Fisheries Science (ENV 460/ NRE 460)
Text and Readings
Texts (*Required):
*1. Fisheries Biology, Assessment
and Management, by Michael King. Fishing News Books, 1995.
*2. Fishery Science: The Unique Contributions of
Early Life Stages, ed. By Lee Fuiman and Robert Werner. Blackwell Science, 2002
3. Quantitative Fisheries Stock Assessment:
Choice, Dynamics and Uncertainty, by Ray Hilborn
and Carl Walters. Chapman
and Hall, 1992.
4. Principals of Fisheries Science,
by William Everhart and William Youngs.
5. Dynamics of Marine Fish
Populations, by Brian Rothschild.
6. Fisheries Techniques,
by Larry Nielsen and D.L. Johnson, eds. American Fisheries Society, 1981.
7. Fish Population Dyamics, by John Gulland. 1988.
8. Bioeconomic Modeling and Fisheries Management,
by Colin Clark. Wiley and Sons, 1985.
9. Exploitation of Marine
Communities. Report
of the Dahlem Workship
on Exploitation of Marine Communities.
King, Ch. 1-2: Fisheries Resources and Fishing Gear and Methods.
Hilborn and Walters, Ch. 1, 3, 5: Fisheries, Fishers
Everhart, Eipper, and Younds, Ch. 3: Fishing Gear
Gulland, J.A. 1974. The Management of Marine Fisheries.
History of Fishing:
Cushing, D.H. 1989. The
Provident Sea: History of Fishing.