BTRVETC-L Digest		Volume 99 : Issue 32
1 Jul 1999

Today's Topics:
	 Re: Elizabeth Burnett m. Benjamin Cash/write
	 TURNER, Thomas
	 Children of James and Mary Turner of Bedford Co VA
	 Turner/Burnett e-mail list
	 Re: Harbour/Thomas
	 Burnett Family

for the Burnett/Turner/Ross/Via/Etc Mailing List  (BTRVETC-L)

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Date: Sun, 27 Jun 1999 10:38:00 EDT
Subject: Re: Elizabeth Burnett m. Benjamin Cash/write
Message-ID: <>
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Burnett Cousins,

  I am  forwarding this msg to the list for Bunny in Alberta, Canada. PLEASE 
answer to her...NOT to me, if you have something for her.


In a message dated 6/27/99 9:31:49 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 

 Still looking for info on Elizabeth Burnett that married Benjamin Cash March 
 09, 1825 in Knox Co. TN.  
 Alberta, Canada


Date: Sun, 27 Jun 1999 12:32:56 -0400
From: "Jane Turner Strickland" <>
To: <>
Subject: TURNER, Thomas
Message-ID: <01bec0ba$b5f47720$091456d1@default>
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I Have Thomas Turner, b ca 1811, SC, married Lucinda Wilkinson in Fayette Co
GA, 1830.
His oldest sonw as named Kinion, next came Francis M. Andrew J, George W,
Sarah E, Noah S, Thomas M, John (who is not one the 1860 census), Lewis C,
and William P.
The entire family was in Polk Co for the 1860 census.  Kinion moved back to
Fayette Co after the WONA, where Andrew J and George W were killed.  I am
unable to find the family (other than Kinion's) after the 1860 census.  I
have not been able to find other family-there is another Turner family in
Fayette County (Moses and his sons) but they left wills to prove kinship.
 I believe my Thomas to be the son of an older Thomas Turner that appears in
Fayette Co, and there are tax records of Thomas and Thomas Jr.   I believe
the older Thomas to be a brother to Moses, but can find no evidence, or
wills to prove this.  I also wonder what became of the family.  Did they
move on west, and Kinion came home to Fayette, or did the war just wipe out
the family, and Kinion brought his family back to where he was raised.  Did
his wife Sarah Black Turner move back to her family while Kinion was in the
hospital for 16 months after being wounded at the retreat from Gettysburg?
Any help, ideas or suggestions?


Date: Sun, 27 Jun 1999 17:46:01 EDT
Subject: Children of James and Mary Turner of Bedford Co VA
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I was wondering whether anyone could give me any feedback on the family of 
"Old" James Turner of Bedford County VA?  I have seen charts listing the 
children of James and Mary Turner (married about 1730) as Richard (b. ca 
1728), Isaiah (b. ca 1730), Ruth, Francis (b. ca 1740), James, Admire (b. 
1745), Adam (b. 1747), Mary, Elijah, and Nathan Turner.  However,  the 
"Bedford Co. VA Deed Book A-1 1754-1762" lists James Turner as granting deeds 
of gift to his children Ruth and her hisband Moses Hurt; Mary and her husband 
John Hampton; Isaiah; Elijah; Admire; and Nathan. The deeds were all recorded 
between February and March 1761, and there is no mention whatsoever of 
Richard, James Jr., Francis or Adam Turner.  Why would James deed gifts of 
land to some of his children and not all of them?  Could he have been on the 
outs with all four of these sons? I have to admit that I am not yet fully 
convinced that Francis Turner, at least, was part of the Bedford Co. line.  
The fact that he left strict provisions in his will to donate money to the 
Presbyterian church as well as the fact that his son Adam Turner's family 
Bible was printed in Edinburgh, plus his family's apparent close relations 
with the Scots-Irish Pilsons suggests to me that Francis could have been 
Scots-Irish himself, and thus not of the Bedford Turners.  I would love to 
hear anyone else's thoughts on this subject!

