If you will be attending Chris and Erika's Wedding on the Beach in Rehoboth, DE
you will want to find a place to stay as soon as possible. Below, we list some
suggested options. There is a map of the local area at the bottom of the page.
Where to Stay:  see also http://www.rehoboth.com
On the Boardwalk/Beach: (walk to the House)

   a. The Atlantic Sands: 800-222-0600  $125-$175/night
   b. Henlopen Hotel: 800-441-8450  $100-$220/night
   c. Boardwalk Plaza: 800-332-3224*  $250-400/night
       (*this is Rehoboth's only 4 star hotel)

Less Than a mile from Beach: (walk/drive to house)

   d. Admiral Hotel: 800-882-4188  $120 -200/night
   e. Breakers Hotel: 800-441-8009   $89-$119/night
   f. Brighton Suites: 800-227-5788 $1100/7 night stay
   g. Sandcastle Motel: 800-372-2112  $79-$139/night

More than a mile from Beach (drive to house)

   h. There are a number of "Chain" hotels out on Rt. 1.
       The rates for these are typically ~$100/night.

Or, rent a house for a week at the beach!  Call:
Century 21:800-255-8200  Coldwell Banker:800-800 4134
Prudential: 800-997-5529    Jack Lingo: 800-345-3469

On the Map below, the Red Star is where Chris and Rikki's house is.
The letters are the locations of the above hotels.

Map of Rehoboth Beach