The button labeled GO TO allows you to select a user ID to modify.
The buttons |<, <, >, >| are for steping backward and forward through all user account reccords.
The New button is for creating a new UserID.
The Update button submits changes to a user account.
The Delete button deletes a user accoung.
Username, First Name, Last Name, Address, City, State, Zip, Phone, and Email are user information fields.
Expire Date is the expiration date of the account.
Last Logon Date is the date of the last successful login.
Last Logon Attempt is the last time a logon was attempted on that account.
Failed Logons is the number of failed logon attempts without a successful logon.
New Password allows one to enter a new password.
Verify Password is the verification of a new password.
Account Locked indicates that the account has been locked -- either by an User Administrator, or by reaching the number of failed logon attempts set within the Site Information, security.
March 20, 1999 tlh