Welcome to the Scientific Computing and Flow Physics Laboratory!
Our research draws from applied mathematics, numerical/physical modeling and high-performance computing to develop novel techniques for numerical simulations and modeling of flow phenomena. We seek to uncover the basic physics underlying complex multiscale and multiphysics flows, in particular inertially dominated interfacial flows, with broad interests in:
- Multiphase flows and plasmas -- Cavitation, bubbles, droplets, low-temperature plasmas, biofluids
- Stability and turbulence -- Hydrodynamic instabilities, turbulent mixing, vortex rings
- High-temperature hydrodynamics -- Shocks, waves in heterogeneous media, radiation-hydrodynamics
- Scientific computing -- Numerical analysis, high-order methods, high-performance computing

Our work finds applications in biomedical engineering (diagnostic and therapeutic ultrasound, plasma jets, traumatic brain injury), transportation systems (aeronautics, hypersonics, automotive, naval), astrophysics, and the energy sciences (high-energy-density physics, inertial confinement fusion, spallation neutron source, thermal hydraulics).
Come find us in room 2016 of the Walter E. Lay Automotive Engineering Laboratory.

We thank our current and past sponsors: Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU), Department of Energy (DOE), National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), Office of Naval Research (ONR), National Institutes of Health (NIH), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), National Science Foundation (NSF), Ford Motor Company, Boston Scientific Corporation, Merck, Kadant, and the University of Michigan, as well as ALCF, OLCF, Blue Waters, and XSEDE/ACCESS computing.