Becky Olenchak


Date: Sun, 27 Jun 1999 21:27:37 -0700
From: "Beverly L. Yeager" <>
Subject: Turner/Burnett e-mail list
Message-ID: <>
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Would someone please send the address of this list?
Thanks so much, Beverly


Date: Sun, 27 Jun 1999 21:45:42 -0400
From: "Eunice B. Kirkman" <>
To: "Sonny Griffith" <>
Cc: "BTRVETC List" <>
Subject: Re: Harbour/Thomas
Message-ID: <004201bec109$b77c5dc0$f6f463ce@ekirkman>
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Really goofed, did I?

Thomas Rowland "Rowe" Hall m. 1st, Catherine Thomas, with whom he had 6
children before she died abt 1808, including Mary Catherine who married
Abner Harbour.  He then m. 2nd, Sarah Fuson 21 Jul 1808, with whom he had 8
children. (group sheet follows).

I've just discovered that there were two Jared Harbours.  There was Jared
P., b. 1790, the son of David and Esther Cronk Harbour, who married Ruth
Reynolds.  The there was the Jared who was the son of Abner Harbour.

I, too often, enter info into the data base and don't really look at the
dates, take them off a group sheet and just punch them in.

Thanks for calling my attention to this one.  I know there are errors in my
data base.  I ask folks to let me know so that I can correct them, but too
often I guess they don't want to hurt my feelings.  It hurts my feelings
more to realize that an error is being perpetuated.

Take care, good luck.


----- Original Message -----
From: Sonny Griffith <>
To: Eunice B. Kirkman <>
Sent: Sunday, June 27, 1999 7:24 PM
Subject: Re: Harbour/Thomas

