BTRVETC-L Digest		Volume 99 : Issue 31
27 Jun 1999

Today's Topics:
	 Burnett Family

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Date: Sat, 26 Jun 1999 22:45:51 -0700
From: "Rod D. Allen" <>
To: <>
Subject: Burnett Family
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I have recently subscribed and am looking forward to participating in
the search for and exchange of information about our ancestors.  I
have been wading thru the compilations, but still have a long way to
go.  Kevin's info about the Pittsylvania Co. Burnett family has been
invaluable.  The local California State Library in San Francisco has a
copy of a DAR transcription of the Peter H. Burnet family bible which
I am enclosing.  Most of the info is what Kevin has already provided
but it should be of interest because it may tie up some loose ends and
it is in the words of some of the family members.
Glen Owen Burnet, Peter H. Burnet's brother, is my g,g,g-grandfather
on my father's side.  I have some info on the Hardeman family which I
wll forward later.

Copied from the Daughters of the American Revolution (D.A.R.),
California Family
Bibles,  E 202.5 C15, V5, Vol 8. pgs. 119-133.


(1)  George Burnett 1.

(2)  James Burnett  2.(Geo.1 ), born in the north of Ireland,
emigrated from there to
Virginia. He was twice married. "I suppose he was a farmer." M. 2nd in
U.S.of America,
Mary Morrison.("I cannot give their names all with certainty, nor
their ages, only their
relative ages.") Children:
 i. John b. 1760 ?, d. 1830.
(3) ii. George b. 26 Sept. 1770,  d. Feb.22, 1838.
. iii. James
(4) iv. William b. 1772, d. 1856
 v Henry
 vi Elizabeth
 vii         Sally
 viii.       Jane  (All born Virginia, I think.)

(Miss Malen Burnett, 2140 Vallejo Street, San Fransisco, adds this
note: Book 22 page
115, Will of James Burnett of Pittsylvania Co., Va., 1818, Nov. 18,
lists children in
willing 480 acres on Sugarton Creek: Margaret, John, George, William,
Polly, James
C., Peggy, Elizabeth, Samuel, Sarah, Henry, Jane. Copied at Chatham,
Pittsylvania Co. Court House by Malen Burnett.)

(3) George Burnett 3 (James 2, Geo.l.) b. 26 Sept.1770, Pittsylvania
Co.Va., d. 22 Feb.
1838, Clay Co., Mo., 7 miles from Liberty, the county seat; buried on
the farm where he
lived and died. Dorothy, his wife, was buried beside him. They were
Baptists by faith. He
was a carpenter by trade, but most of his life was spent on his farm.
He married Dorothy
Hardeman, dau. of Thomas and -----* (Perkins) Hardeman in Davidson
Co., Tenn..
She died 17 March 1843, Platt Co. Mo.  Her father was b. 8 Jan.1750,
in Va. The
following is quoted from Peter Hardeman Burnet 11 March 1885; "My
father came to
Nashville, Tenn., when it was a small village. He had several brothers
and sisters, some of
whom I remember to have seen. They nearly all lived and died in
Kentucky . I never saw
my grandfather Burnett.  My father (George Burnett 3) was a carpenter
and a farmer.
Uncle Henry a cabinet maker, Uncle William was a blacksmith, and Uncle
John a
school teacher; Uncle James, a farmer.  All my father's brothers and
sisters were married
and reared families. All my aunts and uncles are gone, many of them
lived to be old
people.  I remember when I stood among the youngest members now I
stand among the
oldest. My father and mother reared eight children, five sons and
three daughters. George
Burnett removed to old Franklin, Missouri in 1817 (1818) and to Clay
Co., Mo., in 1822.
My mother was the daughter of Thomas Hardeman.  He was among the first
settlers of
Tennessee. He was born in Virginia, 8 Jan. 1750, and his brother* whom
I never saw,
settled in Georgia. Thomas Hardeman participated in the Indian wars of
Tennessee.  He
was a stout man, possessed a very fine constitution, a determined will
and naturally a
splendid intellect. His education was originally, very limited, but by
study he became a
man of distinction. He was the neighbor of Andrew Jackson and a warm
friend of the
General's and was with him as a member of the first constitutional
convention of
Tennessee. He was a farmer and made a fortune living to the age of
seventy-two years. He
reared 8 sons and 3 daughters.
 "I am not able to give you any full information in regard to the
children and grand
children of uncles James, John, and Henry Burnett, as they lived and
died in distant
localities.  As to my aunts on my father's side my information is
limited. They all married
and reared families.  My aunts and uncles are gone, many of them lived
to be very old.
There was a great difference between my father's and mother's
families, The Hardemans
were fond of money, pleasure and were generally extravagant and when
young, most of
them, especially my mother's cousins, when starting out in life wasted
their patrimony, not
in dissipation of any kind but in fashion and afterwards set out
earnestly to work, most of
them making good livings and some making fortunes. The Hardemans were
'men of the world', - first fond of fashion,  pleasure, dress and
show, and afterwards
seekers of fortune."
 Thomas Hardeman was among the first settlers of Tennessee. He was
born in
Virginia 8 Jan.1750. He participated in the Indian wars of Tenn. His
brother settled in
Georgia. He was a stout man, possessed a very fine constitution, a
determined will and
naturally a splendid intellect. His education was, originally, very
limited, but by study he
became a man of distinction. He was the neighbor of Andrew Jackson and
a warm friend
of the General's, and was with him as a member of the first
Constitutional Convention of
Tenn. He was a farmer and made a fortune, living to the age of
seventy-two years.** He
died 1832 in Tenn. He lived most of his time in Davidson and
Williamson counties, Tenn.
He was a farmer and a "Deist". He married Miss Perkins, a native of
North Carolina,
about 1771. Children:
 1. Nicholas Perkins Hardeman
 2. Nancy Hardeman
 3. John Hardeman
 4. Constant Hardeman
 5. Elizabeth Hardeman
 6. Peter Hardeman
 7 . Dorothy Hardeman
 8. Thomas James Hardeman
 9. Blackstone Hardeman
 l0. Eleazer Hardeman
11. Baily Hardeman
Children of George Burnett 3 (Jas.2, Geo. l) & Dorothy Hardeman:
(5)   i.  Constantia Dudley Burnett 4,  b. 6 Feb. 1803, Nashville
Tenn., d. 13 Feb.
  1846, Liberty, Clay Co., Mo.
 i i.  Agatha Perkins Burnett 4,  b. 16 Oct, 1804, Nashville, Tenn.,
d.  7 Aug
  1808, Nashville, Tennessee.
(6) iii.   Peter Hardeman Burnett 4,  b. 15 Nov.1807, Nashville, Tenn.
d. 16 May
  1895, San Francisco, California.
(7) iv.   Glen Owen Burnett 4,  b.  16 Nov. 1809, Tenn., d. 1886,
Santa Rosa,
(8) v.    George Wiliam Burnett 4, b. 18 Oct.1811, Williamson, Co.
Tenn, d. 25 Dec.
    1877, McMinnsville, Yam Hill Co., Oregon.
(9) vi.    Elizabath Ann Burnett 4, b. 9 Sept.1813, Williamson,
 vii.    Dolly Comfort Topp Burnett 4, b. 26 Dec 1816, Williamson Co.,
Tenn. d.
   25 Oct, 1819, Howard Co., Mo.
(10) viii.    Mary Henry Jones Burnett 4, b.10 Jan.1819, Howard Co,
Mo., d. 4 April
      1843, Clay Co.,  Mo.
(11) ix.     James White Burnett 4, b. 3 Feb l82l,  Howard Co., Mo.,
d. 21 Nov, 1884,
    Yam Hill Co., Oregon
(12) x.      Thomas Smith Burnett 4, b. 3 Sept.1823 Clay Co, Mo.
 xi.      Rebecca Baily Burnett 4, b. 14 Aug. 1825, Clay Co., Mo., d.
10 June
  1829, Clay Co., Mo.

