BTRVETC-L Digest		Volume 99 : Issue 10
3 Mar 1999

Today's Topics:
	 Bath County, Kentucky
	 Re: Bath County, Kentucky
	 Re: Bath County, Kentucky
	 CARRISS  & BURNETT info from Shelby County KY genweb
	 Obit  - Mrs. Larkin Philpott
	 Seminary of Classical Learning, Martinsville, VA
	 Re: Compilations
	  TRAVIS BURNETT in KANSAS...a cousin of KEVIN's?

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Date: Fri, 26 Feb 1999 12:05:44 -0500
From: "Eunice B. Kirkman" <>
To: "ROOTS-L" <>
Cc: "VA-ROOTS" <>,
  "Patrick County" <>,
  "BTRVETC List" <>
Subject: Bath County, Kentucky
Message-ID: <006101be61aa$469ecf20$adf463ce@ekirkman>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Anyone seeking information for this county can write to the following

Deanna Brawl
Box 799
Owingsville, KY 40360

(Taken from the answer to a query)
"The records for marriages go back to 1811 when Bath became a county.
Before 1811, it would have been Montgomery County.  Birth records go back to
1911 and cenus record to 1820/  Before 1850, it does not list individuals in
the census.
The costs of records vary dependign upon where I get them. Some are
available at the courthouse, but census records I have to get at the
Marriage records are $0.15, lookup fee is $1.00
Cenus records           0.25, lookup fee       3.00 per census year, not per


Date: Fri, 26 Feb 1999 19:19:31 EST
Subject: Re: Bath County, Kentucky
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Hi folks,

 Just putting out feelers to see if anybody in this area is researdching the
Eddy family, or the Offield Family or the McGhee family.All were in the
southwest Va, upper east tenn area. My Eddy ancestors were millers and I"ve
found at least 3 different mills that various ones were attached too



Date: Sat, 27 Feb 1999 03:14:22 EST
Subject: Re: Bath County, Kentucky
Message-ID: <>
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<Just putting out feelers to see if anybody in this area is researdching the
Eddy family, or the Offield Family or the McGhee family>


John Lodmer McGHEE b. 27 Jun 1847 d. 4 Jun 1927 m.17 Dec 1868 Victoria Minerva
"Sis" ROSS d/o Robert Venable and Lucinda (Turner) ROSS.

John Lodmer s/o William and Frances "Fanny" (Ramsey) McGHEE, is my gg-
grandfather...William McGHEE is s/o Nelson and Martha (Cooper) McGHEE.

His mother, Fanny Ramsey and my paternal g-grandfather Thomas Allen Ramsey
were 1st cousins. Thus both my paternal grandparents were cousins.

Yes, I have a lot of McGhee info. What I don't have, I can find pretty easily.
Inquiries welcome....
Peter Allen Ramsey
Latrobe, PA 


Date: Sat, 27 Feb 1999 23:49:02 -0600
From: "Kevin K. Stephenson" <>
To: "Burnett Family Newsgroup \(E-mail\)" <>
Subject: CARRISS  & BURNETT info from Shelby County KY genweb
Message-ID: <000e01be62de$26a28740$8fb5fea9@kevinste>
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Hi folks,
  It's been a while since I've contributed, so I thought I'd better share
some stuff that came to my attention in the last couple of weeks.  I've been
monitoring the Shelby County, Kentucky genweb newsgroup, and have had a
conversation concerning the Shepherds, Carriss's, and Burnetts, and how they
intermarried.  Some good info has been provided by several participants, and
I thought it would be good to send it on to you guys, so you can add it to
the files.  Read on and enjoy...

  I have a Henry S. Carriss, born 1795, died 1861.  He was married to three
different women that I have records of, none of which was Nancy Ritchey, but
my info may be incomplete.  I show his three wives as Katherine ?, Elizabeth
Tinsley, and Roda M. Brown.  He ties into my family because Roda Brown was
the widow of James Morrison Burnett, and I am descended from the Burnetts.
I show that he had the following children:
  With Katherine ?
	Jane Carriss
	Sallie Carriss
	Simon Carriss, born abt. 1824
   With Roda M. Brown
	Margaret Louisa Carriss, born abt. 1835
	Sarah M. Carriss, born abt. 1840
	Martha Carriss, born abt. 1842
	Henry C. Carriss, born abt. 1844
	Isabel Carriss, born abt. 1844
	Maria Carriss, born abt. 1846
	John Carriss, born abt. 1845
	William Carriss, born abt. 1846
	James Carriss, born abt. 1848

  My notes also show the following: Henry S. Carriss's first wife is
unknown. (Maybe Nancy Ritchey rather than Katherine ?)  His second wife was
Rhoda M. Brown Burnett, widow of James Morrison Burnett.  He and his first
wife had four children, one of whom has been identified.  He had three or
four children with Rhoda Brown Burnett Carriss.  Henry and Rhoda are shown
with at least seven children, and in the 1850 Census, there were 11 people
in the household, some probably grandchildren.

