One of the most common diseases we treat here at TPIH is the Pox, otherwise known as Syphilis or Gonorrhea. This rarely talked about venereal disease is growing in epidemic proportions in England. We must become educated in prevention, symptoms, and treatment of this disease in order to stop the spread of it. Let's evaluate if you have the dreaded Pox. We do not want you passing the disease, unknowingly, to your spouse, lover, or children.
Gentlemen, it is time to seek medical attention for the Pox when you start experiencing painful discharge of semen and a burning sensation when urinating. You may also notice ulcers that are very sensitive and painful. If you do not receive treatment you will develop more ulcers on your mouth, nose, thighs, and buttocks. You will also experience body aches and fever.
Gentlemen, BEWARE: Do not allow the burning sensation and painful discharge to go untreated. If the infection spreads and moves to the back of your urethra, then your urethra could become blocked. Furthermore, you could develop bladder problems, become sterile and most importantly you could become impotent. (12)
Gentleman, beware these houses of ill repute |
Ladies, we understand the sensitivity around admitting you have Syphilis or Gonorrhea, despite
the scruntinizing from your husbands or lovers, you must come in for proper medical treatment.
The classic warning signs are: Unusual discharge, itching and burning sensations in and on your
genitals. Many women will confuse these symptoms as ordinary discharge, but if you question the
amount or smell then you need to seek our advise. The most common symptom you will experience is
a painful ulcer around the same spot that the infection entered your body.
These symptoms will
begin about 2-6 weeks after you are infected and disappear after several weeks. Even though your
symptoms will disappear, you still have the disease. If you do not get treatment then second stage symptoms will develop. These symptoms are: ulcers appearing anywhere on your body, typically your mouth,
buttocks, thighs, nose, and genitals. You will also experience hardening of the glands, fever,
aches in your bones, and warts. (14)
Children, the innocent sufferers of the Pox, are scarred with ulcers on their noses, eyes, genitals, and buttocks. A rash is another indicator that they have the Pox. (15) Please bring your little ones in for treatment because without it they will have physical problems for the rest of their lives.
How did this happen to me?
There is no one to blame but yourself. Yes, many will find shame in their disease especially after being warned not to visit prostitutes and many will experience guilt for spreading their disease to their unexpecting spouses or children. Can you trace back your experiences and pinpoint the person you caught it from?
It is most likely you were infected from visiting a lady of the night, seeing that prostitutes are known to be the main carrier of the Pox. In 1497 our country was exposed to the first out break of the Pox due to Charles VIII's march through Italy. (16) Even though it is convienent to blame your wife or lover, it is most likely you are the guilty person who gave the Pox to her.
If you did not cheat on your husbands and give the disease to him, then you must have gotten infected from your husband or lover. (17) I will never forget the letter my cousin gave to me who held correspondance with an upperclass lady friend. She writes: "I now began to understand where I was, and to perceive that my poor Father's Prophecy was verified who said If you marry that Scoundrel he will catch the Pox, and for your Amusement use you to make his Poultices. This is now literally made out; and I am preparing Poultices as he said, and Fomenting this elegant Ailment every night and morning for an hour together on my knees and receiving for my reward such impatient expressions as disaggreeable confinement happens to dictate. However tis well tis no worse- he has, I am pretty sure, not given it [to] me." (18)
Children can contract the disease in utero from their infected mothers. During birth, if there is a pusious ulcer present, which the infant touches then, the infant will contract the disease. Also, wetnurses who have ulcers on their breast will infect the babies they are suckling. Mothers, please stop using wetnurses and breastfeed your own children in order to cut down on the number of infections in children. We have noticed a 30% drop in children's death in 1750 because mother's started to breastfeed their own babies, so keep up the good work. (19) Your children, if they do contract this disease, will most likely not live past their twenty-eighth year of life. They will be considerably short and spit up blood.
I am sorry but the herbal remedies commonly bought on the street are not going to cure you. Medical treatment at the world famous TPIH will flush the impurities out of your system with a three stage treatment. Unfortunatly the phrase "The cure is worse than the treatment" orginated here because in order to rid yourself of this awful disease, you must endure an equally awful treatment.
Stage 1: First, you must be bled and drink liquids to cool off your burning body. This ingestion of liquids also helps to keep your bowels loose.
Stage 2: The "Salivation" treatment.
Day 1: We rub liquid mercury on your feet and ankles
and cover them with flannel. Your skin should feel dry and look red after this treatment,
which is normal.
Day 3: We rub more mercury on you but this time from your ankles to the tops of your calves. Then we cover it with flannel.
Day 5: Mercury is rubbed on your skin from your calves to your buttock, including your genitals. Usually you will experience some Head-Ach, fainting spells, and pain in your gums and teeth. Have no fear the treatment is almost over with.
Day 7: This day we rub mercury starting at buttocks and genitals to the back of your neck. You should notice your tongue and mouth is red. You will also need to spit up a thick putrid substance usually about three pints a day. This salivation is quite important in your treatment because it is ridding your body of the impurities. After about six weeks the drooling will subside. (20)
Another method you can chose from is Fumigation. Instead of rubbing the mercury on your infected areas, you will breathe in the mercury vapors. We suggest that you use Salivation as opposed to Fumigation because you are exposed to the healing mercury more. Another option is to combined the two types of treatment for a double treatment. (21)
Stage 3: After being in our care for about a month and a half or longer you should be cured. You must drink milk and sarsaparilla roots to cleanse the internal ulcers. After that you may leave. Don't forget to come back once mercury poisoning sets in. We have a cure for that too.