(5)   Constantia Dudley Burnett 4 (Geo.3, Jas.2, Geo.l) b. 6 Feb,
1803, Nashville, Tenn;
d. 13 Feb.1864, Liberty Clay Co., Mo. She was married 1st. in Howard
Co., Mo.,
Aug.1820,  to James M. Miller. He d. by lightning 23 Sept. 1821,
Boonville, Mo. She m.
2nd. 16 July 1823, Clay Co., Mo., William S. Smith of the firm of
Morton & Smith of
Louisville (Ky).  He was b. 1794, Richmond.Va.;  d.1868 Santa Clara,
Calif. (He was
Major Smith. He was only once married. I cannot give the relative ages
of their children
with accuracy.  The following is substantially correct.,-P.H.B.)

 i.  Thomas H. Smith b. 1824, Liberty, Clay Co., Mo. Los
  Calif, 11 March 1885, -P.H.B
 ii.  Rebecca Smith b. 1826 Liberty, Clay Co., Mo.. d. 23 Dec 1884,
              Alemeda Co.,Calif.
 iii.  George William Smith, b.1828, Liberty, Clay Co., Mo., d. 23
              Hayward, Alemeda Co., Calif.
 iv.  Matthew Smith b. 1830, Liberty, Clay Co., Mo.; d. 1860, San
Jose, Calif.
  v.  Mary Smith b. 1832, Liberty, Clay Co., Mo. resides in Oakland,
              11 March 1885
 vi.  John Henry Smith b. 1834, Louisville, Ky., d. 1883, Oregon.
 vii.  Nanette Smith b.1835, Louisville, Ky., d. 1878, Louisville, Ky.
 viii. Samuel Worsley Smith b. 1837, Louisville, Ky.; resides in
Stockton, Calif.
    11 Mar 1885.-P.H.B.
 ix.  Algernon Sydney Smith b. 1839,  Liberty, Clay Co., Mo., d. 1881,
     Bernardino Co.,Calif.
(8)   Peter Hardeman Burnet 4 (Geo.3, Jas. 2, Geo, l)  b. 15 Nov,
1807, Nashville
Tenn.; d. 16 May 1895, San Francisco, Ca. He m. Harriet Rogers. Record
of Thomas
Burr Burnett,  9 Aug. 1889.  Peter Hardeman Burnet born in Tennessee
removed to
Missouri when a boy; where he was admitted to the Bar and was District
Attorney of the
circuit that David R. Atkinson was judge of.  In 1843 removed to
Oregon Territory and
was Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of that territory.  In 1851
removed to California
and was its first governor under the United States. Was afterwards a
Justice of the
Supreme Court and for many years president of the Pacific Bank. Has
published his
biography under the title of "An old pioneer" ("Recollections and
Opinions of an Old
Pioneer", Da Capo Press reprint series 1969) and has also published
works in defense of
the Catholic religion.  From Peter H. Burnet himself, 11 March 1885;
As relates to
myself,  I must refer you to the "Old pioneer" for events which
occurred up to the last date
of that narrative, 6 Sept. 1878.  I will mention a few circumstances
happening since that
date. On 12 Janunry, 1880, I ceased to be president of the Pacific
Bank (having reached
the age of 72)  and retired to private life. During the years 1880-1-2
and 3 and one half of
1884, I was incessantly employed in the composition and publication of
my late work,
"Reasons why we should believe in God, love God",  lately issued from
the press of the
Catholic Publication Society Co., 9 Barelay St., N.Y.City.  After
keeping house for about
fifty-five years, I closed out in September last; when I had finished
my work, and was very
much exhausted and reduced and needed rest. I have since spent my time
with my children
and am at last permanently located with my son, John M. Burnet, my
youngest living
child. Having invested all my little capital in United States Bonds, I
have no business
cares, and while my income is moderate, it is ample for my reasonable
wants with some to
spare.  I live In plain but comfortable style, my life is private,
tranquil and happy, and I
spend my time in peaceful, hopeful,  preparation for death.  My four
children and thirty
grandchildren are all within two hours travel by rail. So far as I can
see, my work is
substantially finished and I wait with patience and resignation, the
call of the great teacher,
Children of Peter Hardeman Burnet and Harriet Rogers:

