laboratory works on four different developmental problems.
We are interested in the early development of neuronal lineages
from the embryonic neural crest; which appears transiently
during development and which is a source of peripheral nervous
system neurons, among many other cell types. We use specific
monoclonal antibodies and no-flow cytometry to isolate neural
crest subpopulations. We also study the role of the neurofibromatosis
I gene (a tumor suppressor gene) in neural crest development
and neuronal/ melanocyte/Schwann cell lineage specification
and apoptosis, using mouse embryonic stem cells. An additional
line of research examines the role of the embryonic hindbrain,
periotic mesenchyme and neural crest in shaping inner ear
development and the roles of transcription factor and growth
factor genes (e.g. BMPs) and their antagonists, such as Noggin,
Chordin and DAN, in axis formation and development of the
embryonic otocyst. We examine these issues in four model systems:
chick/quail; mouse/ immortalized inner ear cell lines from
the Immortomouse and the zebrafish.
Representative Publications:
- Roth, T.M., Ramamurthy, P., Ebisu, F., Lisak, R.P., Bealmear, B.M., Barald, K.F., (2007). A mouse embryonic stem cell model of Schwann cell differentiation for studies of the role of neurofibromatosis type 1 in Schwann cell development and tumor formation. Glia 55:1123-1133.
- Torisawa, Y.S., Chueh, B.H., Huh, D., Ramamurthy, P., Roth, T.M., Barald, K.F., Takayama, S. (2007). Efficient formation of uniform-sized embryoid bodies using a compartmentalized microchannel device. Lab on a Chip 7:770-776.
- Wilson, A.L., Shen, Y.C., Babb-Clendenon, S.G., Rostedt, J., Liu, B., Barald, K/F., Marrs, J.A., Liu, Q. (2007). Cadherin-4 plays a role in the development of zebrafish cranial ganglia and lateral line system. Developmental Dynamics 236:893-902.
- Blauwkamp, M.N., Beyer, L.A., Kabara, L., Takemure, K., Buck, T., King, W.M., Dolan, D.F., Barald, K.F., Raphael, Y., Koenig, R.J. (2007). The role of bone morphogenetic protein 4 in inner ear development and function. Hearing Research 225:71-79.
- Babb-Clendenon, S., Shen, Y.C., Liu, Q, Turner, K.E., Mills, M.S., Cook, G.W., Miller, C.A., Gattone, V.H., 2nd, Barald, K.F., Marrs, J.A. (2006). Cadherin-2 participates in the morphogenesis of the zebrafish inner ear. Journal of Cell Science 119:6169-5177.
- Bianchi, L.M., Daruwalla, Z., Roth, T.M., Attia, N.P., Lukacs, N.W., Richards, A.L., White, I.O., Allen, S.J., Barald, K.F. (2005). Immortalized mouse inner ear cell lines demonstrate a role for chemokines in promoting the growth of developing statoacoustic ganglion neurons. Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology 6:355-367.
- Germiller, J.A., Smiley, E.C., Ellis, A.D., Hoff, J.S., Deshmukh, I., Allen, S.J., Barald, K.F. (2004). Molecular characterization of conditionally immortalized cell lines derived from mouse early embryonic inner ear. Developmental Dynamics 231: 815-827.
- Barald,
K.F. and Kelley, M.W. (2004). From Placode to Polarization:
New Tunes in Inner Ear Development. Development.
- Gerlach-Bank, L.M., Cleveland, A.R. and Barald, K.F. (2004).
DAN directs endolymphatic sac and duct outgrowth in the
avian inner ear. Developmental
Dynamics. 229: 219-230
Thompson, D., Gerlach-Bank, L.M., Barald, K.F. and Koenig,
R.J. (2003). Retinoic Acid Repression of BMP4 in Inner Ear
Development. Molecular and Cellular Biology. 23: 2277-2286.
Warner, S.J., Hutson, M.H., Oh, S.-H., Gerlach-Bank, L.M.,
Lomax, M.I. and Barald, K.F (2003). Expression of ZIC Genes
in the Development of the Chick Inner Ear and Nervous System.
Developmental Dynamics 226: 702-711.
- Gerlach-Bank, L.M., Ellis, A.D., Noonen, B. and Barald,
K.F. (2002). Cloning and expression analysis of the chick
DAN gene, an antagonist of the BMP family of growth factors.
Developmental Dynamics 224: 109-115.
- Gerlach,
L.M., Hutson, M.R., Germiller, J.A., Nguyen-Luu, D., Barald, K.F. (2000). Addition
of the BMP4 antagonist, noggin disrupts avian inner ear
development. Development 127: 45-54.
Hutson, M.R., Lewis, J.E., Nguyen-Luu, D., Lindberg, K.H., Barald, K.F. (1999).
Expression of Pax-2 and patterning of chick inner ear. Journal of
Neurocytology 11:795-807
- Fritzsch,
B., Barald, K.F. and Lomax, M.I. (1997). Early embryology of the vertebrate
ear. In Rubel, E.W., Popper, A.N. and Fay, R.R., eds Development
of the Auditory System. Springer Handbook of Auditory Research. pp. 80-145.
- Barald,
K.F., Lindberg, K.H., Hardiman, K., Kavka, A.I., Lewis, J.E., Victor,
J.C., Gardner, C.A., Poniatowski, A. (1997). Immortalized cell lines from
embryonic avian and murine otocysts: tools for molecular
studies of the developing inner ear. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience