anna Helms b. abt 1810.
    6.    iv Matthew "Mat" Helms b. abt 1815.
           v Benjamin Helms b. 1820, Virginia.
          vi William Helms b. 1823, Virginia, m. 16-Mar-1847, in Floyd Co.,
VA, Ann Pugh, b. 1825, Virginia.
    7.   vii Thomas Helm b. 1801.

3. Thomas Helm b. 11-Jan-1773, Franklin Co., VA, m. (1) 10-Aug-1795, in
Franklin Co., VA, Mary "Polly" Webb, b. ca     1776,
Franklin Co., VA, (daughter of Cuthbert Webb and Mary Burton) d. 1807, m.
7-Mar-1808, in Franklin Co., VA, Mary E. "Betsy"
Prillaman, b. ca     1788, Virginia, (daughter of Daniel Prillaman and Ann
O'Brian) d. unknown.  Thomas died 5-Nov-1854, Virginia.
             Children by Mary "Polly" Webb:
           i Sarah Helm b. 4-Apr-1799, Franklin Co., VA, d. unknown.
             Children by Mary E. "Betsy" Prillaman:
    8.    ii Fleming Helms b. ca 1810.
         iii Barbara Helms b. abt 1812.
    9.    iv Daniel Prillaman Helms b. 21-Apr-1809.
           v Elizabeth Helms b. abt 1818, Virginia.
   10.    vi Thomas H. Helms b. abt 1820.
   11.   vii Adam Helms b. 1828.
        viii Samuel Helms.
          ix Nancy Helms.
           x Sarah "Sally" Helms.
          xi Lucy Helms.
         xii Lavinia Helms.
        xiii James Helms.
   12.   xiv Joseph Helms b. 1838.


                                                          Third Generation

4. Jacob Helms b. abt 1800, Virginia, m. 17-Dec-1822, in Patrick Co., VA,
Rebecca "Becky" Williams, b. 1796, PCVA, (daughter of
Samuel Williams and Lavinia "Winey" Martin) d. 10-Jun-1856, Patrick Co., VA.
Rebecca: Cause of death, Dropsy. (Congestive Heart
           i Samuel Helms b. 7-Sep-1839, Patrick Co., VA, m. 7-Mar-1861, in
Patrick Co., VA, Ruth A. Handy, b. 1840, Patrick Co.,
             VA, (daughter of James Handy and Nancy Hughes). Samuel died
8-Jun-1862, Patrick Co., VA.  Cause of death: "Catarrhal
          ii Thomas J. Helms b. 1838, Patrick Co., VA, m. 7-Oct-1858, in
Patrick Co., VA, Louisa J. Whaling, b. abt 1840.  Thomas
             died Nov 1861, Raleigh Co., ?  / Army of Confederacy.  Cause of
death: Fever. Louisa: Daughter of Pleasant and Louisa

5. Anna Helms b. abt 1810, Virginia, m. 24-Nov-1831, in Patrick Co., VA,
Arrington, Jr., b. 1812, Virginia, (son of John
Arrington, Sr. and Susannah Bolling).
           i John H. Arrington b. 1832, Patrick Co., VA, m. 2-Mar-1854, in
Patrick Co., VA, Ann T. Potter Blankenship, b. abt 1830,
             Patrick Co., VA.
          ii Jacob Arrington b. 2-Nov-1836, Patrick Co., VA, m. 22-Oct-1857,
in Patrick Co., VA, Susan Elizabeth Edwards, b. 1835,
             Patrick Co., VA, (daughter of Joseph H. Edwards and Elizabeth

6. Matthew "Mat" Helms b. abt 1815, Virginia, m. Sarah Amanda Howard,
(daughter of Major Howard and Sara "Sallie" Shelor).
           i Jacob Tazewell Helms b. 10-Apr-1844, Virginia, m. in Virginia,
Malinda T. Cannaday, b. ca     1843, Floyd Co., VA,
             (daughter of William A. Cannaday and Sarah Jane Shelor) d.
          ii Malinda Helms m. in Virginia, Thomas Banks Cannaday, b. ca
1845, Floyd Co., VA, (son of William A. Cannaday and
             Sarah Jane Shelor) d. unknown.
         iii Thaddeus Helms.
          iv James Helms.
           v Henry Helms.
          vi Major Helms.

7. Thomas Helm b. 1801, Franklin Co., VA, m. 27-Mar-1819, in Virginia, Mary
"Polly" Weddle, b. 1798, Virginia, d. 1880.  Thomas died
           i Benjamin Helm b. 10-Aug-1820, Virginia, m. 7-Dec-1844, in
Montgomery Co., VA, Nancy Booth, b. 1810, Floyd Co., VA, d.
             21-Jan-1880.  Benjamin died 1905.

