BTRVETC-L Digest		Volume 99 : Issue 25
31 May 1999

Today's Topics:
	 Daniel and Prillaman
	 RE: Daniel and Prillaman

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Date: Wed, 26 May 1999 23:23:30 EDT
Subject: Daniel and Prillaman
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There are several connections between the Turner, Via, and Burnett families.  
On a slim chance that someone may know, I send this email in hopes of finding 
some leads on the following:
	Looking for information on the parents of Daniel Prilliman ,born abt 
1816, probably in Ohio.  He married Phebe Carey in Miami Co., OH in 1843 and 
later lived in  Auglaize Co., OH.  He died there in 1885.
	I am also looking for information on John Prillaman, first son of 
Jacob Prillaman Jr.  Is it possible, Daniel could be his son?  
<A HREF="">Prillaman Family 
</A>  Twyla Edwards.


Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 06:39:26 -0400
From: "leroyf" <>
To: "BTRVETC-L" <>
Subject: RE: Daniel and Prillaman
Message-ID: <000001bea82d$31a45300$91431104@DAKOTA>


I have these people in my TURNER file, which is quite large.

1. Daniel Prillaman  b.1817 (No wife  listed) He was 7th child of 8 children

Jacob Prillaman, III b. 27 July 1778  d. 12 May 1858  m. 3 Mar 1803 in
Montgomery Co. VA
wife Nancy Snidow b. 1783 d. 1875 Nancy's parents are Philip Snidow &
Barbara Prillaman ( which is interesting because she is dau of Jacob
Prillaman, Sr.)!!

2. Jacob Prillaman Jr. b 1752 d. 1840 m. Catherine "Barbara" Snidow b. 28
Oct 1752 d. Bef 1796.  Their 2nd child, 1st son is a John Prillaman, which I
have no other info on.

Hope this helps you!

Morris L. Ferguson

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 1999 11:24 PM
Subject: Daniel and Prillaman

There are several connections between the Turner, Via, and Burnett families.
On a slim chance that someone may know, I send this email in hopes of
some leads on the following:
	Looking for information on the parents of Daniel Prilliman ,born abt
1816, probably in Ohio.  He married Phebe Carey in Miami Co., OH in 1843 and
later lived in  Auglaize Co., OH.  He died there in 1885.
	I am also looking for information on John Prillaman, first son of
Jacob Prillaman Jr.  Is it possible, Daniel could be his son?
<A HREF="">Prillaman Family
</A>  Twyla Edwards.


Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 20:22:25 -0400
To:, Richard Flint <>
cc: "Beth McGinnis" <>,,
Message-ID: <>
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Mona / Ola,

Here's a message from Barb Locker regarding:

Isaac Lemon,Jr. [1806-1896],son of Isaac, married Sally Young 1811-1862]

I really don't think it's coincidence that the
JONES/TURNER/CANNADY/YOUNG/LEMON/HILL families were together both in Franklin
Co, VA and Franklin/Granville Co, NC.  Our research is going to "meet" one day,
either in Prince George Co, VA or earlier in York Co.  These areas seem to be
where my research is pointing me.

Early in York Co there is a marriage between Thomas Vines (will dated 1737) and
Mary HILL.  I'm confident I have ties to the VINES family, although
unidentified; and I know my Turners had a Franklin Co, NC transaction with a
Green Hill (one of many by that name).  I also recall that one of the Franklin
(Patrick?) County, VA Turners (named Shadrack or Meshack) married a Hill.  I
also know that William Bobbitt (whose ancestor came from Prince George) married
1st Martha Turner and 2nd Lively Hight; and he was a neighbor / in-law of my GGG
grandfather, Vines Turner, in Franklin Co, NC.  I understand that Bobbitt had
descendants by the names of "Shadrack" and "Meshack."

Nothing "concrete" to offer, but this is too much to be coincidence.

I'm going to go out on a limb with my speculation and say, "meet you in York

Lee Turner

Date: Thu, 26 Jun 1997 09:00:13 -0400 (EDT)From: <>

Subject: `
Is anyone else working on my Young family?

**1.Capt. Peter Young b. abt 1755 possibly in VA
     m. in Franklin Co VA ,Mary Barton b. 5/10/1755 in Rowan Co NC (d/o Rev.
Joshua Barton & Jane Dubart)  Children:
     1.William m. Jane
    **2.Joshua b. abt 1778 in Franklin Co VA
           m. 11/14/1798 Franklin Co VA, Nancy Walker             Children:
                 1. George b. 1817 m. nancy J. Agnew
                 2.John b. 1819 m. Delpha Turner
                 3. Elizabeth m. Pleasant Cannaday
                 4.Sally m. Isaac Lemon
               **5.Mary Patsy b. 1815 m. **Anderson Jones & m. Stephen Hill
                 6.David b. 1827 m. Sally Fisher


Barb Locker

---------------------- Forwarded by Lee Turner/CORPCTR/VANCPOWER on 05/27/99
07:38 PM ---------------------------

Lee Turner
04/16/99 07:30 AM

cc:   Richard Flint <>, "Beth McGinnis"
Subject:  Re: Lemons  (Document link not converted)

Thank you, Ola.

I'm afraid I know very little about my connection with this family, except that
I'm confident one exists.  Therefore, any information on the LEMONs is
additional information, and appreciated greatly.

What's very interesting at this point is that you've mentioned four families
which have connections in the Granville / Franklin Co, NC area:


Another family which belongs in the NC list is HUNT.  Have you noticed any HUNT
connections in Patrick/Franklin, VA?

