BTRVETC-L Digest Volume 99 : Issue 28 21 Jun 1999 Today's Topics: Henrietta Re: BTRVETC-L Digest V99 #27 Packwood letter 1941 Patrick County, Virginia Publications Burnett Marriages Greer Co. OK BURNETT PAGE UPDATE Administrivia: for the Burnett/Turner/Ross/Via/Etc Mailing List (BTRVETC-L) Post your queries to: (that's a lowercase ell, not a number one.) To unsubscribe, email with the SUBJECT: UNSUBSCRIBE. To subscribe to the regular list, email with the SUBJECT: SUBSCRIBE You can also use the web page at: ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 10:59:14 -0400 From: "Tanis Duffie" <> To: <> Subject: Henrietta Message-ID: <001f01beb4e4$27a01ba0$09c1f7a5@tanis> Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_NextPart_000_001C_01BEB4C2.9CFE01E0" This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_001C_01BEB4C2.9CFE01E0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hello, I am seeking information re: Hennrietta Burnett b. 1842 married James = Virgil Duffie=20 b. 8/271842, died 4/21/1919.James 2nd wife was Mary Catherine Rampey She is buried in a Rogers Cemetery near Edgefield ,SC Children of Herietta and James Virgil Duffie : Orlando Mortimer Duffie b.10/3/1869 d 4/4/1941 m Ida Rebecca_________ Lemmie Duffie b 7/27/1871 d 3/16/57 m. Jarvis Eldridge=20 Harris Virgil Duffie b.7/20/1876 d 4/23/54 m. Mary Alice Still James Duffie died in Lyons , GA or Macon? Question?: Who were the parents of Henrietta _______Duffie? Tanis Duffie ------=_NextPart_000_001C_01BEB4C2.9CFE01E0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable [ html coded part of message omitted ] ------=_NextPart_000_001C_01BEB4C2.9CFE01E0-- ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 12:03:59 EDT From: To: Subject: Re: BTRVETC-L Digest V99 #27 Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit CONGRATS Kevin, that is great news. I have a bit of news myself. I became a first time Grandma on Wednesday June 9th. Dalton Rian Hamack weighed 8lbs 1 1/2 oz. and is 21 in long. Nona Joyce Tadlock ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 23:31:48 -0600 From: Petra <> To: Subject: Packwood letter 1941 Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Linda, Jeff Harmon has posted a wonderful letter from a gentleman who was researching the Packwoods in 1941. The letter is posted at This letter talks quite abit about Elisha's children, but also mentions the first four Packwood brothers that left England and arrived in Connecticut prior to the 1750's. Three of the brothers were involved in shipping. The fourth brother, Samuel, relocated to Virginia. Although some of the information doesn't quite fit the btrvetc compilations, this does appear to be the link between the Connecticut and Virginia Packwoods, I think?! My Grandmother, a gg granddaughter of Elisha's brother Samuel, learned from her father the family story that 4 brothers left England and arrived in America and Virginia about the 1750's. Regards, Petra ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 13 Jun 1999 16:28:36 -0400 From: "Eunice B. Kirkman" <> To: "BTRVETC List" <> Subject: Patrick County, Virginia Publications Message-ID: <000001beb5dc$eb707180$78ac99ce@ekirkman> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="Windows-1252" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit The address for Willow Bend Books is now: Willow Bend Books and Family Line Publications 65 E Main Street Westminster, MD 21157 (800) 876-6103 We stock the following Patrick county books and publish those with an asterick in the title line: SO4746 MARRIAGES OF PATRICK COUNTY, VIRGINIA, 1791-1850, . Lela C. Adams. 165 pp., index. $20.00 IB2433 ENTRY RECORD BOOK [1], 1737-1770 , . Marian Dodson Chiarito. 1984. 