Letters to the Editor


Thank you so much for using Samantha Jones as one of your feature women in this month's issue of Star Magazine. As a fellow "identity-challenged" woman, I especially relate to Samantha's struggle in finding her true-self. I have found that as my relationships with men evolve, the core values and morals of my own identity also evolve. Molding to the desires of the sex-obsessed men I am prone to cling to, I often and unknowingly adopt the reputation of the "promiscuous prostitute," And although this reputation is not entirely unwarranted, it should not define who I am as a woman. Throughout the course of my experience with men and relationships, I get far too lost in the identities of my lovers rather than focusing on who I am. It is so comforting to know that such a beautiful, successful, and confident woman like Samantha Jones can share in my pain. After reading your article, I am certain that someday I too will find the "virtuous housewife" or the "working-class professional" somewhere deep inside of me,and perhaps at that moment when I am comfortable with the many facets of my being, the right man will come along and swoop me off my feet.



Thank you for addressing this issue in such an open and honest way, and for allowing me to see that I am not alone in my struggle to reform my female identity in a world controlled by “promiscuous men.”


New York , New York

Too many times have I sat down after a long day at work only to find myself reading a lousy women's magazine filled with trashy feature stories and meaningless celebrity gossip. That is, until I found your magazine. This magazine is honest, shocking, sensitive, and empowering all at once. It gives me a new sense of clarity in my life, as I now know that all of the issues that I face everyday are common to women everywhere. Bravo on a great magazine, and keep the stories coming!

Lover of Carrie and Eliza

Ann Arbor , Michigan

Carrie,I loved last week's article on the two competing men in your life, Mr. Big and Alex Petrovsky! It was so interesting reading about the different roles that each man played within your life. When reading your story, I was sure that Alex was “the one” for you. He seemed to be your prince charming, your night in shining armor. However, throughout your time in Paris together, it became evident that he did not let you rejoice in your own independence; he did not allow you the freedom that every woman should have in a relationship. It was a sure sign when you lost your “Carrie” necklace that Alex had stripped you of your illustrious and independent “Carrie” identity. I am so happy that you have found a man that loves all of your imperfections and appreciates your independence. Great choice!


Los Angeles, California



I am a huge fan of Eliza Haywood, and I am so glad that The Star decided to adopt her as one of their feature writers.









Since the time that she began writing for “The Female Spectator” up until now, Haywood has continued to reconstruct not only the socially constructed preconceptions about female literature, but also entire identity of the female population. Through her wise words, I have learned how to better accommodate myself to this male-dominated society. Eliza's writing is scandalous and shocking, but perhaps even more shocking than anything is that her writing is true. Her story on the “devious” Fantomina was absolutely brilliant. When I think of myself and of how many different personas I have embraced simply to gain the empty passion of a man, I feel like a mischievous woman. However, Eliza has made me realize that it is not just me that is feeling this way, and that I should not be so hard on myself. Perchance it is our men who force us to feel so guilty by not allowing us to emerge from our submissive shells. Eliza's work gives women such as me this outlet…an outlet for which

to express the qualities ofwhich our provincial society forces me to repress.


London, England