BTRVETC-L Digest Volume 98 : Issue 77 29 Nov 1998 Today's Topics: info. please Trails... Thomas Houston Burnett Addendum to Trails Re: Thomas Houston Burnett Re: info. please Information Administrivia: for the Burnett/Turner/Ross/Via/Etc Mailing List (BTRVETC-L) Notice: There were computer problems at Genealogy Online that resulted in many Digests being posted as #76. The last one is probably the one you will want to look at, and discard the first ten or so. To keep more from reaching your mailbox, I broke the link between the regular list and the digest, and had temporarily subscribed the digest subscribers to the regular list. So sorry for the inconvenience! I believe the problem has been fixed. Please let me know if it hasn't. Thanks! Chris Gaunt, Welcome to all our new subscribers; please send us a message to let us know what lines you are working on. :-) Post your queries to: (that's a lowercase ell, not a number one.) To unsubscribe, email with the SUBJECT: UNSUBSCRIBE. To subscribe to the regular list, email with the SUBJECT: SUBSCRIBE You can also use the web page at: ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Nov 1998 15:19:40 EST From: To: Subject: info. please Message-ID: <> Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit Happy Thanksgiving to my Burnett kin! Does anyone know anything about Mary Jane Burnett Mallard from Marble Falls , Texas? If living she would probably be in her 80's. (Husbands name is J.B.(Tug) Mallard) My mom asked me to see what I could find out about her (like is she still alive, still living in Texas, etc.) , so I told her I'd ask the list. Thanks. Patricia Johnson (daughter of Mana Mary Byrd Burnett Johnson) ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 26 Nov 1998 12:40:39 -0500 From: "Mitosis" <> To: "BTRVETC-L" <> Subject: Trails... Message-ID: <009701be1963$e7627a40$6d0d1bd0@mitosis> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit While on this information kick... another I've found useful. I hope I'm giving credit properly... believe I got this from Allen Richmond's site. Well, think his a lurker, so maybe he can clairfy. I had reformatted to include in my files and somehow lost the source... nothing new for me! Happy Turkey to all _Mitosis_ ====================================== Early American Roads and Trails THE BOSTON POST ROAD A crude riding trail was created in 1673 to carry mail from New York to Boston. It became known as the Boston Post Road. The first postrider's round trip, a journey of over 250 miles, took four weeks, following the Upper Northern Route. The Middle Route was a bit shorter, the Southern Route a bit longer. All went from Boston to New York City. The first stagecoach in service (1772) made the trip in just one week. During the Revolutionary War, the King's Highway (which included the Boston Post Road) became the mustering point for several of the Revolutionary War battles, including the final battle at Yorktown. The Post Roads were used for maneuvering soldiers and equipment. Stagecoach service and the mail took second place. Following the War, the Post Roads became important links between the states of the new nation and sections were improved. BRADDOCK'S ROAD The predecessor of this military road was called Nemaolin's Path, named for the Delaware Indian who assisted Colonel Thomas Cresap in blazing a path from Cumberland, Maryland to a trading post of the Ohio Company of Virginia at present-day Brownsville, Pennsylvania. Soon after Virginia's governor sent Major George Washington in that direction to expel the French from British territory. To accommodate his supply wagons, it was necessary to widen the trail, and that portion became known as Washington's Road. Washington went with Britain's Major General Edward Braddock during the French and Indian War. A company of 600 soldiers set out from Ft. Cumberland to widen Washington's old road through Maryland, past the ruins of Fort Necessity on into western Pennsylvania, moving toward the French stronghold at the Forks of the Ohio, site of present-day Pittsburgh. Braddock's road was the first road to cross overland through the Appalachian Mountains. He insisted that the road be 12 feet wide so that horse-drawn wagons could travel on it to haul the necessary supplies for his advancing army. As the years advanced, Braddock's Road became impassable. Pioneers who trekked into western Pennsylvania usually preferred to depend on packhorse trails, traveling in caravans. When construction began on the new Cumberland Road, it roughly followed this old road. The Cumberland Road and its extension West became known as the National Road and now U.S. Highway 40. CALIFORNIA TRAIL Following the discovery of gold in California, President James Polk's Message to Congress on December 5, 1848, set off a raging epidemic of gold fever. 