"When he felt we were going to leave, that's when he took the alternator off my car, he took the phone off the wall, he took the money that I had, I became like a prisoner...I was just afraid. I had no idea what else could happen. I just wanted my kids to be safe."
Linda Hamilton's husband was killed by an unknown assailant in 1976. She had been held hostage, threatened and terrorized, along with her children, for several weeks by her husband after she caught him raping her four year old daughter. Frightened for the safety of her children, she finally escaped, only to be stalked and threatened again by him. Although she went to both the police and doctors for help, she received no help, and her husband was never arrested or prosecuted. She is legally blind due to medical neglect. Her judge has acknowledged he did not have all the facts at trial and fully supports clemency.