(13) i.  Dwight Jay Burnet 5, b. 23 May 1829, Bolivar, Hardeman Co.
(14) ii.  Martha Letitia Burnet 5, b. 29 April 1833, Clay Co., Mo,;
m. Caius Tacitus
(15) iii.  Ramietta Juett Burnet 5, b. 14 Feb. 1836, Liberty, Clay
Co., Mo.;  m.
 William Thompson Wallace.
(16) iv.  John May Burnett 5, b. 4 Feb l838, Liberty, Clay Co., Mo.;
m. Ellen
 Theresa Casey.
 v.  Armstead Locke Burnet 5, b. 7 Oct 1839 Liberty, Clay Co., Mo.; d.
26 May
1862, San Jose, Calif., "is buried in the family plot in Santa Clara,
Cal., where his mother
and sister Sallie C. Poe, are sleeping."-P.H. Burnet. He m. 21
Nov.1860, San Jose, Calif.,
Flora Johnson, daughter of Dr. Johnson.  She m. 2nd. William Hester.
 vi.  Sallie Canstantia Burnet 5, b. 27 Sept. 1841, Platte City,
Platte Co., Mo., d.
24 May 1861, Sacramento, Calif.. Buried in family plot, Santa Clara,
Calif.  She m. 21
Nov. 1860, San Jose, Calif., Francis Poe, a double wedding at the same
time and place
with her brother, Armstead Locke Burnett.  No children.

Harriet Walton Rogers was born 15 Nov.1807, Nashville, Tenn., daughter
of Peter
Rogers who died in Clay Co. Mo, in 1858, aged 70.  She died 19 Sept.
1879, San
Francisco, Ca.,  and is buried in the family plot, Santa Clara, Ca.
She m. Peter
Hardeman Burnett 28 Aug, 1898, in Hardeman Co., Tenn., about ten miles
Bolivar, the county seat.  The Rev. W. B. Peck, a  Methodist minister,
performed the

(13)   Dwight Jay Burnet 5. (Peter H.4, Geo.3, Jas. 2, Geo.1) b. 23
May 1891, Bolivar,
Hardeman Co., Tenn.;  He went with his parents to Clay Co.,Mo., in
1830, to Liberty in
1832, to Weston, Platte Co., Mo., in 1842 and started for Oregon in
1843;  to
Sacramento, Calif., in 1849, to Santa Clara Co.,Calif., in 1851, to
Nevada City,Calif. in
1855, to Santa Clara County in 1857, to San Fransisco, Calif., in
1871.  He was educated
in the common schools in various places and at a college in Oregon
City, state of Oregon.
He held the positions of public school director, associate judge in
Santa Clara county,
1859 to 1860, county collector of Santa Clara County, 1866 to 1867. He
belonged to the
Cavalry Company of California, organized in 1862, and went to the
Indian War in Oregon.
In 1884 the San Francisco Directory lists him as a farmer, South San
Francisco, Tobin,
Visitation Valley. He m. 29 Jan.1850,  Sacramento, Calif., Mary Susan
Wilcox.  Judge
Thomas performed the ceremony.  Mary Susan Wilcox was b. 1 June 1835,
in Onondaga
Co., New York, daughter of Franklin Sylvester and Harriet (Van Dorn)
Franklin Sylvester Wilcox was b. 6 Nov. 1815 and d. 1851 in Nevada
City, Calif.. He
was born in Vermont. Harriet Van Dorn was b. 22 Feb. 1814,  Syracuse,
Onondaga Co.,
N.Y. and d. 8 May 1871, San Francisco.  They were m. 19 March 1834,
Syracuse, N.Y..
Mary Susan Wilcox was educated in the public schools.
Children of Dwight Jay Burnet 5 and Mary Susan Wilcox:
 i.  Harriet Morrow Burnet 6, b. 23 Aug. 1853, near Santa Clara,
Calif.. She was
educated in the public schools and at the University of the Pacific,
Santa Clara. Unmarried
and living at 16th and Valencia St., San Francisco, Ca, 1886.
 ii.  Franklin Burnet 6,  b. 7 June 1855,  d. 7 June.1855.
 iii.  George Sargent Burnet 6, b. 21 Dec. 1856, Broad St., Nevada
City, Calif..
Educated in the public schools and Heald's Business College, San
Fransisco. He m. 22
Aug. 1884, Adelaide Blanken. 1886 also given as date of m.
 iv.   Franklin Wilcox Burnet 6, b. 5 Dec. 1860, on the Rose Cottage
Ranch, near
Santa Clara, Calif..  He was educated in the public schools and at
Heald's Business College
San Fransisco.  He is of the firm of Burnet & Slattery, Photographers,
n.w. corner of
Valencia & 10th Sts., San Francisco.  He m. Dec.1886, Agnes Tittel.
They had two
children, a boy who d. and a girl b. in San Francisco, named
 v.  Romeeta Burnet  6. b. 2 Sept 1867, Santa Clara, Calif.  She was
educated in
the public schools.  She m. 24 Dec 1883, Charles Lincoln Taber, oldest
son of the Hon.
Charles Wesley and Livonia (Harriman) Taber. His father was b. 29
March 1839,
Grafton, N.H.; his mother was b. 15 June 1837, Eaton, N.H..  Charles
Wesley Taber and
Livonia Harriman were m. 1863, San Fransisco.
 vi.  Ruby Letitia Burnet  6. b. 19 Oct. 1869 Santa Clara, Calif, d. 5
May 1890,
San Francisco, of measles. Buried Odd Fellows Cemetery, San Francisco.
 vii.  Armstead Dudley Burnet 6. b. 26 Aug. 1873. 1129 Ellis St:, San
Attended public school.1886.
 viii. Peter Hardeman Burnet Jr. 6. b. 20 Sept.1878, at 1112 Larkin
St., San