40,000 gold seekers came to California by sea. An almost equal number came overland on the California-Oregon Trail, making the 2000-mile journey by covered wagon, horseback, or on foot. Around 10,000 came by the Santa Fe Trail into southern California. The most frequently traveled overland route to the gold fields was the one that followed the Oregon Trail from the Missouri River to the Rocky Mountains, and from there down the California Trail to Sutter's Fort. St. Joseph, Independence, Council Bluffs, and other frontier towns were jumping-off points to start this main trail overland to California. The trail coincided with the Oregon Trail until it crossed the Rockies. Then, some went north of the Great Salt Lake, others south, before coming together at the Humboldt River. Gold-seekers heading for California included city people who were inexperienced with outdoor life. Many were without experience at handling mules or oxen; they couldn't fix wagons; they didn't know how to hunt. They didn't anticipate the dangers of the trail and relied too heavily on guidebooks which were frequently misleading. Those who failed to join companies with experienced outsdoorsmen ran great risk of being stranded or lost in the wilderness. Nevertheless, many preferred to travel on their own. Some rode horses or mules, used ox-drawn wagons, or walked. THE FALL LINE ROAD The Fall Line Road ran parallel to and between the King's Highway and the Upper Road. The road broke off from the King's Highway at the town of Fredericksburg, Virginia. By 1735, it carried traffic into the interior of Virginia and the Carolina and across into Georgia. The road followed the fall line, a geographical feature caused by erosion, a separation line stretching from Maryland all the way to Georgia, running between the river tidelands and inland elevations on the Atlantic coast--it defines an east and west division between the upper and lower elevations. Persons traveling from Pennsylvania to Maryland to the inland areas of Carolina before 1750 probably followed this road because it was an easier road to travel than the Piedmont road (called the Upper Road). The road was of particular importance to the Carolinas because it connected them to their neighbors. North Carolina's local laws called for building roads only "to the nearest landing," which created a haphazard system of major roadways which led only to water routes. The result had been that although the major towns in North Carolina soon had roads, they didn't lead to each other! The road saw heavy use during the Civil War and afterwards, and was gradually improved. THE GREAT WAGON ROAD including THE GREAT VALLEY ROAD Hordes of early German and Scotch-Irish settlers used what became known as the Great Wagon Road to move from Pennsylvania southward through the Shenandoah Valley through Virginia and the Carolinas to Georgia, a distance of about 800 miles. Beginning first as a buffalo trail, a great Indian Road (the Great Warrior Path) ran north and south through the Shenandoah Valley, extending from New York to the Carolinas. The mountain ranges to the West of the Valley are the Alleghenies, and the ones to the east constitute the Blue Ridge chain. The Second Treaty of Albany (1722) guaranteed use of the valley trail to the Indians. At Salisbury, North Carolina, the Great Warrior Path was joined by the Indian's "Great Trading Path." By the early 1740s, a road beginning in Philadelphia (sometimes referred to as the Lancaster Pike) connected the Pennsylvania communities of Lancaster, York, and Gettysburg. The road then continued on to Chambersburg and Greencastle and southward to Winchester. In 1744, the Indians agreed to relinquish the Valley route. Both German and Scotch-Irish immigrants had already been following the route into Virginia and on to South Carolina, and Georgia. After 1750 the Piedmont areas of North Carolina and Georgia attracted new settlers. >From Winchester to Roanoke the Great Wagon Road and the Great Valley Road were the same road, but at Roanoke, the Wagon Road went through the Staunton Gap and on south to North Carolina and beyond whereas the Valley Pike continued southwest to the Long Island of the Holston, now Kingsport. The Boone Trail from the Shallow Ford of the Yadkin joined the road at the Long Island of the Holston. THE KING'S HIGHWAY >From Boston to Charleston on the King's Highway was about 1300 miles. It was possible to travel this road by wagon, averaging about 20-25 miles per day. A traveler making the entire journey would have taken at least two months. Conestoga freight wagons, drawn by four to six strudy horses, were especially designed for mud with iron-rimmed wheels nearly a foot wide. The road's origins are traced to the old Delaware Indian trail (across Jersey) which Peter Stuyvesant used to force out the Swedes in 1651. Then in 1673, in response to King Charles' wish that communication be established between his colonies, the first crude riding trail was created for mail service between Boston and New York. Named the "Boston Post Road," it eventually expanded into "the King's Highway." By 1750, a continuous road existed for stagecoach or wagon traffic from Boston to Charleston, linking all thirteen colonies, but the road was a difficult one to travel. During the Revolutionary War, the King's