BTRVETC-L Digest		Volume 99 : Issue 33
4 Jul 1999

Today's Topics:
	 Re: Yahoo/GeoCities
	 Re: Children of James and Mary Turner of Bedford Co VA
	 Re: Children of James and Mary Turner of Bedford Co VA
	 Re: Yahoo/GeoCities
	 Re: Children of James and Mary Turner of Bedford Co VA
	 Re: Children of James and Mary Turner of Bedford Co VA
	 Will of Francis Turner, d. 1804 Patrick Co. VA
	 FWD: William Burnett m. Margaret Finch, Campbell Co. VA, USA, 1818

for the Burnett/Turner/Ross/Via/Etc Mailing List  (BTRVETC-L)

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Date: Wed, 30 Jun 1999 22:49:40 -0400
From: "J.R.Burnett" <>
To: "BTRVETC-L" <>
Subject: Re: Yahoo/GeoCities
Message-ID: <004f01bec36c$608d2660$>
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Seems like a good time to boycott Yahoo. Regards, John


Date: Wed, 30 Jun 1999 23:21:25 -0500
From: Eddie Vaden <>
Subject: Re: Children of James and Mary Turner of Bedford Co VA
Message-ID: <>
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Becky, I am one of the people that have 10 children listed for James
Turner & Mary of Bedford Co., VA, including Francis, Adam, etc..  This
came about after much discussion on this list.

"According to a published genealogy cira 1940 by Walter Hopkins of
Richmond, VA and others at about the same time, James' line came from
England and apparently was not related to the John/Shadrack line of
Patrick and Henry Counties, Virginia which were believed from Scotland.
However, more recent research in the Caroline County Order Books leads
several researchers to connect the families."   - David Jones 
(David Jones resides in Vinton, VA, I think, but I can't find his e-mail

I don't have the info from the Caroline County Order Books that is
referred to above, but that might be a location for us to research.

It does seem odd that James would not have deeded land to 4 of his sons,
but I have seen in many wills where a child would be bequeathed 1 dollar
"Plus whatever had been given him previously" but with no records being
found of any land being deeded to him.  Was it possible that any of the
4 had died prior to 1761?  Or married and moved to other locations?  

Do you by any chance have a photocopy or scan of Francis Turner's will? 
If so, I would love to have a copy..  Also do you have photos of the
pages of Adam Turner's Bible (Francis Turner's son)?

Eddie Vaden in Nashville, TN


Date: Thu, 1 Jul 1999 08:36:24 -0400
From: "Eunice B. Kirkman" <>
To: "BTRVETC-L" <>
Subject: Re: Children of James and Mary Turner of Bedford Co VA
Message-ID: <005e01bec3c1$717a56a0$c7f463ce@ekirkman>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

I would also like a copy of the will and the Bible record if one is
available.  I have transcipts of the Caroline County Order Book pages.

And I'd like to comment that back in that day and time, according to English
law, the eldest son usually enherited the estate.  In order to assure that
each child would have his part, the father would give either land or money
to those younger sons who would have otherwise gotten very little.

Eunice B. Kirkman *****

----- Original Message -----
From: Eddie Vaden <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, July 01, 1999 12:21 AM
Subject: Re: Children of James and Mary Turner of Bedford Co VA

> Do you by any chance have a photocopy or scan of Francis Turner's will?
> If so, I would love to have a copy..  Also do you have photos of the
> pages of Adam Turner's Bible (Francis Turner's son)?
> Eddie Vaden in Nashville, TN
> <>


Date: Thu, 1 Jul 1999 08:49:11 -0400
From: "Eunice B. Kirkman" <>
To: "BTRVETC-L" <>
Subject: Re: Yahoo/GeoCities
Message-ID: <006001bec3c1$84764340$c7f463ce@ekirkman>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Yahoo: Your Homestead's Your Own
by Declan McCullagh

4:30 p.m.  30.Jun.99.PDT
In response to a boycott and criticism from outraged customers, Yahoo late
Wednesday abandoned rules that had given it eternal ownership of all
GeoCities Web sites.
"We're seeing how we can clarify our intentions, given the recent outcry,"
said Tim Brady, Yahoo vice president of production.

