BTRVETC-L Digest Volume 99 : Issue 49 23 Nov 1999 Today's Topics: An Early Christmas Gift Burnett Charter Re: Burnett Charter Re: Burnett COUSINS???? Samuel Burk Burnett 1849 - 1922 Administrivia: for the Burnett/Turner/Ross/Via/Etc Mailing List (BTRVETC-L) Post your queries to: (that's a lowercase ell, not a number one.) To unsubscribe, email with the SUBJECT: UNSUBSCRIBE. To subscribe to the regular list, email with the SUBJECT: SUBSCRIBE You can also use the web page at: ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Nov 1999 05:54:20 -0800 From: jbbork <> To: BTRVetc mailing list <> Subject: An Early Christmas Gift Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit There is a Christmas gift waiting for all my Burnett cousins on my web site: It is a copy of the original charter from King Charles I to our first John Burnett. Also we are planning to move as soon as possible and we have extra books to dispose of to lighten the load. /s/ June Bork ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Nov 1999 08:52:33 -0800 From: jbbork <> To: BTRVetc mailing list <> Subject: Burnett Charter Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I knew I was forgetting something. I should have given everyone the reference of where this copy came from We will get in on the web site as soon as possible. It came from the Virginia State Library - Colonial Papers, Vol. 9,118. A reference can also be found in: "Calendar of State Papers, Colonial Series, 1574-1660" - Preserved in the State Paper Department of Her Majesty's Public Record Office - London, Eng., 1860. Apparently the Seal at the top of the page relates to the above: "Her Majesty's State Paper Office." I have interpreted about 75% of it. There are still a few words that I cannot make out. Most of the problem has been the right hand edge of document which is blurred. Probably the original was damaged in this section. We cleaned up some of the dark portions and enhanced it during the scan. I plan to put my copy on parchment paper and have it laminated or something like for a picture. Not every family can boast of such a document. Some have asked where we are moving to. Possibly in or near San Diego - near Nyla <g>. I am currently in San Bernardino Co, Ca in the foothills of the S.B. Mountains located between Big Bear Mountain Ski Resort and Wrightwood Mountain Resort. The forest fires this summer burned thousands of acres and came up to our back fence. We left here after being evacuated knowing we would not have a house to return to and did not know for 24 hours if it was still standing. It was a total miracle that it was saved. The only damage was the drip irrigation hoses burned around the outer edge of the fence. We have had it with this high desert and want to move someplace where it is cool and green. Love, June ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Nov 1999 12:46:02 EST From: To: Subject: Re: Burnett Charter Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi June - Your new website may be just under construction, but my, oh my, you are off to a great start! Keep up the good work. My wife is the Burnett in the family, but I like to keep up with all my cousins-in-law. <G> John ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Nov 1999 14:10:35 EST From: To: CC: Subject: Re: Burnett COUSINS???? Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi John, Who are your wife's BURNETTS? Mine, descending from that same JOHN of Va. go like this: JOHN BURNETT b 1610& LUCRETIAJOHNSTON JOHN BURNETTII & AMY GATEWOOD JOSEPH BURNETT b 1703/05 Essex Co Va & CLARA GATEWOOD RICHARD BURNETT(1732-1797) Essex-Dinwiddie Co Va & MARY BOUGHAN TALIAFERRO (TOLIVER) BURNETT& MARY BAUGH (VA>WILLIAMSON CO, TN) COL.JOSEPH BOLING BURNETT(Mex War) & ANNA BEASLEY CAPT WILLIAM WILTSHIRE (BUCK) BURNETT,CSA&MARGARET J. ROUNDTREE JOSEPH LEE BURNETT (1872 -1932)& FANNIE ELIZABETH JORDAN (TN>AL) CHARLES ARCHER BURNETT & CAROLINE BEASLEY NORTON (my parents) CAROLINE BURNETT (CAROLE) that's me Do let me hear if I have any close cousins out there, Carole In a message dated 11/19/99 12:47:04 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: << Reply-to: <A HREF=""></ A> (BTRVETC-L) To: Hi June - Your new website may be just under construction, but my, oh my, you are off to a great start! Keep up the good work. My wife is the Burnett in the family, but I like to keep up with all my cousins-in-law. <G> John >> ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 11:48:47 EST From: To: Subject: Samuel Burk Burnett 1849 - 1922 Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Thought I was already subscribed, but evidently not, so had to resubscribe in order to relay this humorous story about a well-known Burnett. Hope this isn't a duplication: The Fort Worth Star-Telegram [TX] issue of Sunday, November 21, 1999, had an interesting article on the small township of Westover Hills, completely within the city limits of Ft. Worth, in which a tale was told on Burk Burnet, a cousin of many present day Burnetts. Speaking about Ann Valliant Burnett Tandy, the article said, "Ann could have been a chip off the old block. They tell a story in Westover Hills about her grandfather, Samuel Burk Burnett, and another mythic rancher, W. T. Waggoner. The two old cronies were arguing one day over something or other, and Waggoner mentioned the Lord's Prayer." "Hell," Burnett scoffed, "You don't know nuthin' about the Lord's Prayer." "Sure I do," Waggoner claimed. "I'll bet you $1,000 you can't recite it" Burnett declared. "You're on," snapped Waggoner, smiling confidently: "Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord...." "I'll be damned," sighed Burnett. "I didn't think you know'd it." LOL - John -------------------------------- End of btrvetc-d Digest V99 Issue #49 *************************************