> Eunice,
> In your email, for Jared P. Harbour, you have him married before he was
> born.  I assume this was a typo.  Do you have corrected dates?
> Sonny Griffith
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Eunice B. Kirkman <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Saturday, June 26, 1999 11:51 PM
> Subject: Re: Harbour/Thomas
> > From the files of O.E. Pilson, who was a Harbour descendant.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> > ------------
> > 26-Jun-1999              Family Group Sheet
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> > --
> > Husband: Abner Harbour #10856  died at age: 74
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> > --
> >        Born: 1786            in: Henry Co., VA
> >    Baptized:                 in:
> >        Died: 16-Oct-1860     in: Patrick Co., VA
> >      Buried:                 in:
> >       Other:                 in:
> >         Ref:                     Occupation:
> > Father: David Harbour #3997
> > Mother: Esther Cronk #3998
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> > --
> > Wife: Mary Catherine Hall #10857  died at age: 97
> > Married: 12-Nov-1812     in: Patrick Co., VA
> his
> > age: 26   her age: 19
> > Ceremony: Y    Divorced/Annulled/Separated:          Year:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> > --
> >        Born: 27-Oct-1793     in: Patrick Co., VA
> >    Baptized:                 in:
> >        Died: 24-Sep-1891     in: Brown Co. IL
> >      Buried:                 in:
> >       Other:                 in:
> >         Ref:                     Occupation:
> > Father: Thomas Rowe "Rowland" Hall #1954
> > Mother: Catherine Thomas #10853
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> > --
> > M Child 1  Samuel Harbour #11219
> > Born:        1813            in: Patrick Co., VA
> > Baptized:                    in:
> > Died:                        in:
> >   Buried:                    in:
> >    Other:                    in:
> >      Ref:                      Occupation:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> > --
> > M Child 2  Thomas Rowe Harbour #11220  died at age: 67
> > Born:        1815            in: Patrick Co., VA
> > Baptized:                    in:
> > Died:        1882            in: Brown Co., IL
> >   Buried:                    in:
> >    Other:                    in:
> >      Ref:                      Occupation:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> > --
> > F Child 3  Esther W. Harbour #11221
> > Born:        1817            in: Patrick Co., VA
> > Baptized:                    in:
> > Died:                        in:
> >   Buried:                    in:
> >    Other:                    in:
> >      Ref:                      Occupation:
> > Spouse:   Richard Thomas  #16585  b. ca 1810
> > Married:  15-Oct-1834     in: Patrick Co., VA
> > Ceremony:  Y     Divorced/Annulled/Separated:       Year:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> > --
> > M Child 4  David T. Harbour #11222  died at age: 68
> > Born:        1820            in: Patrick Co., VA
> > Baptized:                    in:
> > Died:        1888            in: Bates Co., MD
> >   Buried:                    in:
> >    Other:                    in:
> >      Ref:                      Occupation:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> > --
> > M Child 5  Richard Randolph Harbour #11223  died at age: 67
> > Born:        1821            in: Patrick Co., VA
> > Baptized:                    in:
> > Died:        1888            in:
> >   Buried:                    in:
> >    Other:                    in:
> >      Ref:                      Occupation:
> > Married Mary Roop.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> > --
> > M Child 6  John M. Harbour #11224
> > Born:        27-Oct-1827     in: Patrick Co., VA
> > Baptized:                    in:
> > Died:        31-Dec-1992     in: Brown Co., IL
> >   Buried:                    in:
> >    Other:                    in:
> >      Ref:                      Occupation:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> > --
> > F Child 7  Lucinda Jane Harbour #11225
> > Born:        1830            in: Patrick Co., VA
> > Baptized:                    in:
> > Died:                        in:
> >   Buried:                    in:
> >    Other:                    in:
> >      Ref:                      Occupation:
> > Married Edward Carmen
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> > --
> > M Child 8  Jared P. Harbour #4774
> > Born:        1832            in: Patrick Co., VA
> > Baptized:                    in:
> > Died:                        in:
> >   Buried:                    in:
> >    Other:                    in:
> >      Ref:                      Occupation:
> > Spouse:   Ruth Reynolds  #4768
> > Married:  13-Mar-1817     in: PCVA
> > Ceremony:  Y     Divorced/Annulled/Separated:       Year:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> > --
> > F Child 9  Sarah Catherine Harbour #11226
> > Born:        1835            in: Patrick Co., VA
> > Baptized:                    in:
> > Died:                        in:
> >   Buried:                    in:
> >    Other:                    in:
> >      Ref:                      Occupation:
> > Spouse:   Thomas Law  #11228  b. abt 1825
> > Married:  abt 1850-55     in: Patrick Co., VA
> > Ceremony:  Y     Divorced/Annulled/Separated:       Year:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> > --
> > F Child 10  Violetta Ann Harbour #11227  died at age: 19
> > Born:        1837            in: Patrick Co., VA
> > Baptized:                    in:
> > Died:        17-Jan-1856     in: Brown Co., IL
> >   Buried:                    in:
> >    Other:                    in:
> >      Ref:                      Occupation:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> > --
> >
> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> > 26-Jun-1999              Family Group Sheet
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> > --
> > Husband: Richard Thomas #16585
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> > --
> >        Born: ca 1810         in: Virginia
> >    Baptized:                 in:
> >        Died:                 in:
> >      Buried:                 in:
> >       Other:                 in:
> >         Ref:                     Occupation:
> > Father: Pleasant Thomas #16583
> > Mother: Mary "Polly" Cannaday #16584
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> > --
> > Wife: Esther W. Harbour #11221
> > Married: 15-Oct-1834     in: Patrick Co., VA
> his
> > age: 24   her age: 17
> > Ceremony: Y    Divorced/Annulled/Separated:          Year:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> > --
> >        Born: 1817            in: Patrick Co., VA
> >    Baptized:                 in:
> >        Died:                 in:
> >      Buried:                 in:
> >       Other:                 in:
> >         Ref:                     Occupation:
> > Father: Abner Harbour #10856
> > Mother: Mary Catherine Hall #10857
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> > --
> >
> >
> >
> > ==== VAPATRIC Mailing List ====
> > Archives for Patrick Co., Va. Mailing List
> >
> >


Date: Sun, 27 Jun 1999 22:40:52 +0100
From: (K. Burnett)
Subject: Burnett Family
Message-Id: <v01540b0ab39c4688f376@[]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

I hope I am doing this right. If not, please tell me as I am new to "lists."
I also have a difficult time trying to organize this kind of material - I am
constantly getting lost.

My grandfather, Enos Sutherland Burnett (27 APR 1875-2 OCT 1961/Calloway Co.,
KY) settled in KY but came from somewhere else. Incredible as it seems, he
has children still living but they claim no knowledge of where he came from.
I seem to remember someone some time saying something about No. or So.
Carolina but it must have been over 40 years ago so....  There is no
listing of grandpa in the KY census that I can find (my eyesight is not the
greatest). His parents were Edward Green Burnett (17 FEB 1842-13 AUG 1893)
and Elizabeth Ophelia Smith (28 SEP 1842-6 SEP 1881) but where they hale from
is a puzzle.