(14) Martha Letitia Burnet 5 (Peter H. 4, Geo.3,. Jas.2, Geo.1) b.  29
April 1833,
Liberty, Clay Co., Mo;  m. Caius Tacitus Ryland, son of John Ryland,
former Chief
Justice of Missouri.  He is a banker at San Jose, Calif..  He formerly
practiced law. They
were m. at Alviso, Santa Clara Co., Calif. 23 June 1851. Children:
 i.   Ada Cornelia Ryland, b. 21 Dec.
 ii.  John Wallace Ryland
 iii. Mary Norma Ryland  b. 17 June
 iv. Frank Poe Ryland b. 29 Jan.1861, d. 27 July 1889.
 v.  Joseph Robert Ryland, b.1863;  m. 24 Jan.1888 San Francisco by
Riordan, to Cornelia Terry O'Neal.
 vi. Harriet Cecelia Ryland, b. Nov, ??  m.10 Sept.1890 by Father
Dowling in San
Jose Calif., Joseph Aloysius O'Keef.  Lives in San Jose.
 vii. Charles Bernard Ryland, b. 24 Feb.1866;  m.(?), 1890, by Rev. B.
Colzia in
San Jose, Calif, to Lucie White, daughter of Capt. White from
 viii. Caius Tacitus Ryland, b. 21 March 1867.
  ix. Dwight Edmond Ryland, b. 1 Aug.1869.

(15) Ramietta Juett Burnet, 5 (Peter H. 4, Geo.3, Jas.2, Geo 1), b. 14
Feb. 1836,
Liberty, Clay Co., Mo.;  m. 30 March 1853, at Alviso, Santa Clara Co.
Calif., William
Thompson Wallace.  His mother's name was Roman. In 1895 they resided
in San
Francisco. Their children:
 i.  Richard Roman Wallace, b. San Jose, Calif.
 ii.  Ryland Burnett Wallace, b.                 m. 3 Sept.1884, by
the Rev. Dr. Scott,
at her father's house in San Francisco, Annie L.Bradley. Mr.Wallace is
a practicing lawyer
in San Francisco,1880.
 iii.  Mary Adelaide Wallace;  m. 17 Feb.1886, San Francisco, Calif.
Archbishop Riorden,  John Francis Sheehan.  They resided in San
 iv.  William Thompson, d. 1 Aug. 1889.
  v.  Isabella Wallace,  m. 16 Jan.1884,  in St.Mary's Cathedral, in
San Francisco
by the Most Rev. Joseph S. Alemany, James Mervyn Donahue, son of Peter
and Mary
Jane (Maguire) Donahue. Isabella Wallace Donahue d. 1890 (?), San
Franciso. Buried
in Calvary Cemetery.
 vi.  Margaret Wallace, b. 5 Aug, 1869.
 vii.  Rometta Wallace, b. Nov, 1875

(16) John May Burnet 5 (Peter H. 4, Geo.3, Jas.2, Geo.l) b. 4
Feb.1838, Liberty, Clay
Co., Mo.;  m. 27 April 1863, by the Rev. N. Congiato S.J., San
Francisco, Ellen Casey,
daughter of Andrew and Mira (Hennigan) Casey.  Ellen Casey was b. 18
July 1839
Jersey City, N.J..  Her father was b. in Ireland, her mother in N.J..
John May Burnet is
an attorney at law, 507 Montgomery St., San Francisco. The family home
is 1713 Larkin
St., San Francisco.
 i.  Mira Mary Burnet 6. b. 23 Jan 1864, San Francisco.
 ii.  Sara Constantia Burnet 6. b. 18 June 1866, S.F.
 iii.  Margaret Agnes Burnet 6. b. 2 Dec.1867, S.F.
 iv.  Peter Hardeman Burnet 6. b. 30 April 1869, d. 14 Jan 1877.
 v.   David Mahoney Burnet 6. b. 26 Dec.1870, San Fransico.
 vi.  Andrew Casey Burnet 6. b. 6 July 1873, d. 7 Mar.1892.
 vii.  Harriet Mary Burnet 6. b. 10 May 1877, San Francisco.
 viii.  Mary Burnet  6. b. 1 Sept 1878, San Francisco.