You also mention the JONES surname, and I know my Turners were allied with a
JONES family in Sussex.  These Joneses moved to NC as well, although I'm not
sure where they settled.

This is looking like coincidence less and less.

Lee on 04/15/99 11:13:19 PM

Please respond to

Subject:  Re: Lemons

You said that you were related to the Lemons.  I have a little information
that came from the  Woods Book.  I hope that  it will help you make a
The Lemon Family
Isaac Lemon, Sr. [1753-1833], lived on Pigg River in the west end of Franklin
County, Va., and the court records of that county show the following land
transaction:  "This indenture made this 13th day of November 1786 between
Elijah Jones, for and in consideration of the sum of eighty pounds paid him
in hand by the sd. Isaac Lemon, the receipt whereof he doth acknowledge, have
bargained  and sold to the sd Isaac Lemon one certain tract or parcel of
land.....lying and being in the County of Franklin on the head waters of the
Pig River and bounded as follows...." At the time of this deal, Isaac Lemon,
Sr. was thirty three years old.  Here he raised a family, two of whom were
Isaac, Jr.,  and Benjamin.  The late Dr. Rufus Lemon of Callaway and Creed
Lemon of the west end of Franklin County were descendants of Isaac Lemon , Sr.

Isaac Lemon,Jr. [1806-1896],son of Isaac, married Sally Young 1811-1862],
daughter of Joshua, and settled in the east end of Floyd County near Joshua
Young's home, where he was a well-known farmer, blacksmith, wagonmaker and a
mechanic of considerable skill.  Isaac and Sally had twelve children:

    1.Nancy [1832-1906]married Naaman J. Shortt and lived at the old Reuben
Shortt place;  their children were Amanda, John W., Prince E., Zera H.,
Jefferson D., Everett T., Callahill and Thomas.

     2. Amanda [1830-1906] married Col. John Williams and lived at the
Phillip Williams place on Pine Creek;  they had one child, Minerva.

     3 .Elizabeth [1833-1886] married Stephen, son of  William and Patty
[Wright] Cannaday of Patrick County [Stephen was one of 24 children];  they
raised a large family, most of whom moved to Ohio; one of their sons is
Tazewell Cannaday of Floyd.

     4 .William [1841-1864] married Martha Jane Shortt, daughter of John Y.
Shortt, and their children were Isaac, Lucinda, Thomas and Sallie. William
Lemon lost his life in the Civil War.  He was a memeber of Company H, 54th
Virginia Infantry, under Sparrel H. Griffith.  After his death his widow
married Flemon Janney, a Confederate Soldier who lost an arm at Resaca,
Georgia, May 15,1864; he was a member of Company A, 54th Virginia Infantry,
under Captain Andrew Dickerson; they had one child, William.

     5. Crawford [1846-19-?] married Sally Albright.  He was third sergeant
in Captain Andrew Graham's Company of Reserves under Col.Robert Preston in
the Confederate Army.

     6.  and  7.  Thomas [1844-1863, killed in war] and John [1849-1876]
never married.

     8.  America [1837-1896] married Burwell  Young.

      9.  Malinda [1843-1863] married Haden Epperly, son of Jacob, and lived
on Pine Creek.

     10.  Eliza [1845-1886] married Andrew Weddle.

     11.  Emeline [1842-1906] married Caleb Tice, son of Manassah, and lived
at Floyd.

      12.  James [1851-19-?] married Margaret Moore, daughter of Noah B. and
lived on Little River.

After the death of his wife, Isaac Lemon, Jr., married secondly, Mrs. Susan
Turner [nee Shortt], widow of Jefferson Turner who lost his life in the Civil
War.  They were the parents of one daughter, Minerva, who married Samuel
Rakes, and lived for many years at the old homestead, five miles southeast of
the Court House. At the time this was written Mrs. Rakes lived in Floyd.

Hope maybe you can make a  link here.



Date: Fri, 28 May 1999 07:39:06 -0400 (EDT)
From: (gail barnfather)
Subject: TURNER
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Has anyone ran across a Zachariah Bennett Turner b. 1820 Bedford Co. TN.
who married a Nancy Jane Trammel of the same place?  He may be connected
to a John Turner who was selling land there abt 1823 .  This John's
Father was named Zachariah also.  He may have had brothers William P.
and Harvey L. Turner.  Zachariah Bennett, William P, and Harvey L, were
all Confederate soldiers and all three were living in Morgan Co. AL.
after the war.  Who were the parents of the 1820 Zachariah?

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Date: Mon, 31 May 1999 10:13:22 +0100
From: (K. Burnett)
Subject: Burnett
Message-Id: <v01540b00b37800fef57f@[]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

I am interested in finding out more about my paternal grandfather:

Enos Sutherland Burnett, born 4/27/1885, died 10/2/1961
        Married Mary Elizabeth Smith , 3/1/1873, and later
        married my grandmother, Etta Estalee James, born 4/6/1883

I believe my grandfather came from No. Carolina and settled in KY but I don't
know how or when he or his father or grandfather came to the U.S. or what
happened to his siblings.

His father was Edward Green Burnett, born 2/17/1842, died 8/13/1893.
        married to Elizabeth Ophelia Smith, born 9/28/1842, 9/6/1881

I would appreciate any information anyone can share with me. I am new at this..

Kelly Burnett


End of btrvetc-d Digest V99 Issue #25