Highway as a link between the colonies helped them to coordinate their war efforts. However, the name was looked upon with such disfavor by American patriots that many began once again to use the name "Boston Post Road." THE MOHAWK (IROQUOIS) TRAIL The Mohawk Trail of New York, also known as the Iroquois Trail, extended from Albany west to the eastern end of Lake Erie, where Buffalo is now located. This was the most northerly route through the Appalachian Mountains, leading from New York's Hudson Valley along the Mohawk River on to the Great Lakes. It was used heavily by New York's early emigrants and was much involved with the state's early history. Today's maps show the travel route as the New York Thruway (I-90) from Albany west. From about 1680 the French-Iroquois Country was a major stronghold. A wagon trail reached from Albany to Lake Erie after the French and Indian War and became a part of the route followed by Loyalists into Upper Canada, later to become Ontario. The Mohawk Turnpike opened as far as Utica by 1793. In the 1820s this route became that of the Erie Canal, and in 1845 it became the route of the New York Central Railroad. THE MORMON TRAIL The Mormon Trail stretched nearly 1,400 miles across prairies, sagebrush flats, and steep mountains. Each had its challenges for the early wagon trains and the later handcarts. The Mormon Trail originated in Nauvoo, Illinois, and extended westward to Utah where they established Salt Lake City. In 1845, to allay violence and night-riding, Brigham Young and the Twelve agreed to leave Illinois "as soon as grass grows and water runs." >From Nauvoo, the Saints crossed Iowa. Their first real way-station was at Garden Grove, where 170 men cleared 715 acres in three weeks, for the purpose of providing shelter for those coming behind. In 1846, they crossed the Missouri River at Council Bluffs, setting up Winter Quarters on Indian lands, at what is now an Omaha suburb. While 3,483 Saints waited there for spring, more than 600 perished. As spring 1847 approached, approximately 10,000 Mormons were encamped along the trail in Iowa and at Winter Quarters. Brigham Young and the Council of the Twelve organized the Pioneer Company to go ahead to mark the trail and lay the cornerstone of the new Zion. The first group of Mormons passed through Echo Canyon, over Big Mountain and Little Mountain and down Emigration Canyon, coming into full view of the Great Salt Lake Valley on July 24, 1847. During the period from 1846 to 1869, about 60,000 Mormon pioneers crossed the prairies. They came from existing American states and also from many European countries. THE NATCHEZ TRACE The Natchez Trace has a colorful history. By 1785, there were traders from the Ohio River Valley (called "Kaintucks") arriving in Natchez with flatboats and rafts filled with products and crops. But of course it wasn't possible to return upriver against the currents. Instead, they would walk or ride horses northward on the Trace to their homes. Often they were attacked and robbed of the riches so recently gained. The Trace gained the nickname "Devil's Backbone." You might be able to locate the book which relates to that name. It is by Jonathan Daniels, "The Devil's Backbone, the Story of the Natchez Trace." The U.S. never owned the public lands of Tennessee through which about 100 miles of the Trace ran. In Alabama, it went only 40 miles, touching only two counties. 300 miles of it lay in Mississippi. The coming of steamboat traffic spelled the end of the dominance of the Natchez Trace. Andrew Jackson made a lot of trips up and down the Trace. In 1813 when he walked it with his army, he acquired the name "Old Hickory" because his volunteers considered him as tough as the hickory trees around them. Another significant name connected to the Trace is that of Meriwether Lewis of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. The question still lingers--was his death on the Trace suicide or murder? THE NATIONAL ROAD The National Road was originally called the Cumberland Road because it started in Cumberland, Maryland. By 1825, it was referred to as the National Road because of its federal funding. The enabling act for admission of Ohio to the Union in 1803 contained provisions for construction of a road linking the East and West. Congress then passed "An Act to Regulate the Laying Out and Making a Road from Cumberland, in the State of Maryland, to the State of Ohio." In 1811, contracts were signed for construction of the first ten miles west of Cumberland. The road reached Wheeling in 1818. It entered Columbus in 1833, and Congress made its last appropriation for the road in 1838. During the 1830s, Congress had begun to turn the road over to the states for administration and maintenance. Construction was suspended in the early 1840s because of lack of congressional appropriations. Indiana completed its intrastate segment in 1850. The road then continued on to Vandalia, Illinois, but it did not continue on to Jefferson City, Missouri, as had been planned, the idea being that the road was to go