(7) Glen Owen Burnet 4 (Geo. 5,  Jas. 2, Geo.1) b. 16 Nov. 1809, d.
1886 in Santa
Rosa, Calif..  "Lives in California,  resides with his wife and
daughter in Santa Rosa,
Calif.." Again, "There are some singular coincidences connected with
Glen's family and my
own.  He and myself were next to each other, he being two years and
one day younger
than myself.  My wife and his were the only living daughters of Peter
Rogers and they
were next to each other, my wife being the older, and both couples
lived to pass their
golden wedding. My wife died in San Francisco, Calif., 19 Sept; 1879,
and (is) buried in
the family plot, Santa Clara Cal." from Peter Hardeman Burnet, 11
March 1885.
 "Mira Mary Burnet and her sister, Margaret Agnes Burnett, 18 Oct.
1892, at my
office gave information; Glen Owen Burnett died 1886 in Santa Rosa.
Cal..  Sarah his
wife died 1889, in Santa Rosa, Cal."  P. H. Burnet.
 m. 6 Jan.1830, Sarah M. Rogers daughter, of Peter Rogers, in Hardeman
Co., Tenn.
About ten miles from Boliver, the county seat.
"Glen Owen Burnet practiced medicine in Missouri but went to Oregon
shortly after his
brother Peter Hardeman Burnet, and now lives in California.  He has a
large family."
from Thomas Burnett in 1880."
Children born to Glen Owen Burnett and Sarah M. Rogers:
 i.  Martha L. Burnet 5.
 ii.  Horace G. Burnet 5.
 iii.  0livia Burnet 5
 iv.  Mary Burnet 5
 v.   Lewis Burnet 5
 vi.  Peter Rogers Burnet 5
 vii. William Burnet 5
 viii. Fannie Burnet 5
  ix. Matthew Burnet 5
  x.  John H. Burnet 5
 xi.  Albert.G. Burnet  5
 xii. Annie D. Burnet 5
"Seven sons and five daughters.  All married except:  Lewis, Matthew,
and Annie.  All
living except:  Horace, Olivia, and William.  As near as I can learn,
my brother Glen has
nine living children, 45 grandchildren and 24 Great grandchildren,
making 78 living
descendants." P.H. Burnet, 11 March 1885.  The following data from
Mira M. and
Margaret A. Burnet, 18 Oct.1892:
   Martha A. Burnet 5. m. Daniel Holman.  Reside Mcminnsville, Oregon.
          Horace Burnet 5. married and had children.
   Olivia Burnet 5. m. Woodford Holman. He lived San Diego or
   Mary Burnet 5. m. Charles Graves, resided in Ore. He d. within a
few years.
   Lewis Burnet 5, m. and went from Santa Rosa to Missouri.
   Rev. Peter Rogers Burnet 5, m. and lives in Oregon, with a large
   Fannie Burnet 5, m. a  Mr. Brassfield and resided in Colusa
Co.,Calif. ,had
children and she died within the past 4 or 5 years.
     Dr. John F.Burnet 5, m. Rachel -----.  Children:  Mabel and
     Albert G. Burnet 5, b. in Oregon in 1854, 5, or 6.  Married Dora
Hood and
had two children:  Sarah who died in infancy and Albert Hood Burnet.
Albert Burnet
lives in Santa Rosa, Calif., practices law. Albert was a twin to Annie
D. Burnett

(8)  George William Burnett 4. (Geo.3,  Jas. 2,  Geo.1) b. 18 Oct
1811, Williamson Co.,
Tenn., d. 25 Dec.1877, Mcminnsville, Yam Hill Co., Ore..  He lived in
Oregon from the
fall of 1846 until his death. Married Sydner S. Younger in Clay Co.,
Missouri about
1830. She remains a widow, resides in Mcminnsville, Ore., and has a
great number of
grand-children and great grand-children. Children of George William
Burnett and
Sydner S. Younger:
  i.  Annie Mary Burnett 5
  ii. Lucretia Burnett 5 "when I left Oregon in 1848, she was a little
girl. I did not
see her until 1884 and she was then a grandmother having five
grand-children,"- P.H.B. 11
March 1885.

(9)  Elizabeth Ann Burnett 4, (Geo.3,  Jas.2, Geo 1), b. 9 Sept. 1813,
Williamson Co.,
Tenn.. d. spring of 1886. Married 1st. Dr.Ware S. May, in Clay Co.,
Mo., 20 Feb. 1828.
He d. 29 Nov. 1847, Platte Co., Mo.  Children of Elizabeth A. and Ware
S. May:

 i.  Mary Constantia May, b. 3 Oct. 1836, Liberty, Clay Co., Mo..
Resides in
Cloverdale, Sonoma, Co., Calif.
 ii.  Dolly Frances May, b. 22 Nov. 1838,  d. 1884.
 iii.  George Robert May, b. 17 June 1841, d. 1882-83,  Platte Co.,
Mo.; resides in
Charles City, Iowa.
 iv.  Benjamin Long May, b, 17 June 1841, twin.
 v.  Susan Jane Uty, b. 21 Jan 1844, Platte Co., Mo.; resides in
Willaims, Colusa
Co., Calif.
 vi.  Elizabeth Owen May,  b. 1 March 1846, Platte Co., Mo.. Resides
in the state
of Kansas.

Elizabeth Ann (Burnett) May married 2nd. Robert Cain, in Clay, Co.,
Mo. 11
Aug.1849. He died 1868, Platte Co, Mo..  Children of Elizabeth A.
(Burnett) and
Robert Cain:
 vii.  Peter Burnett Cain, b. 15 June 1850, Platte Co., Mo.. Resides
in Los
 viii. Robert Emmet Cain, b.  Platte Co.. Resides somewhere in
  ix.  Franklin Loan Cain, b. 12 Jan.1854, Platte, Co., Mo.. Resides
near Downey
City, Los Angeles Co.,Calif.
  x.  Henry M. Cain, b. 13 Sept. 1856, Platte Co., Mo..  Resides on a
farm near
Grangerville, Fresno Co.. Calif.--P.H.Burnet, 11 March 1885.

