Detailed Description of Content for Poison Prevention Site
This document from our customers at the College of Pharmacy specifies the content of the Poison Prevention Web site that we are to design as our ED626 Class Project.Poison Prevention Home Page
Select from an icon menu of items including the bolded sections; actual text denoted by RED text color; description of accompanying graphics appears in parentheses.
This is a general outline of a possible organization of the page, but is by no means set in stone. We are particularly open to any designing ideas and creative cartoon work.
Definitions: A background for the parent and child What is a poison?
A poison is something that can make you sick. (Mr. Yuk)
Eating poisons isn't the only way you can get hurt. (kid with full mouth)
There are poisons that make you sick if you taste it, (kid licking something) smell it, (kid smelling object with fumes arising out of it ) get it on your skin, (hand and arm of kid with liquid going onto it) or in your eye. (kid's red eyes)
Something that may be safe in small amounts (kid holding toothbrush with little bit of toothpaste on it) may be unsafe in larger amounts (kid with a whole tube of toothpaste emptied into their hands, dripping--with kid ready to lick their hands with thin red X over entire graphic. Mr. Yuk in the corner of this graphic)
Something that may be safe to put on your skin (kid shampooing its hair, shampoo bottle is labeled and nearby) may be unsafe to eat. (kid drinking from the same shampoo bottle. Mr. Yuk in the corner of this graphic with thin red X over entire graphic.)
Are there other things that can poison us?
Plants can poison us too (picture of poison ivy)
Animals can be poisonous (snake)
Test their knowledge & reinforcement:
Where can poisons hurt us?
Graphical representations of eyes, skin, mouth/tongue, nose. The user can click on each route of poisoning. Affirmations such as 'good,' 'yes,' 'great,' 'super' can pop up. Next screen has same 4 representations (but red eye, red nose, mouth says ouch, skin can be red and swollen) and Poisons can hurt us everywhere.
Who can get poisoned?
Graphic of a large group of people (teacher, family, friends, pets, policeman, kids). Affirmations show up when each person is clicked on. The next screen shows each person sick (or is this too morbid). Each can have a different ailment (red eye, clutching stomach, red nose, red arm/skin, etc.). Everyone can be poisoned.
The House Scenario Where do we find poisons?
Big picture of the house from the outside.-- Let's see where poisons are hiding in our house. Followed by directions. Once the house is clicked on, an icon from each room pops up --kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, garage. The larger version of the room will pop up when the icon is clicked on.
In each room, there are various poisons hidden that the child has to find by opening cabinets, drawers, etc. that are marked with an X. When they open the cabinet, etc. the poison will jump out at them. Once opened, the cabinet could be left open and the X could change into a Mr. Yuk face. After all items are selected in a room, choose to go back to other rooms.
KITCHEN -- cleaners (soaps/detergents under the sink); ant/roach killer (in cabinet); medicines (pink liquid in refrigerator); dish soap (on the sink)
BEDROOM -- nail polish remover (on the dresser); house plant (philodendron; on a shelf); medicines (in a drawer by the night stand)
BATHROOM -- deodorizer (on top of toilet); medicines (in cabinet behind mirror above the sink); toilet bowl cleaner (under the sink); shampoo (in the shower, open shower door)
GARAGE -- gasoline (on a shelf); paint cans (in corner)
Pick the Poison game Many things in the house look alike. (graphic of house).
Sometimes something that is good for you can look very similar to something that is dangerous.
Let's try to pick the things that are safe for us. Use the mouse to click on the safe object.
Once the safe object is clicked on, a smiling face and an affirmation will appear on this object, and a Mr. Yuk will appear on the poison.
- Pairings (possible)
- comet/parmesan cheese
- caulk/toothpaste
- Aspirin/tic-tics -- or medicine capsules and candy
- bleach/milk
- ALL/cereal (alphabet's)
Remember to always ask an adult before you eat or use something.
Descriptions of the good/bad items after clicked on in the form of text read by the adult to the child.
This section will be primarily comprised of text that can be highlighted with simple graphics used earlier for style. All of the information below is a draft of actual text for the page.