through state capitals as it moved westward. The old National Road became part of U.S. 40 in 1926. THE OREGON TRAIL The Oregon Trail extended from the Missouri River to the Willamette River. It was used by nearly 400,000 people. The trail's starting points were Independence, Westport, St. Joseph, and Ft. Leavenworth. Alternate routes included Sublette's Cutoff and the Lander Cutoff. After 1846, there was also a choice at The Dalles between rafting down the Columbia River or taking the new Barlow Road across the Cascades. Each part of the journey had its set of unique difficulties. During the first third of the journey, emigrants got used to the routine and work of travel. Approaching the steep ascent to the Continental Divide, water, fuel, grass for the livestock, fresh meat, and food staples became scarce. The final third was the most difficult part of the trail. The major fears of the pioneers following the trail were Indians, disease, and the weather. THE PENNSYLVANIA ROAD The Great Conestoga Road, completed in 1741, and the later Lancaster Pike (opened in 1794) went from Philadelphia to Lancaster. After the Lancaster Pike was completed, the Pennsylvania Legislature granted charters to extend it westward to Pittsburgh, following closely the route of the Forbes Road. Faced with the need to build a road to move troops during the French and Indian War, General Forbes' troops constructed a road from Harrisburg to Ft. Duquesne which he renamed Fort Pitt, after his commanding general. Today, we know it as Pittsburgh. Years later, the Pennsylvania Legislature granted charters that extended the Lancaster Pike on westward to Pittsburgh, subsidizing this "Pennsylvania Road" by subscribing to stock in some of the companies. Migration moved westward through Fort Pitt as settlers trekked from eastern Pennsylvania and New England west to new lands and opportunities. The river-canal system which opened in 1834 between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh reduced traffic on Pennsylvania's turnpike. Heavy freight traffic diverted to the canals although stagecoach lines continued to prosper. THE SANTA FE TRAIL This trail from Missouri to Santa Fe was the oldest and the first over which wagons were used in the westward expansion beyond the Mississippi River. It was primarily a commerical route, carrying a stream of merchants' wagons until it was replaced ty the coming of the railroad in 1880. In 1821 a mule pack train had left from Franklin, Missouri, to travel to Santa Fe on what is later known at the Mountain Route. The next year's expedition avoided the mountains, leaving the Arkansas River and heading across the arid plains for the Cimarron River; this route became known as the Cimarron cutoff. During the early years of commerce, much of the route was within Mexican territory. Not until 1848 when the Mexican War ended was the entire trail officially within American territory. THE UPPER ROAD The Upper Road branched off from the King's Highway at Fredericksburg, Virginia, and went southwest through Hillsboro, Salisbury, and Charlotte in North Carolina, then on to Spartanburg and Greenville in South Carolina. The road generally followed the old Occaneechee Path which went from Bermuda Hundred on the James River, and Old Fort Henry (now Petersburg) southwest to the Indian trading town of the Occaneechi which existed by 1675 on an island in the Roanoke River at about the location of today's Clarksville, Virginia, close to the present Virginia and North Carolina state line. From that location the trading trail went both north and south. The Trading Path divided at the Trading Ford of the Yadkin River, one branch turning toward Charlotte, the other through Salisbury to Island Ford on the Catawba, to the north of present Lake Norman. DeSoto and his cavaliers were perhaps the first white men to use portions of the great Occaneechi Path (1540). Some of the people associated with Fort Henry were Col. Abraham Wood, Thomas Batts, Robert Fallam, James Needham, Gabriel Arthur, and John Lederer. From 1700-1750, active trading was carried on by white emigrants with Indian villages. After 1740, the proprietary governor of the Granville District began to issue grants to Quakers and others from the tidewater counties of North Carolina and Virginia, attracting them into the northern half of North Carolina. By 1750, the Upper Road became an important wagon route for southbound migrations into that portion of North Carolina. During the Revolutionary War, the road was used extensively for troop movements in the South--relating to the battles at Guilford Courthouse, King's Mountain, and Cowpens. THE WILDERNESS ROAD The road through the Cumberland Gap was not officially named "the Wilderness Road" until 1796 when it was widened enough to allow Conestoga Wagons to travel on it. However, by the time Kentucky had become a state (1792), estimates are that 70,000 settlers had poured into the area through the Cumberland Gap, following this route. The Cumberland Gap was first called Cave Gap by the man who discovered it in 