The information that I have compiled comes from an Arnett relation, a Miller
relation, and a Mason relation - no Burnett! - and some information that I
was able to obtain from the Mormon library here in SJ - and some I cannot
recollect where it came from nor what it has been a long time
since I have tried my hand at this.

If anyone can help me fill in the gaps or might have some information on
where my grandfather came from, I would appreciate hearing from you.
(Especially if we are related.)

Daniel BURNETT, died around 1800 (no info on when/where born)
        married Elizabeth Ferrington,
        children        Ferrington BURNETT
                        Unknown BURNETT

William Sutherland, died 1841/1848? (no info on when/where born)
        married Elizabeth Petrie (no info on when/where born or died)
        children:       Rolly Sutherland, 8 JAN 1807-15 JUN 1870
                        Enos Sutherland, 1810-24 JAN 1862
                        John Sutherland (no info on when/where born or died)
                        Anna Rosanna Sutherland, 19 DEC 1815-12 FEB 1904
                        Polly Margaret Sutherland (no info on when/where
                        Elizabeth Sutherland (no info on when/where born/died)

Anna Rosanna Sutherland, 19 DEC 1815-12 FEB 1904
        married James Paschal Smith, 6 DEC 1818-19 APR 1908
        children:       Elizabeth Ophelia Smith, 28 SEP 1842-6 SEP 1881
                        William B. Smith, 1845-13 JAN 1863
                        John A. Smith, 1846-13 AUG 1858
                        Enos S. (Sutherland?) Smith, 11 JAN 1848-7 AUG 1901
                        James Wesley Smith, 17 MAR 1850-21 APR 1929
                        Amanda Lucy Smith, 9 SEP 1852-
                        Rhoda A. Smith, 30 MAR 1855-20 DEC 1931
                        Leander T. Smith,

Unknown Burnett (no info on when/where born or died)
        married Susan Hammond (no info on when/where born or died)
        children:       John Burnett, born 1829-
                        Benjamin Franklin Burnett, 22 DEC 1838-1910
                        Edward Green Burnett, 17 FEB 1842-13 AUG 1893

Benjamin Franklin Burnett, 22 DEC 1838-1910
        married Amanda Lucy Smith, 9 SEP 1852-23 AUG 1907
        children        James Thomas BURNETT, 30 AUG 1872-
                        Susan Louise BURNETT, 5 MAY 1875-
                        Rose Elizabeth BURNETT, 10 JUN 1877-
                        John William BURNETT, 27 AUG 1879-
                        Amplus Wesley BURNETT, 17 AUG 1881
                        Bertha Ophelia BURNETT, 25 MAY 1884-18 JUL 1945
                        Louis Rieke BURNETT, 10 DEC 1886-14 NOV 1907
                        Alice Gertrude BURNETT, 8 APR 1891-27 JAN 1908
                        Hattie Clifton BURNETT, 27 MAR 1895-

Edward Green Burnett, 17 FEB 1842-13 AUG 1893
        married Elizabeth Ophelia Smith, 28 SEP 1842-6 SEP 1881
        children:       Susan R. BURNETT, 21 JUN 1862-27 JUL 1866
                        James Paschal BURNETT, 21 JUN 1868-20 NOV 1929
                        Enos Sutherland BURNETT, 27 APR 1875-2 OCT 1961/Calloway
                        Co., KY
                        Henry Clint BURNETT
                        Annie E. BURNETT, 19 MAY 1878-23 DEC 1917
                        Edward BURNETT, 23 AUG 1881-7 NOV 1881
                        Laura A. BURNETT
        married: C. A. Watson

James Thomas BURNETT, 30 AUG 1872-
        married Mattie Cope
        children        Beulah BURNETT,  6 SEP 1897-
                        Lula BURNETT, 16 MAY 1899-
                        Roy BURNETT, 2 AUG 1900-
                        Loyd BURNETT, 23 APR 1903-
                        Eula Francis BURNETT, 21 SEP 1905-

Rose Elizabeth BURNETT, 10 JUN 1877-
        married Clay Cerators Lyles
        children        Regie Leo Lyles
                        Elizabeth Ester Lyles
                        Lexie Treo Lyles
                        Paul Ounder Lyles
                        Ewell Franklin Lyles
                        Letha Mae Lyles