8. Fleming Helms b. ca 1810, Virginia, m. Elizabeth Prillaman.
           i James William Helm b. ca 1855, Franklin Co., VA, m.
in Franklin Co., VA, Judith Elizabeth Corn, b.
             11-Nov-1860, Patrick Co., VA, (daughter of Peter Corn and Nancy
Clementine Turner) d. 2-Aug-1947, Patrick Co., VA.

9. Daniel Prillaman Helms b. 21-Apr-1809, Franklin Co., VA, m. 21-Apr-1830,
Franklin Co., VA, Jane Iona Turner, b. 3-Oct-1808,
Virginia, (daughter of George Wilson Turner and Mildred Stone) d.
Patrick Co., VA, buried: Shady Rest Cemetery, Patrick
Co., VA.  Daniel died 9-Mar-1896, Patrick Co., VA?, buried: Shady Rest
Cemetery, Henry Co., VA.
           i Ruth Helms b. 11-Apr-1833, Virginia, m. 14-Nov-1850, in
Co., VA, William R. Hagwood, b. ca 1830, Virginia.
             Ruth died 29-May-1911, Patrick Co., VA.
          ii Thomas Steven Helm b. 16-Nov-1834, Nola, VA, m. 7-Feb-1861, in
Henry Co., VA, Mary Eliza Jamison, b. ca 1851, Henry
             Co., VA, d. 5-Mar-1938, Henry Co., VA.  Thomas died 5-Dec-1911,
Henry Co., VA.
         iii George Turner Helms b. ca 1836, Franklin Co., VA, m.
in Henry Co., VA, Martha Matilda Via, b. 2-May-1850,
             Henry Co., VA, (daughter of Robert Via and Elizabeth Spencer)
5-Mar-1938, Henry Co., VA.  George died 16-May-1917,
             Henry Co., VA.
          iv Mary Jane Helm b. ca 1839, Franklin Co., VA, m. 16-Jan-1861, in
Franklin Co., VA, Neuson Page, b. ca 1835, Virginia.
             Mary died bef 1896.


           v Mildred "Milly" A. Helm b. Jan 1840, Franklin Co., VA, m.
14-Feb-1856, in Franklin Co., VA, Phillip Prillaman, b. ca
             1835, Franklin Co., VA, (son of Isaac Prillaman and Ruth ---).
          vi Martha Helm b. ca 1842, Franklin Co., VA, m. 10-Sep-1867, in
Henry Co., VA, Thomas J. Shumate, b. ca 1840, Virginia.
         vii John Dallas Helms b. 24-Dec-1845, Franklin Co., VA, m.
3-Mar-1868, in Franklin Co., VA, Mary Elizabeth Farmer, b.
             29-May-1853, Patrick Co., VA, d. 1-Sep-1933.  John died
30-Jul-1878, Virginia.
        viii Samuel Helm b. Feb 1848, Franklin Co., VA, d. 17-Apr-1859,
          ix Eliza E. Helm b. 15-May-1849, Franklin Co., VA, m. 11-Apr-1867,
in Franklin Co., VA, William Benjamin "Buck" Via, b. ca
             1845, Virginia.
           x Infant Helm b. Sep 1850, Franklin Co., VA, d. same day.
          xi Isaac Washington Helms b. 1-Jan-1854, Patrick Co., VA, m. (1)
18-Nov-1875, in Franklin Co., VA, Martha Louise King, b.
             13-Mar-1857, Franklin Co., VA, d. 10-Mar-1900, Patrick Co., VA,
m. (2) 6-Feb-1901, in Patrick Co., VA, Sarah Jane
             "Sally" Thompson, b. 17-Jan-1871, Patrick Co., VA, (daughter of
William Pleasant Thompson and Sarah Agnes Hall) d.
             17-Nov-1942, Patrick Co., VA.  Isaac died 16-Nov-1922, Patrick
Co., VA.
         xii Louisa A. Helm b. 4-Jul-1858, Patrick Co., VA, m. (1)
17-Jan-1878, in Franklin Co., VA, James M. Davis, b. ca 1850,
             Virginia, d. bef 1883, m. (2) 6-Feb-1883, in Franklin Co., VA,
Wiley Beauregard Jamison, b. ca 1850, Virginia.
        xiii Frances Helm b. ca 1857, Patrick Co., VA, m. 20-May-1883, in
Henry Co., VA, David Esles, b. ca 1850-55, Virginia.