1750--Dr. Thomas Walker. Daniel Boone, whose name is always associated with the Gap, reached it in 1769, passing through it into the Blue Grass region, a hunting ground of Indian tribes. He returned in 1775 with about 30 woodsmen with rifles and axes to mark out a road through the Cumberland Gap, hired for the job by the Transylvania Company. Boone's men completed the blazing of this first trail through the Cumberland Mountains that same year, and established Boonesborough on the Kentucky River. The Wilderness Road connected to the Great Valley Road which came through the Shenandoah Valley from Pennsylvania. Some suggest the origin of the Wilderness Road was at Fort Chiswell (Ft. Chissel) on the Great Valley Road where roads converged from Philadelphia and Richmond. Others claimed the beginning of the road to be at Sapling Grove (today's Bristol, VA) which lay at the extreme southern end of the Great Valley Road since it was at that point that the road narrowed, forcing travelers to abandon their wagons. ZANE'S TRACE In 1796 Colonel Ebenezer Zane petitioned Congress to authorize him to build a road from Wheeling to Limestone (Maysville). Congress awarded him a contract to complete a path between Wheeling and Limestone by January 1, 1797. The contract required him to operate ferries across three rivers as soon as the path opened. His only compensation was to be three 640-acre tracts, one at each river crossing, to be surveyed at his own expense. Zane rounded up equipment and a crew of workmen; with axes, they cut trees and blazed a trail. At first, Zane's Trace was merely a narrow dark path through the forest, between a wall of ancient trees. Only horsemen could travel over it. For many years, it was not wide enough for wagons. In 1804 the Legislature appropriated about fifteen dollars a mile to make a new twenty-foot road over Zane's route. But by modern standards, it was still a poor road because they left tree stumps whenever they were under one foot high. The Trace was used by hundreds of flatboatmen returning on foot or horseback to Pittsburgh and upriver towns from downriver ports as far away as New Orleans. The road also became the mail route from Wheeling to Maysville, and eventually it went on to Lexington and Nashville. ----- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 27 Nov 1998 00:56:15 -0600 From: "Deana Zdroj-Nealon" <> To: <> Subject: Thomas Houston Burnett Message-ID: <001f01be19d3$08176f60$12c6a5d0@Asylum.CARTHAGE> Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_NextPart_000_001C_01BE19A0.BC14E3E0" This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_001C_01BE19A0.BC14E3E0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hi everyone, I am researching Thomas Houston Burnett b. 1813 in Wilson = County, TN. m. Nancy Caroline Parks (daughter of Hugh Parks and = Elizabeth Corder) December 25, 1841 in Williamson County, IL. d. 1875 in = Williamson County, IL.=20 Children George Marion Burnett John Houston Burnett Felix M Burnett Elizabeth Jane Burnett Leander W. Burnett Lewis C. Burnett William Franklin "Boss" Burnett Sarah A. Burnett Olive Burnett Fred Burnett We (myself and a couple of other researchers) believe Thomas had a = brother named James R. Burnett, but we have yet to find out their parents names. Any = info would be helpful. I have tons of info on the Parks/ Corder line and = Corley line which all blend if anyone shares the same line. Deana ------=_NextPart_000_001C_01BE19A0.BC14E3E0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD W3 HTML//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <META content=3Dtext/html;charset=3Diso-8859-1 = http-equiv=3DContent-Type> <META content=3D'"MSHTML 4.72.3110.7"' name=3DGENERATOR> </HEAD> <BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2>Hi everyone, I am researching Thomas = Houston=20 Burnett b. 1813 in Wilson County, TN. m. Nancy Caroline Parks (daughter = of Hugh=20 Parks and Elizabeth Corder) December 25, 1841 in Williamson County, IL. = d. 1875=20 in Williamson County, IL. </FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2></FONT> </DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2>Children</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2></FONT> </DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2>George Marion Burnett</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2>John Houston Burnett</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2>Felix M Burnett</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2>Elizabeth Jane Burnett</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2>Leander W. Burnett</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2>Lewis C. Burnett</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2>William Franklin "Boss"=20 Burnett</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2>Sarah A. Burnett</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2>Olive Burnett</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2>Fred Burnett</FONT></DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2>We (myself and a couple of other = researchers)=20 believe Thomas had a brother named</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2>James R. Burnett, but we have yet to = find out=20 their parents names. Any info would be helpful. I have tons of info on = the=20 Parks/ Corder line and Corley line which all blend if anyone shares the = same=20 line.