The new terms of service, which took effect 3 p.m. PST Wednesday after
executives spent the morning huddling with lawyers, now stress that "Yahoo
does not own content you submit."


----- Original Message -----
From: jbbork <>
To: BTRVETC List <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 1999 11:03 PM
Subject: Yahoo/GeoCities

> Just read the news that Yahoo now owns GeoCities and claims it owns all
> web pages, articles, and images on member sites and has "irrevocable"
> rights to them for all time.  Your GeoCities web site is no longer your
> own.


Date: Thu, 1 Jul 1999 16:59:36 -0400
From: "_Mitosis_" <>
To: "List Bedford" <>
Cc: "List Turner" <>,
  "List Franklin" <>,
  "List Floyd" <>,
  "List Btrvetc" <>
Subject: Yahoo/GeoCities
Message-ID: <003a01bec404$c59d82a0$d8f3e4ce@mitosis>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

3:00 a.m.  29.Jun.99.PDT
If you're a GeoCities homesteader, be warned: Your Web site is no longer
your own. Yahoo, which launched its Yahoo-GeoCities site Monday, says it
owns all Web pages, articles, and images on member sites and has
"irrevocable" rights to them for all time.
   (Interpretation: We'll steal it all and use for our commercial gain)
4:30 p.m.  30.Jun.99.PDT
In response to a boycott and criticism from outraged customers, Yahoo late
Wednesday abandoned rules that had given it eternal ownership of all
GeoCities Web sites.

"We're seeing how we can clarify our intentions, given the recent outcry,"
said Tim Brady, Yahoo vice president of production.

(I really love that word... 'clarify')

The new terms of service, which took effect 3 p.m. PST Wednesday after
executives spent the morning huddling with lawyers, now stress that "Yahoo
does not own content you submit."

(Interpretation: Hum... let's get the pro's in here and see how we can lie
 our why out of this mess...  what?, oh hell yes... continue the archive, I
 can always sell the mail list to Porn and Spam dudes)


Date: Thu, 1 Jul 1999 17:35:54 EDT
Subject: Re: Children of James and Mary Turner of Bedford Co VA
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Eddie and Eunice,

I wish I could say that I have actual photocopies of Francis Turner's will 
and the Adam Turner Bible records, but I'm afraid all I have are transcripts 
from the notes in people's gedcoms and what was transcribed from the Turner 
Bible in a compilation in this list's archives.  (I don't have the 
compilation number just now, I'm sorry...I am disorganized at the best of 
times and right now I seem to be in a slump! :{  )  Is it Ann Hughes who 
originally transcribed the Bible data for the list?  (I believe the Bible 
itself is/was in the possession of her cousin?)

Thanks very much to you both for your feedback re: my Turner quandary.  I 
know that a lot of work had been done (and is still being done!) on these 
various Turners who keep popping up in the same vicinity, and there is 
evidence to prove that they are all somehow connected.  For some reason, 
though, that Presbyterian connection plus the Edinburgh-published Bible keeps 
sticking in my craw.  (Maybe the Bible originally belonged to the Scots-Irish 
family of Adam Turner's wife, Mary Nancy Pilson?)  In any case, I have 
received several possible explanations for why Old James Turner would omit 
four sons from his deeds of gift, and they have all given me some hearty food 
for thought.  Thanks again!

Becky Olenchak


Date: Thu, 1 Jul 1999 20:19:27 -0400
From: "Eunice B. Kirkman" <>
To: "BTRVETC-L" <>
Subject: Re: Children of James and Mary Turner of Bedford Co VA
Message-ID: <001501bec421$7d439ae0$93ac99ce@ekirkman>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

> Thanks very much to you both for your feedback re: my Turner quandary.  I
> know that a lot of work had been done (and is still being done!) on these
> various Turners who keep popping up in the same vicinity, and there is
> evidence to prove that they are all somehow connected.  For some reason,
> though, that Presbyterian connection plus the Edinburgh-published Bible
> sticking in my craw.  (Maybe the Bible originally belonged to the
> family of Adam Turner's wife, Mary Nancy Pilson)

Perhaps the bible was simply published in Edinburgh and was imported into
the colonies.  The fact that it was published there really means nothing
unless it actually says in the Bible itself that Adam, or his parents, were
born there.  Most of our best books were published in either Scotland or
England in the early years.