I would like to correspond with you about this, and will most certainly
trade info.
	Kevin Stephenson

Kevin K. Stephenson
1600 Kentucky St. #2
Lawrence, KS  66044
Data/Fax: (785)865-2555

-----Original Message-----
From: Linda Goodwin []
Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 1999 5:40 PM
Subject: [KYSHELBY-L] CARRISS family

Searching for information on Henry S.CARRISS, b. 5-13-1795. Married to
Nancy RITCHEY.  Father of James CARRISS, who was married to Elizabeth
HARP.  They are parent of Margaret Allen CARRISS who married Lee

Related surnames: MAGRUDER, AUD, CISSELL

Linda Goodwiin

-----Original Message-----
From: Linda Goodwin []
Sent: Saturday, February 27, 1999 12:54 PM

Here is the CARRISS and BURNETT information that I have.  This consists
of handwritten notes of the child of Jennie Willamette BRISCOE to a
cousin, a child of Charles E. BRISCOE.  I acquired a copy from my
mother, Carolyn MAGRUDER who received them from a cousin.  My mother^�s
mother was a Carriss.  Intereesstingly it does not include my great
grandfather, James CARRISS.

Henry S. CARRISS, b.5-13-1795,  d. 2-21-1861

First wife- Nancy SHEPHERD, b. 2-27-1794,  d. 3-8-1833,  married
(Ancestry files of KY marriages to 1850 lists her as Nancy Ritchey.
Marriage date the same)

Juliet  CARRISS, b. 9-20-1816,  d. 9-2-1827
Elizabeth Shepherd CARRISS, b. 2-23-1819,  d. 10-6-1836
Jane Coots CARRISS, b. 8-20-1821,  d. 9-8-1839
Simon CARRISS, b. 4-19-1824,  d. 4-10-1852
Mary Ann CARRISS, b. 9-22-1827,  d. 5-31-1896
John Calvin CARRISS, b. 10-5-1831,  d. 9-11-1833

Second wife- Elizabeth SHEPHERD, b. ?, d. 8-31-1838,  married 9-3-1833

Child- Margaret Louisa CARRISS, b. 5-18-1835

Third wife- Rhoda Brown BURNETT, b. 5-4-1802,  d. ?,  married 2-19-1839

Sarah Matilda CARRISS, b. 4-5-1840
Martha Donna CARRISS, b. 2-16-1842
Henry Clay CARRISS, b. 3-24-1844
Isa Belle CARRISS, b. 3-24-1844
Maria Josephine CARRISS, b. 12-19-1846

 Marriages of children

Jane CARRISS m.  Pat  COOTS on 8-1-1839
Margaret Louise CARRISS m.  Hugh CAMPBELL on 2-27-1855
Mary Anne CARRISS m.  Edward FIGG on 5-20-1856
Martha CARRISS m.  J. S. McGAUGHY on 10-28-1862
Sallile M. CARRISS m.  Thomas C. BURNETT on 2-23-1865
Maria J. CARRISS m.  James W. BRISCOE on 8-30-1866
Henry Clay CARRISS m.  Susie D. CARDWELL on 1-30-1872
Isa Belle CARRISS m.  Hiram C. YATES on 10-10-1883

 Maria J. CARRISS m.  James W. BRISCOE on 8-30-1866
He was born on 5-9-1842
Their children were:
Jenny Williamette BRISCOE, b. 4-16-1876
Charles E. BRISCOE, b.4-27-1878
Dora B. BRISCOE, b. 12-21-1879
Marion Clay BRISCOE, b. 7-1-1882
J. Luther BRISCOE, b. 8-30-1884
Mary Martha BRISCOE, b. 12-17-1885
Ann Elizabeth BRISCOE, b. 10-31-1887

Other children of Rhoda Brown Burnett

William M. BURNETT, b. 1-10-1824
Mary J. BURNETT, b. 9-3-1825
Nancy Elizabeth BURNETT, b. 8-24-1827
Amanda Fitzallen BURNETT, b. 7-25-1829
Henry v. LEFLER, b. March 1839

My notes say ^�I suppose the first four above were Rhoda BURNETT^�S
children by her previous marriage.  Cannot guess about the last one.^�



Date: Sun, 28 Feb 1999 03:01:47 EST
Subject: Obit  - Mrs. Larkin Philpott
Message-ID: <>
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If anyone is researching the Philpott family, you might be interested in this
information.   Nyla

>From Beckley, Raleigh Co WV online newspaper:
Julia E. Philpott
Julia Edith Spasiuk Philpott, 88, of Shady Spring, died Friday, Feb. 26, 1999,
in a Fairlea medical center following a long illness.
Born Aug. 11, 1910, in Ukraine, providence of Russia, she was the daughter of
the late George and Mollie Malank Spasiuk.
Mrs. Philpott was a retired teacher for the Raleigh County Board of Education,
a 1926 graduate of Oak Collins High School at Epperly Hill and Concord
College. She was a member of First Christian Church of Beckley and was a past
member of Shady Spring Women's Club.
She was preceded in death by a daughter, Wanda Lou Halsey.
Survivors include her husband, Larkin S. Philpott; two sisters-in-law,
Hortense Philpott and Doloris Philpott, both of Beckley; three nephews, Sam
Philpott of Beckley and Michael and John Spasiuk, both of New York City; a
brother, Michael Spasiuk of New York; a granddaughter, Alexandria Halsey
Urschel of Santa Barbara, Calif.; a grandson, Nicholas Van R. Halsey of Palo
Alto, Calif.; and two great-grandchildren.
Memorial services will be at a later date. The body was cremated. Burial will
be in Sunset Memorial Park, Beckley.
Donations of sympathy may be made to First Christian Church, P.O. Box 1305,
Beckley, WV 25801.
Arrangements by Blue Ridge Funeral Home, Beckley.