Amplus Wesley BURNETT, 17 AUG 1881
        married Nellie Brown, 1885-12 OCT 1918
        children        Willard Brooks BURNETT,         -18 OCT 1918
                        Joris Hurt BURNETT,
                        Fred Franklin BURNETT,
                        William Rieke BURNETT,

Hattie Clifton BURNETT, 27 MAR 1895-
        married Daniel Boone Hicks, 14 SEP 1887-15 JAN 1971
        children        Beatrice Pauline Hicks, 12 JAN 1912-
                        Jettie Alline Hicks, 17 DEC 1913-
                        Mary Amanda Vivian Hicks, 19 MAR 1916-
                        Shirley Irene Hicks, 12 AUG 1918-
                        Marvin Boone Hicks, 4 MAY 1921-12 JUN 1940
                        Leonard Lucian Hicks, 10 DEC 1926-
                        Willard Franklin Hicks, 10 DEC 1926-3 JUN 1975

Bertha Ophelia BURNETT, 25 MAY 1884-18 JUL 1945
        married Joseph P. Mason, 14 DEC 1874-6 FEB 1960
        children        Ted W. Mason, 1 AUG 1904-17 JUN 1927
                        Edna Earle Mason, 13 JAN 1909
                        Jett Leonard Mason, 17 JUN 1911-
                        Mary Helen Mason, 14 OCT 1924-12 SEP 1977
                        Bernice B. Mason, 7 AUG 1916-14 OCT 1941
                        Glen Wood Mason, 14 NOV 1923-1 AUG

James Paschal BURNETT, 21 JUN 1868-20 NOV 1929
        married Susanna Melissa Elizabett Shemwell, 4 MAR 1868-18 OCT 1942
        children:       Nora Alice BURNETT, 14 SEP 1891-4 MAR 1968
                        Martha Ophelia BURNETT, 2 JUN 1893-24 APR 1931
                        Ruth BURNETT, 26 MAY 1895-24 JUL 1983
                        Vera Ann BURNETT, 25 FEB 1898-
                        William Edward BURNETT, 21 SEP 1900-9 JUN 1959
                        Gracie BURNETT, 28 JUN 1904-16 SEP 1962

Nora Alice BURNETT, 14 SEP 1891-4 MAR 1968
        married George Achie McNutt
        children:       Reva M. McNutt
                        Linda McNutt

Martha Ophelia BURNETT, 2 JUN 1893-24 APR 1931
        married Rollie A. McNutt, 1885-1947
        children        Mary McNutt
                        Ruth Neavile McNutt
                        Rollie A. McNutt, Jr.
                        Clojine McNutt, 9 JAN 1919-10 NOV 1923

Ruth BURNETT, 26 MAY 1895-24 JUL 1983
        married James P. Arnett
        children        Alonzo Burnett Arnett, 30 MAY 1916-6 NOV 1917
                        James Philip Arnett, 3 SEP 1918-17 FEB 1949
                        Susie Nelle Arnett, 6 JUN 1921-
                        George Calvin Arnett, 20 AUG 1924-3 JAN 1993
                        Kenneth Grogan Arnett, 31 MAR 1927-14 OCT 1991
                        Cloys Wilburn Arnett, 16 OCT 1930-
                        William Coy Arnett, 12 MAY 1933
                        Martha Alice Arnett, 18 JAN 1936

Vera Ann BURNETT, 25 FEB 1898-
        married Robert Harry Arnett, 22 FEB 1897-16 JUN 1980

William Edward BURNETT, 21 SEP 1900-9 JUN 1959
        married Elizabeth Covington,
        children        William Edward BURNETT
                        Norma Jean BURNETT
                        Larry Joe BURNETT, Jr.

