
Amato, Sarah. The Coffee Cup: A Locus of Meaning . November 10, 2003 <>

Graduate student website focusing on the products of 18th Century coffeehouses. Discusses coffee dishes, coins, and other material aspects as well as modern versions of this old English tradition. Extremely informative and aesthetically pleasing web project.

Bartick, Steve. Antique Prints & Maps. Moralities, Caricatures and Humourous. November 14, 2003. <>

A website offering the purchase of antique prints and maps. Wide range of works. UK site.

Boulton, William B. The Amusements of Old London. London : Ballantyne, Hanson & Co., 1901.

History of entertainment in London. touches on fairs, hunting, clubs, and coffeehouses. Also vey informative about how the clubs of London had their roots in coffeehouse culture.

The Devereux. Historic English Pubs. December 11, 2003. <>

Website for The Devereux Pub in London. This appears to be a current establishment, but the page contains its history which includes information on the Grecian coffeehouse and some nice images.

Ellis, Aytoun. The penny universities; a history of the coffee-houses. London, Secker & Warburg, 1956.

This work is a comprehensive book encompassing the history of the coffee house. It includes information on coffee as medicine, describes several first coffee houses, detail on the coffee house of the Wits, discusses coffee houses in both the country and city, and the decline of the coffee house. December 10, 2003. <>

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England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685: Charles II). By the King. A proclamation for the suppression of coffee-houses. London: John Bill and Christopher Barker, 1675.

This is an actual proclamation made by the King in order to suppress coffee houses.

Hale, Deborah. The London Coffee House: A Social Institution . December 10, 2003 <>

Website containing a concise summary of coffeehouse history and the activities that went on at such establishments. This site also contains many wonderful images.

Halliwell-Phillips, James Orchard., ed. The jokes of the Cambridge coffee-houses in the seventeenth century. London, Tilt and Bogue, 1842.

Book filled with jokes or tales told about or in coffee houses. Mainly stories of drunkness. Humor quite old since it was published in 1842.

Iconoweb Coffee Cantata. The Coffee Cantata. December 10, 2003. <>

Website featuring the Coffee Cantata by JS Bach. Also features several coffee icons, coffee taglines and quotations, and coffee photographs

Island of Freedom. John Dryden. November 14, 2003 <>

Website offering a lot of information on John Dryden and a nice image also. Site includes information on several poets, artists, composers, philosophers, and theologians. Well organized and very comprehensive. **Note to students of Prof. Porter: site offers a definition of a squib in a page linked to it called Squibbed.**

Lillywhite, Bryant. London coffee houses; a reference book of coffee houses of the seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. London: G. Allen and Unwin, 1963.

Book discussing London Coffee houses and Resteraunts of the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries.

Lloyds of London. Insurance Counsulting Company, LLC. December 11, 2003. <>

This site contains mainly pictures and brief descriptions of the evolution of Lloyd's Coffeehouse.

Niemeyer, Luder H.The Times of the Day (And the Year). December 10, 2003.

Website with several examples of William Hogarth's work and a description of each. Relates pieces to society they depict. Site also sells antique prints, drawing, books, and pictures.

Oehl, Mark J. J.S. Bach's Coffee Cantata.December 10, 2003. <>

Website with several midi files created by Mark Oehl including Coffee Cantata. Includes lyrics to song in German and English, also features an image of JS Bach.

Pelzer J. and L. The English Coffee Houses . December 1, 2003 <>

Wonderful website describing in detail the London Coffeehouses. This article was originally taken from an October 1982 edition of the magazine History Today.

Prints old and Rare. Coffee Page. November 14, 2003. <>

Website selling old and rare prints, maps, and books. Boasts largest inventory and lowest prices.

The Roast and Post Coffee Company. Coffee in Europe. October 29, 2003 <>.

Very appealing website with lots of different information and interactivities relating to coffee. Includes, history of coffee, trivia, recipes, information on coffee plants, how to make different types of coffee to perfection, information on coffee gift packs and more.

Teverow, Paul. Before There Was Tea, There Was Coffee. December 10, 2003 <>

Website offering a nice description of the history of coffee with some interesting facts about the coffeehouses of eighteenth-century London.

Timbs, John. Clubs and club life in London. With anectodes of its famous coffee-houses, hostelries, and taverns, from the seventeenth century to the present time. London: Chatto & Windrus, pref. 1872.

Very old book discussing different things relating to London club life. Coffee houses are just one type of club life this book discusses it also discusses Taverns. It has a chapter entirely dedicated to coffee houses discussing each different coffee house including the characteristics, people who frequented, and other relevant information of each.

Wallach, Ira D & Miriam. The New York Public Library Online. The Culture of Smoke: High Life. December 10, 2003 <>

Article on how smoking tobacco affected the culture of 18th. century London and its depiction in artwork. Includes several different artists works such as William Dickinson, Richard Livesay, James Gillray, William Hogarth, and several others.

Wikipedia. William Hogarth. December 10, 2003 <>

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