Date: Sun, 28 Feb 1999 15:35:50 -0800
From: "Beverly L. Yeager" <>
Subject: Seminary of Classical Learning, Martinsville, VA
Message-ID: <>
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Hi Mary, 
In reference to your query of 24 February:

WAS, I see a reference to a Classical Female Seminary in 1897, long
after your 1794 petition.  This seminary was operated from 1897 to 1912
by the Misses Annette and Hasseltine Fuller in their home on Moss Street
in Martinsville.  Tuition ranged from $2 to $4, depending on the
course.  Boarding students paid $10 a month.
A Martinsville Military Academy was also chartered in 1897 and operated
by Colonel Robert Morgan  with the assistance of Rev. Charles Myers.  It
was in existence only 3 years.

Ruffner Institute, established in 1877, was the first graded elementary
and secondary public school.



Date: Mon, 1 Mar 1999 00:47:46 -0600
From: "Kevin K. Stephenson" <>
To: "Burnett Family Newsgroup \(E-mail\)" <>
Subject: Compilations
Message-ID: <000101be63af$83558880$112dfea9@kevinste>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Hi Cousins--
  I have updated the compilations on my website to include all of the
digests for 98 and 99.  If you want the files on your computer, you can
download them from my website, and open them using a zip utility such as
WinZip or PKZip.  There are links on the download page to take you to the
sites where you can get zip utilities if you need one.  Chris has all of the
compilations and digests on her homepage for those of you who want to search
them online.

Kevin K. Stephenson
1600 Kentucky St. #2
Lawrence, KS  66044
Data/Fax: (785)865-2555


Date: Mon, 1 Mar 1999 10:39:53 EST
Subject: Re: Compilations
Message-ID: <>
Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit writes:
<< Hi Cousins--
   I have updated the compilations on my website to include all of the
 digests for 98 and 99. >>

That's a great service you provide to all of us.   Thank you.


Date: Wed, 3 Mar 1999 09:47:07 EST
Subject:  TRAVIS BURNETT in KANSAS...a cousin of KEVIN's?
Message-ID: <>
Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit 


Forwarded by Caroline Burnett Cook  
   I am sending you a copy  this msg because I figure he must be
 one of the BURNETT lines we frequently discuss. KEVIN STEPHENSON, looks like
 TRAVIS is in your neck of the woods. Do you think you could be kin??? 

 Caroline Burnett Cook
 In a message dated 3/3/99 3:20:47 AM Eastern Standard Time,
  Subject: Searching for Answers...
  Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
  Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
  Content-Length: 2071
  My name is Travis Burnett and I am currently attending Baker University,
  which is located in eastern Kansas. I have decided that it was time for
  me to trace back a little family history for myself, and thought that
  this would be a good place to start. Below I will try to chart neatly
  what little I know of my family past.
  To make it a little easier on myself I am going to start at myself to as
  far back as I currently know---which isn't far, sadly enough.
  I, Travis Jack Burnett, was born February 12, 1980 to Travis Norman
  Burnett, II and Teresa Ann Garrett. I am their only child together.
  My father, Travis Norman Burnett, II, was born to Travis Norman Burnett
  and Frances Carlene Grace on October 17, 1956.
  My grandfather, Travis Norman Burnett, was born to John Percival Burnett
  and Mamie Bernice Taylor on date unknown, 1933.
  My great-grandfather, John Percival Burnett, was born to John Courtlan
  (sp?) Burnett and Mattie [middle?] Travis on date unknown, 1906.
  To my knowledge it was my great-grandfathers dad, John Courtlan (sp?)
  Burnett and what family he had then, were the first Burnett's of mine to
  migrate to America. I am right now awaiting information from my
  great-grandfather, John Percival Burnett, on whether this is correct or
  not, however.
  I am also under the impression that they first settled in South Carolina
  before traveling west and settling in either Montana or Wyoming for a
  while, before finally settling down for good in the Fresno, California
  area somewhere between 1915 and 1920. One other fact which would be
  helpful is that in my Burnett heritage line there were no women born for
  eleven generations! I found this to be very interesting. No women were
  born until my great-grandfather's generation when three of his four
  brothers, named Harvey, Bill, Travis (died at age 9), John (?), birthed
  only women.
  This is everything that I know about my Burnett heritage. Should there
  be anyone that has any useful information to me, I would greatly
  appreciate it.
  Thank You,
  Travis Jack Burnett
  ICQ# 8217873

End of btrvetc-d Digest V99 Issue #10