</FONT></DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2>Deana</FONT></DIV></BODY></HTML> ------=_NextPart_000_001C_01BE19A0.BC14E3E0-- ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 27 Nov 1998 12:20:36 -0500 From: "Eunice B. Kirkman" <> To: "BTRVETC List" <> Subject: Addendum to Trails Message-ID: <002501be1a2a$a2986ec0$c0ac99ce@ekirkman> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Excerpt from the Bassett (Virginia) Library brochure: Along the Great (Philadelphia) Wagon Road, through Big Lick (now Roanoke), and into this area came settlers, Indian traders, and soldiers -- English, Scotch-Irish, and German. Moravians who settled in what is today Winston-Salem, NC, and George Washington (who visited the area while inspecting the frontier forts, including Fort Trial) kept diaries in which their travels here are mentioned. Some people stayed, some moved on -- and some descendants of each look for traces of their ancestors in this region. Settlers moved westward from the coast into Brunswick, Lunenburg, Halifax, and Pittsylvania Counties. Henry County, which was named for Patrick Henry, was formed from a portion of Pittsylvania County in 1777. Records, many of which are housed at the Genealogy Department of the Bassett Library, exist of settlers stopping here before pushing on into southwest Virginia, Kentucky, or Tennessee. There was once a Fort in the Blackberry section of Henry County that served as an Inn, "supermarket," etc. to travelers along the Old Wagon Road. I have a note on that somewhere among my files. When I can locate it, I'll pass it on. Eunice B. Kirkman ***** ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 27 Nov 1998 13:18:36 -0800 From: "Beverly L. Yeager" <> To: BTRVETC-L <> CC: Subject: Re: Thomas Houston Burnett Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Deana Zdroj-Nealon wrote: > > Hi everyone, I am researching Thomas Houston Burnett b. 1813 in Wilson > County, TN. m. Nancy Caroline Parks (daughter of Hugh Parks and > Elizabeth Corder) December 25, 1841 in Williamson County, IL. d. 1875 > in Williamson County, IL. > > Children > > George Marion Burnett > John Houston Burnett > Felix M Burnett > Elizabeth Jane Burnett > Leander W. Burnett > Lewis C. Burnett > William Franklin "Boss" Burnett > Sarah A. Burnett > Olive Burnett > Fred Burnett > > We (myself and a couple of other researchers) believe Thomas had a > brother named > James R. Burnett, but we have yet to find out their parents names. Any > info would be helpful. I have tons of info on the Parks/ Corder line > and Corley line which all blend if anyone shares the same line. > > Deana Hi Deana, Waddie may be able to help you. I am sending a copy of your letter to him. Beverly ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 27 Nov 1998 13:23:42 -0800 From: "Beverly L. Yeager" <> To: BTRVETC-L <> CC: Subject: Re: info. please Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit wrote: > > Happy Thanksgiving to my Burnett kin! > > Does anyone know anything about Mary Jane Burnett Mallard from Marble Falls , > Texas? If living she would probably be in her 80's. (Husbands name is > J.B.(Tug) Mallard) My mom asked me to see what I could find out about her > (like is she still alive, still living in Texas, etc.) , so I told her I'd ask > the list. Thanks. > Patricia Johnson (daughter of Mana Mary Byrd Burnett > Johnson) Waddie may be able to help you. He's our Burnett Guru. I am sending a copy of your letter to him. Beverly ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 29 Nov 1998 13:28:06 -0500 From: "Mitosis" <> To: "Btrvetc List" <> Subject: Information Message-ID: <003101be1bc6$0cad2160$5e0d1bd0@mitosis> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Professional genealogists and serious researchers alike, have been aware of the forgeries and frauds committed by GUSTAVE ANJOU (1863-1942) and we of this Society believe this material should be brought to the attention of all who may come in contact with any the publications listed below. During his peak period of 1910-1930, Anjou produced a few hundred family genealogies---all forged. The sad fact is that Gustave Anjou was not a genealogist, but a forger of genealogical records that have been passed on for years to unwary clients and then through researchers who believed, or wanted to believe, they had a true lineage. They in turn republished the material in their own works and the cycle continues even today. Gustave Anjou produced these "genealogies" for wealthy clients at a price of around $9,000 and the client. needless to say, always received what they wanted. TURNER Family FHL #924400 -------------------------------- End of btrvetc-d Digest V98 Issue #77 *************************************