432 pages, 8.5 x 11. $45.95 (Land entries in the present Virginia counties of Halifax, Pittsylvania, Henry, Franklin, & Patrick) transcribed by Marian Dodson Chiarito. This book contains land entries in the western portion of the original Brunswick County. The area concerned was south of Blackwater Creek and Roanoke-Stanton River, west of Aaron's Creek (which divides Mecklenburg and Halifax counties), and extended to the Blue Ridge Mountains. The North Carolina line was the southern boundary. Halifax County was formed from Lunenburg, which in turn had been created out of Brunswick in 1746. The map included with the book gives names of most of the early watercourses, and makes possible the location of land entries, adjoining landowners, etc. A complete index of all names, watercourses, mountains, etc. IB2489 ENTRY RECORD BOOK [2], 1770-1796, . Marian Dodson Chiarito. 1988. 138 pages, 8 x 11. $23.95 (Land entries in the present Virginia counties of Pittsylvania, Henry, Franklin, & Patrick). This book is a sequel to Entry Record Book [1], 1737-1770, published in 1984. The watercourses listed in the index indicate that the area for this volume was Pittsylvania County as it existed in 1770. Pittsylvania was formed from Halifax County in 1767. The map included with the book gives names of most of the early watercourses, and makes possible the location of land entries, adjoining landowners, and other points of interest. A complete index of all names, watercourses, mountains, etc. is provided. CC1625 HISTORY OF PATRICK AND HENRY COUNTIES, VIRGINIA, . Virginia G. Pedigo and Lewis G. Pedigo. 400 pp., illus. (1933), repr. Balto., 1990 $35.00 After an illuminating account of the history of Patrick and Henry counties, which occupies the first third of the book, the authors turn their attention to genealogy, providing authoritative histories of no fewer than 110 families. The genealogies generally begin with the first settler in either Patrick or Henry County and proceed to enumerate descendants in several generations, providing incidental detail according to the materials available. In addition to the remarkable collection of genealogies, the book also contains transcriptions of important genealogical source materials, such as the Patrick and Henry land grants and patents registered in the old Land Office in Richmond. PI0873 TOMBSTONE INSCRIPTIONS OF THE CEMETERIES OF PATRICK COUNTY, VIRINIA, . O. E. Pilson. 1984, Revised and expanded 1994. Hardbound, 500 pp. $30.00 Over 20,000 inscriptions from 975 cemeteries and burial plots, covering all of Patrick County with a few near the Patrick county border in surrounding counties. ***T1793 PATRICK COUNTY, VIRGINIA DEED INDEX ABSTRACTS, 1791-1850, . Barbara C. Baughan and Betty A. Pilson. 1997. 410 pp. index. $30.00 This work provides the Grantor index for the period. Grantees are indexed. A typical entry gives the grantor, grantee, book and page, date and type of instrument (i.e., deed, power of attorney or deed of trust). SH4242 ABSTRACTS OF WILLS, INVENTORIES AND ACCOUNTS OF PATRICK COUNTY, VIRGINIA, 1791 - 1823, . Lela C. Adams. . $17.50 MT4438 PATRICK COUNTY, VIRGINIA DEATH REGISTER 1853-1870, . Anne James. 8�x11, 106 pp., index, paper (1991). $25.00%%These death records give the information on the Register with dates of death, cause of death, parents and /or person reporting the death. With the increasing need to know the medical history of our families, theses records are extremely important for our research. ***T7170 PATRICK COUNTY, VIRGINIA BIRTH RECORDS 1853-1869, Volume I. Betty A. Pilson, Barbara C. Baughan. 274 pp., 2 sections, alpahetical, paper (1999). $23.00 Listings from Patrick County, which provide name, date of birth, race, sex, and parents� names. ***T7169 PATRICK COUNTY, VIRGINIA BIRTH RECORDS 1870-1880, Volume II. Betty A. Pilson & Barbara C. Baughan. 307 pp., alphabetical, paper (1999). $25.00 Listings from Patrick County, which provides name, date of birth, race, sex, and parents names. ***T7174 PATRICK COUNTY, VIRGINIA BIRTH RECORDS 1881-1889 , Volume III. Betty A. Pilson, Barbara C. Baughan. 