Works Cited

1.  Adair, Richard.  Courtship, Illegitimacy, and Marriage in Early Modern England.  New York: Oxford Press, 1997.

2.  Brander, Michael.  The Georgian Gentleman.  Farnborough: Saxon House, 1973.

3.  Cofgrave, John.  Wits Interpreter, the English Parnassus.  London: Printed for Hackett and Lang, 1655.

4.  Donoho, Ron.  "10 Ways to Turn Him on in 5 Minutes." Glamour November 2000: 174+.

5.  Frost, Ginger Suzanne.  Promises Broken: courtship, class and gender.  Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1995.

6.  Gills, John R.  For Better, For Worse: British Marriages 1600-present.  New York: Oxford University Press, 1985.

7.  Gough, John.  Academy Complements, or, A New Way of Wooing.  London: Printed for Passinger, 1685.

8.  Halifax, George Savile, Marquis of.  The Lady's New Years Gift, or, Advice to a Daughter.  London: Printed for Gillyflower and Partridge, 1688.

9.  Kuriansky, Judy.  The Complete Idiot's Guide to Dating.  New York: Alpha Books, 1999.

10.  Modern Courtship [Umich microfilm, no author].  Salisbury: Printed for Fowler, 1785.

11.  New Fortune Book [Umich microfilm, no author].  Circenster: Printed for Rudds, 1770.

12.  New School of Love [Umich microfilm, no author].  Glasgow: Printed in the Saltmarket, 1793.

13.  Scott, A.F.  An Age of Elegance.  Rochester, UK: Gresham Books, 1979/

14.  Turner, E.S.  A History of Courting.  New York: Dutton, 1955.

15.  Williams, E. Neville.  Life in Georgian England.  New York: Putnam, 1962.

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