BTRVETC-L Digest		Volume 99 : Issue 34
9 Jul 1999

Today's Topics:
	 Adam Turner Bible Transcriptions
	 Re: Children of James and Mary Turner of Bedford Co VA
	 Re: BTRVETC-L Digest V99 #33
	 Hall Family

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Date: Sun, 4 Jul 1999 14:47:57 -0400
From: "anhughes" <>
To: "BTRVETC-L" <>
Cc: <>
Subject: Adam Turner Bible Transcriptions
Message-ID: <001c01bec64d$bbf48be0$598194d0@oemcomputer>
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

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In response to Becky's statement that she still couldn't find the
compilation to which I submitted my transcriptions from the Adam Turner
Bible, I am attaching a copy of my original posting to the compilations.  If
you have trouble reading it, please let me know.

My family' history, both verbal and some recorded, dating back many
generations, indicate Adam's father, Francis was Irish, and so was Adam.
The Bible was printed in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Ann Turner Nolen Hughes

----- Original Message -----

Content-Type: application/x-wordperfect6;
	name="Adam Bible.wpd"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Disposition: attachment;
	filename="Adam Bible.wpd"

[Note:  the attachment was not plain text and did not come through email 
very well.  The original post is in Compilation 216. --Chris]


Date: Sun, 4 Jul 1999 15:10:33 -0400
From: "anhughes" <>
To: "BTRVETC-L" <>
Subject: Re: Children of James and Mary Turner of Bedford Co VA
Message-ID: <004b01bec650$e4aed920$598194d0@oemcomputer>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

I have copies of all the surviving Caroline County Order books.  These do
not mention Shadrack at all, nor do the tax records of King and Queen
County.  There is no evidence that he belongs to the Turners mentioned in
these books.  Some individuals have assumed he belongs.  I wouldn't make
that statement; however, I see no reason not to record the  fact that he is
not listed but include the possibility that because he was older, he was not
in Caroline County at the time. This might give some researcher, someday,
something to go on to try to find verifiable evidence.

I have not listed James and Mary as Shadracks parents in my family charts.

Ann N. Hughes

----- Original Message -----
From: Eddie Vaden <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, July 01, 1999 12:21 AM
Subject: Re: Children of James and Mary Turner of Bedford Co VA

> Becky, I am one of the people that have 10 children listed for James
> Turner & Mary of Bedford Co., VA, including Francis, Adam, etc..  This
> came about after much discussion on this list.
> "According to a published genealogy cira 1940 by Walter Hopkins of
> Richmond, VA and others at about the same time, James' line came from
> England and apparently was not related to the John/Shadrack line of
> Patrick and Henry Counties, Virginia which were believed from Scotland.
> However, more recent research in the Caroline County Order Books leads
> several researchers to connect the families."   - David Jones
> (David Jones resides in Vinton, VA, I think, but I can't find his e-mail
> address.)
> I don't have the info from the Caroline County Order Books that is
> referred to above, but that might be a location for us to research.
> It does seem odd that James would not have deeded land to 4 of his sons,
> but I have seen in many wills where a child would be bequeathed 1 dollar
> "Plus whatever had been given him previously" but with no records being
> found of any land being deeded to him.  Was it possible that any of the
> 4 had died prior to 1761?  Or married and moved to other locations?
> Do you by any chance have a photocopy or scan of Francis Turner's will?
> If so, I would love to have a copy..  Also do you have photos of the
> pages of Adam Turner's Bible (Francis Turner's son)?
> Eddie Vaden in Nashville, TN
> <>


Date: Sun, 4 Jul 1999 17:02:18 EDT
Subject: Re: BTRVETC-L Digest V99 #33
Message-ID: <>
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In a message dated 7/4/99 6:55:36 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

<< Becky, I am one of the people that have 10 children listed for James
 Turner & Mary of Bedford Co., VA, including Francis, Adam, etc..  This
 came about after much discussion on this list.
Would someone please confirm the parents of this JAMES. 


LaDonna McKelvey


Date: Sat, 10 Jul 1999 01:13:08 -0400
From: James Burnett <>
Subject: Hall Family
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

I am casting a net to see what is out there. I am new to this and among
other things am trying to find out about the Hall Family from Amherst
County Virginia.
Harry Isaac Hall
b  1893
d. 29 Nov. 1971

His Father was Charles T. Hall
His mother was Alice Senseney

They were married 11 Feb. 1886
Both Charles T and Alice are buried in Grace Street Presbyterian
Cemetery in Lynchburg Va.


End of btrvetc-d Digest V99 Issue #34