(10) Mary Henry Jones Burnett 4, (Geo.3, Jas.2, Geo.1) Recollections
of an Old
Pioneer: page 273, "Dr. John P. Long, and his brother Willis, were
settlers at Long Bar.
Yuba Co., Calif., Nov, 1848, the place having been named "Long's Bar"
in their honor.
They were brothers of Dr. Benjamin S. Long who married Mary Burnett."
Henry Jones Burnett was b. 10 Jan. 1819, Howard Co., Mo. d. 14 April
1843, Clay Co.,
Mo..  m. Dr. Benjamin S. Long  in Clay Co., Mo. in 1838.  Left one
child, George W.
Long, who now resides in Gainesville, Texas.- P.H.Burnet 11 March

(11) James White Burnett 4 (Geo.3, Jas.2. Geo.1 ) b. 3 Feb 182l,
Howard Co., Mo.,
d. 21 Nov.1884 Yam Hill Co., Oregon;  m. Jane Turner about 1845 in
Platte Co., Mo..
Children of James White Burnett and Jane Turner:
 i.  Thomas Burnett 5.
 ii.  Florence Burnett 5.
 iii.  Lena Burnett 5.
 iv.  Fannie Burnett 5
 v.   James A. Burnett 5.
 vi.  MarshaIl P. Burnett 5.
 vii.  Robert L. Burnett 5.
 viii.  Luella Burnett 5.
  ix.  Mattie Burnett 5.  All living except: Lena.-- P.H.Burnet, 11
MArch 1885.

(12) Thomas Smith Burnett 4  (Geo.3. Jas.2, Geo.1)  b. 3 Sept 1823,
Clay Co., Mo..
married 1st. about 1846, had one child:
  i. Mary Burnett 5.
 Married 2nd. in Santa Clara Co., Calif., about 1855.
 Children by second wife:
 ii.  Susan Burnett 5.
 iii.  Kate Burnett 5.
 iv.  Thomas Burnett 5.
   v.   Franklin Burnett 5.
Resides in Umatilla, Co., Oregon, with his second, wife.--Peter
Hardeman Burnet, 11
March 1885.

(4) William Burnett 3 (James 2, George 1)  b. 1772, in Virginia d.
Shawneetown, Gallatin Co. Il., where he lived.  Married lst, Sarah
Graham.-- Record
Thomas Burr Burnett. Their children:
 i.   James G. Burnett 4, b. 1799.  unmarried.
(17) ii.  John Milton Burnett 4.
(18) iii.  Hiram. Burnett 4.
(19) iv. William G. Burnett 4.
(20)  v.  Julia Burnett 4.
(21) vi.  Eliza J. Burnett 4.
After marrying Sarah Graham, William Burnett removed to Saline Co.,
Illinois.  From
Thomas Burr Burnett, 9 Aug 1889.
William Burnett 3 married 2nd. Lucy Brown.  No Issue.  He m. 3rd.,
Jane Irwin, a
widow whose maiden name was Runnion.  She d. 11 Nov 1842.  Data on
2nd. and 3rd.
marriage from Mrs.Charles Burnett,  21 March 1886 to P. H. Burnett.
Children  of 3rd. marriage:
(22) vii.  Charles Burnett 4  "I am the only issue of the marriage of
William Burnett
to Jane (Irwin nee Runnion) his 3rd.wife, b. 14 July 1835."

(17) John Milton Burnett 4 (Wm.3,  James 2, George 1) "Lives in the
vicinity of
Raleigh, Saline Co., Ill. m. Katherine Cook, of a Kentucky family.
She died 6 or 7 years
ago."  From (22) Charles Burnett, 19 Dec. 1867.
Children of John Milton Burnett and Katharine Cook:
 i.  Warren Ewing Burnett 5, "Goes by name Ewing, an old bachelor,
about 36
years old." (22) Charles Burnett, 19 Dec 1867.
 "Ewing Burnett is circuit clerk of Harrisburg, Ill." 23 Feb 1886.
Ewing Burnett, a bachelor, something very unusual in the Burnett
family."  From Lizzie,
wife of (22) Charles Burnett, 21 March.1886.
 ii.  George E. Burnett 5. "George E. Burnett did live in Raleigh,
Ill., once but
now owns and lives on a farm just two miles from Harrisburg, Ill..  He
is doing well and
has quite an interesting family; a wife, two daughters and three
sons." Lizzle Burnett, 21
March 1886.
 iii.  Elizabeth Burnett 5,  m. B. F. Wallace, some 15 years ago and
had two
children.--(22) Charles Burnett, 19 Dec.1867.  "Mrs.Wallace who did
live near Raleigh,
Saline Co., Ill. is now dead."  Mrs. Lizzie Burnett, 21 March 1886.
 iv.  John Milton Burnett 5. "Resides in Galatia, four miles from
Raleigh, Ill."
 (22) Charles Burnett 19 Dec 1867 to P. H. Burnett  Four or five
 v.  Manerva Burnett 5.  "Married Dr. F.F. Johnson and has 3 or 4
Chas. Burnett 19 Dec 1867.  "Lives at Stone Fort Saline Co., Ill.,  a
few miles back of
Harrisburg.  As I don't know much of her, I would advise you to write
to Uncle Hiram
Burnett or his son Dr. Henry Burnett at Raleigh.for a record of their
family." Mrs. Chas.
Burnett. to P.H.B., 21 March.1886.
 vi.  Eliza Burnett 5. "Married T.J. Johnson recently." (22) Chas.
Burnett.19 Dec
 vii.  Laura Burnett 5.
 viii. Matilda Burnett 5.

(19)  William G. Burnett 4 (Wm.3, James 2, George 1 ) "Died of cholera
in 1849. His
wife and died some years before." (22) Chas. Burnett, 19 Dec 1867.

(20) Julia Burnett 4 (Wm. 3. James 2, George 1) "Julia, my oldest
sister lives near
Raleigh, Ill,  m. Horatis R. Coffee."
Children to Julia Burnett and Horatis R. Coffee:
 i.  Adaline B. Coffee. m. William Burkhart. "She is a widow resides
Raleigh, Ill. Chas. Burnett.19 Dec 1867.
 ii.  James C. Coffee m. "has several children resides near Raleigh,
Ill."  Chas
Burnett.19 Dec. 1867.
 iii.  Allen B. Coffee
 iv.  Green Coffee
 v.   Richard M. Coffee
 vi.  Sarah E. Coffee m. Alexander Hunt, near Raleigh, Ill.
 vii.  Susan D. Coffee, old maid.
 viii. Chloe Coffee, Just grown. Chas. Burnett 19 Dec 1867.