301+iv. pp., alphabetical, paper (1997), repr. 1999. $24.50 Volume three of the Patrick County, Virginia Birth Records, from the Patrick County Clerk's Office.The listings include name, race, sex, parents' name, and birth date. ***T7173 PATRICK COUNTY, VIRGINIA BIRTH RECORDS 1890-1896, Volume IV. Betty A. Pilson, Barbara C. Baughan. 266 pp., alpabetical, paper (1998), repr. 1999. $22.00 The last in a series of four volumes of the Patrick County, Va. birth records. These birth records were originally copied from those recorded in the register at the Patrick County Courthouse, Stuart,Va. The listings include name, race, sex, parents' name, and birth date. ***T7172 PATRICK COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUPERIOR COURT ORDER BOOK MAY, 1809 - MAY, 1831, . Betty A. Pilson and Barbara C. Baughan. . $17.00 An act to organize and establish a Superior Court of law in each County of the Commonwealth of Virginia was passed February 1, 1808. The contents of this book were abstracted from the Patrick County Superior Court Order Book, May, 1809 through May, 1831. These were probably the first records kept in Patrick for Superior Court, and may contain information you may, or in some cases may not, want to know about your ancestors. ***T7310 MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS OF PATRICK COUNTY, VIRGINIA, . Barbara C. Baughan & Betty A. Pilson. 175 pp. 4 Sections, separate index, paper (1997), repr. 1999. $15.50 Section I: Alphabetical listing of land taxes in that part of Henry County that became Patrick County, Virginia as of June 1, 1791. Section II: Selected excerpts from Patrick County, Order Book #1 (September 15, 1800-March 29, 1810). Section III: Selected excerpts from Patrick County, Order Book #2 (April 10, 1810-December 31, 1821). Section IV: Miscellaneous and random notes taken from an old book found at Patrick County Library and kept by the Clerk of Court (January, 1828-October, 1837). ***T7313 PATRICK COUNTY, VIRGINIA DEATH RECORDS 1868, 1869, & 1871-1896, . Barbara C. Baughan & Betty A. Pilson. 266 pp., alphabetical, paper (1997), repr. 1999. $21.00 Taken from records of the Bureau of Vital Statistics. Includes glossary of causes of death. Name, ages, parents, cause of death, date, informant. ***T7335 PATRICK COUNTY, VIRGINIA UNRECORDED DOCUMENTS 1791-1920, . Barbara C. Baughan & Betty A. Pilson. 78 pp., index, paper (1997), repr. 1999. $11.50 Craig R. Scott, CGRS Proprietor, Willow Bend Books and Family Line Publications <> ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 22:26:17 -0500 From: "Don or Nancy Cleere Rodgers" <> To: "BTRVetc mailing list" <> Subject: Burnett Marriages Greer Co. OK Message-ID: <003001beb6de$d91cf0a0$57ce1ed1@pokey> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit For those that might not know of this website. There are several Burnetts listed. Greer Co. OK Marriage Licenses 1901-1930 Grooms Index ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 12:35:41 -0400 From: "Waddie *Bos'n Mate* Salmon" <> To: "List - Burnett" <> Subject: BURNETT PAGE UPDATE Message-ID: <000d01bebc04$1bc15a20$046c1e26@waddie> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi Cuzins! Been a while since I posted. Just wanted to let the new subscribers know about "our" Burnett/e web site. There are 19 pages of Burnett records that I have created there and so far 37 Burnett web sites created by other people. Come visit them all if you will. Web site address is listed below my name here. Then just click on BURNETT. If you haven't been there in a while, please stop by. Take the time to visit the rest of my web site too if you will. A LOT more there than just genealogy. See my "Bos'n Mates - You need a Smile Page." It's funny and can be viewed by all. A great page to look at when you need a genealogy break. Cuzin Waddie Waddie *Bos'n Mate* Salmon BM1 USN Ret. -------------------------------- End of btrvetc-d Digest V99 Issue #28 *************************************