Delarivier Manley


If you think that female relationships aren't important and have no affect on society, think again! Although female relationships and their influence may have been previously hidden, Delarivier Manley exposes the power that female alliances can have on society. Manley, who is quickly becoming one of the best known female authors, bases her works in scathing political satire of politicians and aristocrats. In addition to the political side of her writing, Manley explores female relationships and how women have used them to influence society and politics.In addition, her writings demonstrate how quickly society can become suspicious of female bonds. [15]In "The Secret Memoirs and Manners . . .from the New Atlantis, an Island of the Mediterranean", she explores the female relationship between noblewomen and servants, and how these sexualized relationships are viewed in the social and political sphere. Specifically, "Secret Memoirs" exposes the relationship between Queen Anne and one of her advisors, Sarah Churhcill. "Manley's immensley popular attack on . . . Churchill's intimacy and powerful influence with the queen [are] perceived as emblematic of an indecorous appropriation of political power practiced by those aristorcratic ladies - in-waiting who enjoyed special access to their monarch throuh sex and position." [16]In addition to satirizing the political implications of female intimcay in "New Atlantis," Manley "presents a variety of 'wonders' including an extended description of a 'new Cabal' of women who eschew the company of men in facor of an idealized practice of female intimacy. [17]

The Secret Society of Bristish Gentlewomen urges you to carefully look at the models presented by Manley. On one hand, the satire of Queen Anne and Sarah Churchill demonstrates to you how powerful the alliances between women can be. They also show how quickly public opinion can turn against those suspect of sexual impropriety.

Her presentation of the Cabal, however, introduces the same sort of woman who is condemned in The New Atlantis. By presenting both models of female relations (idealized and sexualized), Manley clearly demonstrates the power and importance of feminine bonds in today's society.

Read the exciting beginning to Manley's The New Atlantis!


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