(21) Eliza J. Burnett 4 (Wm.3, James 2, George 1 ) m. 1st. to William
C. Jones.
Their children:
 i.  William Burnett Jones, "Is now 40 years old, runs a carding and
cotton gin at
Raleigh, Ill.  Has several .children." Chas. Burnett 19 Dec.1867.
 ii.  John J. Jones. "Has been Sheriff of Saline County, Ill..  Is now
selling goods at
Harrisburg, the county seat, 6 miles south of Raleigh, Ill."
Chas.Burnett, 19 Dec 1867.
 iii.  Miriam L. Burnett Jones. m. Thomas B.Vaughan, resides at
Eldorado, 5
miles east of Raleigh, Ill..
Eliza J. (Burnett) Jones, m. 2nd. David Boyse, one child:
 iv.  Louisa Boyse, m. Francis M. Kittinger, resides near Raleigh,
Ill.  Chas.
Burnett, 19 Dec 1867 to P.H.B.
(22) Charles Burnett  4 (Wm. 3, James 2, Geo.l) b. 14 July 1835.
"Charles Burnett,
the son of Willlam, the son of James, the son of George (who is said
to have gone to
Virginia in 1755), was born near Raleigh, Saline Co., Ill., on 14
July.1837. (see Mrs.
Charles Burnettt's correction later.)  He received only a common
school education, such
as was afforded in that early day, being very poor. In 1858 he
published the "Raleigh Flag
a small weekly which was burned out in the following winter. He was
married 1st. to Julia
Ann Karnes, 19 Nov 1857.  In Feb. 1859,  he commenced the study of law
at Raleigh, Ill.
under Capt. William H. Parish and was admitted to the bar in the early
part of 1860, at
Harrisburg, Ill.  During that year he was elected a member of the
Illinois General
Assembly.  In 1862,  he volunteered in the Army and entered Company E,
110th, Ill. Reg.,
Inf. Vol. as Second Lieutentant was honorably discharged as First
Lieutenant in 1863.
 In 1863,  he removed his family to Elizabethtown, Hardin Co., Ill.,
and practiced
law until his wife died, July 1865, immediately after which event, he
removed his children
back to Raleigh, and went, himself, to Shawneetown, Galatin Co., Ill.,
and entered upon
the practice of law there, where he stood at the head of his
profession. He was again
elected a member of the 26th. General Assembly of the State of
Illinois, from the 3rd.
Senatorial District in 1867, for the session of 1868-1870.
 He was married the second time on 12 May, 1868 at Raleigh, Ill., and
established his home at Shawneetown.  Sometime the later part of 1870,
he had a
paralytic stroke which was soon followed by a second,  more severe
than the first and on
11 May  l871, he died from the effects of a third stroke.  He was
buried at Westwood
Cemetery at Shawneetown, attended by the Masonic and Odd Fellows
Fraternities on the
12th.of May.
 I was his second wife, whose maiden name was Lizzie Dieademia Wright,
born 6 Oct.1846, at Cloverport, Breckenridge Co., Ky., where I lived
until the later part
of 1865, when I removed with my mother to Raleigh, Ill., where in
1867, I met my
husband, Charles Burnett.  I was educated at the Male and Female
Academy of
Cloverport, Ky., and when quite young was converted and joined the
M.E.Church, of
which I am still a member.  My vocation was teaching.  I began at the
age of eighteen and
taught until within a few days of my marriage. (12 May 1868, at
Raleigh, Ill., by Rev. M.
Jones, a Baptist minister).
 I was made the happiest bride on record, my happiness and contentment
until my bereavment, the death of my husband.  He was all a wife could
desire, or a child
could wish in a Father. His death left me a widow with five children,
three by his first wife,
and two my own.  My elder, Charles was born 23 Sept 1869;  Joseph
Clyde born 30
March 1871 and died 10 Sept 1872.  The older children being married
and settled happily,
I am left on the homestead with my only child, Charles, a bright and
promising boy.
 My father's name was David Wright, his exact date of birth I do not
know, but
was in the year 1800, near Norfolk,Va..  He was the son of Frank
Wright, a very
wealthy, influential man of that place and was also educated there,
and  when quite young
came to Kentucky and married my mother in the year 1823.  My mother's
maiden name
was Elizabath Jacob, born at Winchester, Clarke Co., Ky., 3 April
1805.  My father died
the later part of 1850 on his farm near Hawesville, Hancock, Co., Ky.,
where he had lived
only a short time.
 After his death. my mother being left with two children, seven girls
and three boys,
returned to Cloverport, Ky., where she remained until she moved to
this state in 1865,
where she remained until 1872,  when desiring to visit old faces and
places returned to
Cloverport, where she died 5 Feb 1885 and was buried in the family
burying ground."
Mrs. Charles Burnett, 23 Feb 1886, Shawneetown, Ill..
 " I have the love of all my step-children as much as if I had been
their own mother.
Indeed, we were so closely united in our affection as one family, that
my own son,
Charles, never knew until three years ago that they were not his own
brothers and sisters.
He is perfectly devoted to them.  My father and mother were married, I
think at
Winchester, Clarke Co., Ky..  They were members of the M.E. Church and
were devoted
Christians.  She never married after his death, but lived to take care
of her children."
 Mrs. Charles Burnett wrote this to Peter Hardeman Burnett on the
21st. Nov.
1886, at which time she made a correction in the birth of her husband
as being in 1835 at
Shawneetown, Galatin Co., Ill.  At the same time she added the
 "Charles Burnett married 1st. Julia Ann Karnes, daughter of George
and Mary Ann Gasway at the residence of her father, near Raleigh,
Ill., on 19 Nov 1857,
by the Rev. T.P. Moore a Baptist minister.  She was born 27 Jan 1836
near Raleigh, Saline
Co., Ill. and died July 1865, Elizabethtown, Hardin Co., Ill., and
(is) buried in Bethel
Creek Church yard, by the side of her own father and mother (who have
both died within
the past five years).  Her father died in 1884, her mother in May
 "Children born to Charles and Julia Ann (Karnes) Burnett:
(23) i.  William Karnes Burnett 5, b. 4 Oct, 1858.
(24) ii.  Mary Jane Burnett 5, b. 8 Feb 1861.
(25) iii. Adele Douglas Burnett 5, b. 3 Mar 1863.
 All born in Raleigh, Saline Co., Ill.
Children born to Charles and Lizzie (Wright) Burnett:
(26) iv. Charles Burnett 5, b. 23 Sept 1869
 v.  Joseph Clyde Burnett 5, b. 30 March 1871, d. 10 Sept 1872.  Both
born in
Shawneetown, Ill., Joseph died there."