Eunice B. Kirkman *****


Date: Thu, 1 Jul 1999 20:29:37 EDT
Subject: Will of Francis Turner, d. 1804 Patrick Co. VA
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

I would've sent this a little earlier today but my pc crashed on me again. :{ 
 I still can't find the compilation that included the Adam Turner Bible data, 
sorry to say, but I did find this xerox from "Abstracts of Wills, Inventories 
& Accounts -- Patrick Co. VA 1791-1823" by Lela C. Adams, p.17 (and I hope I 
am not breaking any copyright laws by submitting it!):

Will Book I  pg 73           Date: 1 Oct 1803

Item: Will of Francis Turner, being in perfect sense but weak in body....
I give and lend unto my well beloved wife during her natural lifetime, the 
land and plantation I now live on lying below a line beginning at a small 
branch south of Smith River at Thomas Flower's corner to Burnetts Santee 
place,also all the slaves and their increase excepting Bolin.
To my daughter Esther Pilson to have the twenty two pounds her husband 
William Pilson owes me for a mare, also to have a hundred pounds bond due me 
from Rowan and Scott.  If Bolin is living at my death, he is to be sold and 
the price of him equally divided between the children of the said daughter.
Son Adam Turner, one negro, my still and all vessells and at his Mothers 
death one negro girl.  I lend him a negro boy until his son Francis arrives 
at the age of 21, then to him.  If Francis should die, then sell him and 
divide the money amongst his brother and sisters.  To son James Turner, the 
original survey he now lives on (175 acres) also 2 tracts in Montgomery 
County containing 399 acres, and at his Mothers death three slaves.
To my son John Turner, the part of the tract I now live on lying above the 
line described earlier, two negros at his Mothers death, and I lend him 1 
negro until his son Francis reaches age 21.
To my sons Adam, James and John Turner and my son-in-law Robert Rowan all 
that part of land lying on the Blue Ridge except 250 acres belonging to 
Robert Rowan.  This contains 1223 acres and to be equally divided.
To my daugter Betsy Rowan at her mothers death all the aprt of the plantation 
that was to my wife.
To my dear wife during her natural lifetime all the house furniture, farming 
tools with all stock that be on hand after Esther Pilson is paid.
I leave ten pounds cash to support supplies or members of the Old 
Presbyterian Denomination at $4.00 per year.
Executors: sons Adam, James and John Turner.
Witness: William J. Mayo, Bennet Houchins, William Hancock, Richard Thomas 
and Alexander Lacky.
Returned Oct Ct 1804

I'm sorry to keep harping on this, but it's the fact that Francis was 
evidently a practicing Presbyterian that bothers me in terms of his possibly 
being of English birth.  (Of course, I guess he could have been a convert?)

I hope everyone has a happy and blessed Independence Day!

Becky Olenchak


Date: Sun, 4 Jul 1999 09:54:55 -0400 (EDT)
From: Christine Gaunt <>
Subject: FWD: William Burnett m. Margaret Finch, Campbell Co. VA, USA, 1818
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Hi, Folks,

Julie Busse is hunting for more info on this Burnett family.  If anyone
can help her, please reply to, as she is not on our
mailing list.

Christine Gaunt, or
Campbell-L and BTRVETC-L listowner 
Co-compiler of Genealogy Resources on the Internet

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 02 Jul 1999 14:48:44 -0600
From: Julie Busse <>
Subject: Burnett

I'm new to genealogy by internet, so if I have misunderstood your research
interest, ignore this.

I am trying to find more information on the family of William Burnett.  
He married Margaret Finch in Campbell Co. VA in 1818, lived in Miami
County, Indiana, moved to Holt County MO in about 1846, and died there in
1856.  1840 Census in Indiana indicates there were 9 children, of which 3
are known - James, Sarah Ann (marr Isaac Iddings) and William (marr
Isabela Boland).  I can't find him in the 1850 census anywhere.

If you respond, use email address

Thanks ,
Julie Busse


End of btrvetc-d Digest V99 Issue #33