Gracie BURNETT, 28 JUN 1904-16 SEP 1962
        married Twyman H. Mathis
        children        Coleman BURNETT Mathis
                        Billy Hazel Mathis
                        Bennie Mathis

Enos Sutherland BURNETT, 27 APR 1875-2 OCT 1961/Calloway Co., KY
        married Mary Elizabeth Smith, 1 MAR 1873-1 NOV 1910
        children:       Raymond Theodore BURNETT
                        Essie K. BURNETT
                        Girl BURNETT, 16 NOV 1897-16 NOV 1897
                        Girl BURNETT, 27 JAN 1897-27 JAN 1897
        married Etta Estalee James, 6 APR 1883-21 NOV 1960
        children:       Verble James BURNETT, beloved and with us now
                        Annie D. BURNETT, 14 JUL 1917-5 MAY 1967
                        Joseph Harold BURNETT, 6 SEP 1914-29 MAR 1976
                        Euclid E. BURNETT, 28 SEP 1915-18 FEB 1966
                        Van Rudolph BURNETT, beloved and with us now

Raymond Theodore BURNETT
        married Hildeth Cheeseman, 15 JUN 1901-2 DEC 1988
        childen 1

        married Cort Sayre,
        childen 4

Verble James BURNETT, beloved and with us now
        married Leonard James Young, beloved and with us now
        children        4

Annie D. BURNETT,  14 JUL 1917-5 MAY 1967
        married Clyde McCallon, 15 MAY 1910 - beloved and still with us
        children        2
        married Ernie Tarr

Joseph Harold BURNETT, 6 SEP 1914-29 MAR 1976
        married Imogene Waggoner,
        children        Joseph Eugene BURNETT, 26 MAY 1937-1979
                        Howard Wayne BURNETT, 24 AUG 1942-DEC 1942
                        Ledeltha Brooks BURNETT, 3 FEB 1944-19 JUN 1988

Euclid E. "Dutch" BURNETT, 28 SEP 1915-18 FEB 1966
        married Evelene "Opal" Waggoner, 23 MAR 1919-30 SEP 1960
        children        4

Van Rudolph BURNETT, 11 NOV 1921 - beloved and till with us
        married Donna Saletis, ??
        married Glynda Sue Miller, beloved and till with us
        married Martha Wilford Hardison, beloved and till with us

Henry Clint BURNETT
        married Pearl Green
        children        Cliff BURNETT
                        Terrance BURNETT
                        Lola BURNETT
                        Thomas Edward BURNETT

        married Lava Newsome
        children        Dorothy Burnett
                        Garuelene Burnett

Terrance BURNETT
        married Laura Usury
        children        4

Thomas Edward BURNETT,
        married Vera Mason,
        children        1

Annie E. BURNETT, 19 MAY 1878-23 DEC 1917
        married John H. Derrington, 14 OCT 1878-13 DEC 1913
        children         Uval Derrington

I look forward to hearing from some kind souls out there,

Kelly Burnett                                                  408.723.7237


Date: Wed, 30 Jun 1999 07:33:56 -0400
Message-ID: <>
Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: inline

---------------------- Forwarded by Lee Turner/CORPCTR/VANCPOWER on 06/30/99
07:33 AM ---------------------------

"Beverly L. Yeager" <> on 06/29/99 09:08:44 PM

Please respond to

cc:    (bcc: Lee Turner/CORPCTR/VANCPOWER)

LURENA MARGARET TURNER, born 1816 in Bedford County, Virginia, daughter
 February 10, 1842 in Bedford County.
 Lurena died in Bedford County and is buried at the Quaker Baptist
 Cemetery on Route 722 in Bedford County. There is a new stone at their
 gravesite, so someone may live nearby who is kin to them.
 Possible connections: 1820 Census,Southern District Bedford County:
 Jesse Turner, Richard Turner, Sarah Turner, Admire Turner, Benjamin
 Turner, Franklin Turner.

 I really would like to have help in locating Obediah's family!
 Maybe Obediah lived in another part of Bedford County. Any clue would
 very much appreciated!
 Thanks so much...
 Beverly Lipford Yeager

==== TURNER Mailing List ====
To subscribe to Larry Stephens' Regional lists, covering all parts of the
USA,? go to


Date: Wed, 30 Jun 1999 20:03:49 -0700
From: jbbork <>
To: BTRVETC List <>
Subject: Yahoo/GeoCities
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Just read the news that Yahoo now owns GeoCities and claims it owns all
web pages, articles, and images on member sites and has "irrevocable"
rights to them for all time.  Your GeoCities web site is no longer your

End of btrvetc-d Digest V99 Issue #32