(23) William Karnes Burnett 5 (Chas. 4, Wm. 3, James 2, Geo 1) b. 4
Oct 1858,
Raleigh, Saline Co., Ill. married Emma Robinson, 31 Jan 1883, at
Harrisburg, Ill., by the
Rev. N.E. Crow, at the M.E. Church.  William K. Burnett is editor and
publisher of the
"Harrisburg Mercury", a Democratic Weekly of that place, he is also in
the Clerk's Office,
in addition to his editorship, also Post Master of  Harrisburg.
 On 2 Feb 1893, William K. Burnett wrote the following to Peter H.
"Some years ago, I understood that you were compiling a family history
of the Burnetts,
would you kindly favor me with some particulars concerning the same ?
W.K.Burnett of
firm Swofford Bros. 607, 609, 613, 615 Wyandotte  St., Kansas City,
Mo. and 51
Leonard St., N.Y. City."
 "Answered at once, giving him to understand I am still working and
asked,  giving
full form to work by, his record."
  Received the following reply on 15 March 1893.  "The information you
was sent you by me some years ago, from Harrisburg, (Saline Co.)
Illinois, but since so
long a time has elapsed many changes have taken place and I shall take
pleasure in
correcting it.  A letter to Miss Electa Farrington at Norborne, Mo.,
would probably
develope some information that would be useful to you.  She is a
Burnett on her mother's
side, the family coming from Ohio to this state."
 P.H.Burnett replied on 17 March 1893, asking again for the record of
W.K.B., but
there is nothing further on this person, so probably no answer was

(24) Mary Jane Burnett  5. (Chas. 4, Wm 3, Jas.2,  Geo.1) b. 8
Feb.1861, Raleigh,
Saline Co., Ill., Married William S. Cantrell, 2 March 1882, at
Benton, Ill.,  at the
Methodist E. Church, by Father Braxter, the minister of that church.
It was a brilliant
affair and both received many valuable presents.  William Cantrell is
State's Atty for
Benton, Franklin Co., Ill., a very prominent lawyer.  Reside in
Benton, Ill..  Children:
 i.  Charles Addison Cantrell  b. 11 Dec 1882
 ii.  Mary Adele Cantrell  b. 7 June 1885

(25) Adele Douglas Burnett 5 (Chas. 4, Wm. 3,  Jas. 2, Geo.1) b. 3
March 1863,
Raleigh, Saline, Co., Ill., married John F. Ammons, 1 March 1885, at
home of Dr.
Henry Burnett while there on a visit.  Married by the Rev. M. Jones, a
Baptist.  John F.
Ammons is agent of the St., L.A. & T.R.R. Co., at Raleigh, Ill.

(26) Charles Burnett 5 (Chas. 4, Wm.3,  Jas.2, Geo.l.) b. 23 Sept
1863,  at
Shawneetown, Ill.  "I am left on the homestead with my only
child......My Charlie is very
much like his papa in his general appearnnee and disposition.  He is a
favorite everywhere
with old and young, but the most pleasing feature about him is, he is
a true Christian.  He
was converted and joined the Presbyterian Church last Aug.(1885). He
is industriously
inclined and shows a great desire to make money, rather than be idle.
He goes to school
through the day and stays at  the P.O. mornings and evenings.  It has
been my greatest
hope to educate him for a lawyer or doctor (but having met with so
many heavy losses
during the many indundations that the city has been subjected to, I've
almost despaired of
realizing my fond expectations).  He will go in the Clerk's Office,
here, during the vacation
(having stayed in the Office with his cousin, Ewing Burnett, at
Harrisburg, all last year).
He has considerable experience about this work.  Charles, being a dear
lover of home,
not contented elsewhere, I've  resigned my position of school teacher
(which I've done
the greater part ..........continued: of my time ......)
Mrs.Charles Burnet  Shawneetown,  Ill.,  23 Feb. 1886,
D.A.R. California Records of the Families of California Pioneers. E
202.5 C15 C2 Vol 14
pg 25.

BURNETT         Burbank
 My uncle, Peter Hardeman Burnett, came to Califoinia in 1848 and was
the first
American Governor of' the State.  My father, Thomas Hardeman Smith,
came at the same
time.  They both started from Missouri in 1842 but went to Oregon
first.  My cousin,
former Supreme Judge William J. Wallace, came at the same time.  I was
born in Los
Angeles in 1876.
  Ethel Gray Russell

End of btrvetc-d Digest V99 Issue #31