One of the most important things that you and your child can do to prevent poisonings is the 'safety tour.' Use a few minutes to familiarize your child with the poisons in the home, as well as secure harmful substances or placing them out of reach. This list provides some ideas of items to check. Thank you for taking the time to make your home a safe one.
dish washing detergent
liquid dish soap
scouring soap
window cleaner
oven cleaner
furniture polish
drain cleaner/opener
car wax/soaps
weed killers/pesticides
windshield washer fluid
laundry detergent
fabric softener
cosmetic products
medicines/pain killers
cosmeticsrat & ant poisons
moth balls & spraysMISCELLANEOUS
alcoholic beverages
flaking paint
broken plaster
1 -- install safety latches on all cupboards containing harmful products
2 -- keep all products in their original container - not in pop bottles or cups
3 -- never refer to medicine as candy
4 -- clean out old medicines and regularly flush them down the drain
5 -- rinse empty containers and throw them away
6 -- never take or give medicines in the dark
7 -- purchase products with child-resistant caps when possible
8 -- store cleaning supplies out of reach and out of sight of children
9 -- don't store medicines or cleaning agents near food
10 -- keep poison control center, physician and hospital phone numbers readily available
11 -- keep syrup of ipecac on hand; call the poison control center, physician or hospital prior to use
Inhaled poison
Immediately get the person to fresh air. Avoid breathing fumes. Open all doors and windows wide. If victim is not breathing, then start artificial respiration.
Poison on the Skin
Remove all contaminated clothing and flood the skin with water for 10 minutes. Then, wash the affected area gently with soap and water and rinse thoroughly.
Poison in the Eye
Flood the eye with lukewarm (not hot) water poured from a large glass 2 or 3 inches from the eye. Repeat for 15 minutes. Have the patient blink as much as possible while flooding the eye. Do not force the eyelid open.
Swallowed Poison
Do not give anything by mouth until calling for advice.
Chemical or Household Products:
Unless the patient is unconscious, having convulsions, or cannot swallow -- give milk or water immediately. Then call for professional advice about whether you should make the patient vomit or not.
Always keep on hand at home a one ounce bottle of syrup of ipecac for each child in the home. Use only on advice of poison control center, emergency department, or physicians.
The treatment for many poisonings requires the removal of the toxic substances from the stomach before absorption occurs. Ipecac syrup is safer than many other methods for removing these toxic substances. Sticking your finger down a child's throat or using salt water are not as effective and can be dangerous to the victim.
Ipecac is a plant extract made into a syrup that when swallowed, irritates the stomach and causes vomiting. The syrup will keep for several years, if stored at room temperature.
Ipecac syrup can be used effectively with adults or children. Make sure you follow the correct procedures. Syrup of Ipecac should not be used if the child is under one year old; the person is very drowsy, unconscious, or having fits; the child has an unrepaired mouth defect; the person has a heart condition; the woman is in her last trimester of pregnancy.
Syrup of Ipecac can be obtained at any pharmacy. Ask your pharmacist for details.
Ipecac syrup should not be used in every poisoning emergency. All poison ingestions do not require the removal of poison from the stomach. Syrup of ipecac should not be used if the poison contains a strong corrosive such as acid or lye; kerosene, gasoline, or other petroleum distillates; strychnine; narcotic drugs that cause rapid unconsciousness; a substance like camphorated oil that may cause convulsions. Before using ipecac syrup, check with your physician, pharmacist, or poison control center, to see if vomiting is necessary.
If vomiting with Ipecac Syrup is recommended by a physician or the poison control center, use the following procedure. For children one year of age or older: Give one tablespoon (15 ml or 3 teaspoons) of Ipecac Syrup. Follow with at least one 8 oz. glass of water - have the victim drink more water if possible. If vomiting has not occurred within 20 minutes, the dose of Ipecac Syrup can be repeated with more fluids. Only repeat dosage once. If vomiting does not occur, call your physician or the poison control center. Different doses of ipecac syrup may be recommended for children and adults of different sizes. Always consult a physician, pharmacist or poison control center before use.
1. Always remain calm.
2. Call your local poison control center immediately. For the call, have ready:
¥ age of the patient
¥ your name and telephone number
¥ the name of the product and the ingredients
¥ amount of the poison involved
¥ time poisoning occurred
¥ any symptoms present
If you are instructed to go to the hospital or another emergency facility ALWAYS bring the original container of the suspected substance to the facility.
-- Included in this site will be a comprehensive list of all poison control centers in the United States, or links to sites which contain this information.
Congratulations! You now know what is needed to make your house safe and fun! (graphic of kids cheering)
E-mail us below, or send a postcard to the address listed to receive your completion certificate by mail. Be sure to include your mailing address. Give us your e-mail address and we will remind you to go on another 'safety tour' of your home each March during national Poison Prevention Week. Good job--and make sure you keep up these good habits!!
The user can fill out a name/address blank that automatically e-mails a designated member of our ASP chapter. This chapter member will then mail the certificate to the child via the US postal system.
Other Condsiderations
At later points in the development of this site, information concerning specific plants and animals that are poisonous can be included as resource material.
More details can be added to the pick the poison game, the house scenario, etc. as time permits.
Revised: November 27, 1996
Copyright ©1996 The University of MichiganSend comments or queries to Carl Berger or Rosalind Kam