
So you thought fainting spells were just something that happened to women in romantic novels?

Nope. Fainting occurs in every day life. Even though it happens in reality, during our time period it is viewed by society as something quite extraordinary because one moment the human body is acting normally but the next it appears on the danger of death. (50)

Because fainting perplexes and astonishes English doctors, patients like yourself that have survived fainting spells are considered to have second lives. (51)

Well now that you are in the second life club, I bet you're wondering how this happened?

From what our medical colleagues of the period have deduced, fainting occurs because irregular palpitations in the heart shut down an individual's pulse, breath, sense of motion and bowels. (52)


Fortunately there are warning signs so that you will be able to anticipate another spell in the future. Let me ask you - right before you fainted did you feel cold, have difficulty breathing or lose your sight? (53) Well, the next time you experience those you will know to prepare yourself for fainting.

Now let me tell you what occurred when you fainted. After the senses shut down, your breath and pulse probably disappeared for a moment. (54) Most patients then become pale because blood is not being transmitted to the extreme parts of the body. Often patients also break into a cold sweat. (55)

These conditions do not last long however. Breath returns by degrees,the heart begins vibrating and even though patients regain their color and senses, a weakness remains. (56)


In order to prevent it from returning, we must assess your condition and treat it now. If you are of a warm and dry temperature it is necessary for you to avoid hot and warm foods. (57) Instead, we will make sure to provide you with a diet of water and cooling Herbs such as Mercury, Lettice and Spinage and plenty of rest. (58)

If you are of a cool temperature our approach needs to be a little different. We should put you in one of our warmer rooms and feed you foods highly seasoned with hot spices such as peppers. We will then make sure you get a proper regiment of activity by walking. (59)

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