10. Thomas H. Helms b. abt 1820, Virginia, m. 6-Mar-1847, in Patrick Co.,
Louisa Sinai Turner, b. 1828, Virginia, (daughter of
Obadiah Turner and Frances Lavinder).
           i Thomas Obediah Helm b. 1847, Franklin Co., VA, m. (1)
in Franklin Co., VA, Elizabeth Stone Joyce, b. ca
             1847, Franklin Co., VA, d. 20-Aug-1881, Franklin Co., VA, m.
Aug 1919, in Henry Co., VA, Martha A. Hutcherson, b.
             ca 1857, Stokes Co., NC.
          ii Mary J. Helms b. ca 1850, Franklin Co., VA, m. 22-Jan-1871, in
Patrick Co., VA, Asa Underwood, b. ca 1845, Virginia.
         iii Barbara F. Helms b. ca 1852, Franklin Co., VA, m. 18-Mar-1883,
Franklin Co., VA, William J. Wilson, b. ca 1850,
          iv John W. Helms b. ca 1854, Franklin Co., VA, m. 16-Jan-1908, in
Henry Co., VA, Lenora E. Young, b. ca 1870, Franklin
             Co., VA.  Both were listed as widowed on marriage record.
           v George D. Helms b. 1-Oct-1858, Patrick Co., VA.
          vi Ellen Helms b. 1859, Patrick Co., VA.
         vii Sarah Elizabeth Helms b. 18-Sep-1861, Franklin Co., VA, m.
3-Apr-1884, in Franklin Co., VA, Thomas E. Lawless, b. 1865,
             Patrick Co., VA, (son of George W. Lawless and Rosanna M.
        viii Ioway Helms b. 12-Sep-1861, Patrick Co., VA, m. 2-Nov-1882, in
Patrick Co., VA, James Preston Lawson, b. 1861, Patrick
             Co., VA, (son of John Lawson and Kiziah Cockram) d. 1945,
Co., VA.  Ioway died 10-Jul-1941.  Marriage record
             lists parents as T. & S. Helms.  Birth and Death dates from
Certificates issued by the State of Virginia.  Obituaries
             for two of her sons give conflicting information as to her
name.  One lists Iowa Preston, the other Iowa Waylon.
          ix James B. Helms b. ca 1865, Virginia.

11. Adam Helms b. 1828, Virginia, m. 29-Mar-1855, in Patrick Co., VA, Joyce
Lavinia Knowles, b. 1834, Patrick Co., VA, (daughter of
Joshua Knowles and Jane Harbour).
           i Mary Jane Helms b. 9-Jan-1856, Patrick Co., VA, m. 21-Jan-1873,
in PCVA, Isaac Abraham "Abe" Conner, b. 2-May-1848,
             Patrick Co., VA, (son of Jonathan Conner and Rozina Ingram) d.
24-Oct-1915, Patrick Co., VA.  Mary died 29-Jan-1911,
             Patrick Co., VA.
          ii Jacob Helms b. 12-Dec-1857, Patrick Co., VA, m. 10-Sep-1878, in
Patrick Co., VA, Lucinda "Lucy" Adeline Pendleton, b.
             25-Dec-1858, Patrick Co., VA, (daughter of Wilson T. Pendleton
and Sarah Elizabeth Conner) d. 15-Apr-1953, Patrick Co.,
             VA.  Jacob died 10-Nov-1945, Patrick Co., VA.
         iii Abram M. Helms b. 1860, Patrick Co., VA.
          iv Louisa Elizabeth Helms b. 1864, Patrick Co., VA, m.
in Patrick Co., VA, Jefferson J. Cockram, b. 1856,
             Patrick Co., VA, (son of Alexander Cockram and Sallie (Sarah)
           v George W. Helms b. 1866, Patrick Co., VA.
          vi Fleming Helms b. 1868, Patrick Co., VA.

12. Joseph Helms b. 1838, Virginia, m. 1857, in Virginia, Malinda Ann ---,
1842, Virginia.
           i Susan Helms b. 1858, Patrick Co., VA.


          ii Lavinia Helms b. 1860, Patrick Co., VA.
         iii Joseph B. Helms b. 1865, Patrick Co., VA.
          iv James T. Helms b. 1867, Patrick Co., VA.


Date: Thu, 26 Nov 1998 18:45:56 -0500
From: Judith Prince <>
Subject: Re: BTRVETC-L Digest V98 #76
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Does anyone know where the Cockrams of Franklin and Patrick counties
came from?

End of btrvetc-d Digest V98 Issue #76