Eric Johnsen

Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Director, PhD Program in Scientific Computing

Affiliate, Michigan Institute for Computational Discovery and Engineering
Member, Michigan Institute for Plasma Science and Engineering
Member, Applied Physics Program

University of Michigan
1231 Beal Ave.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2133

Office number: 2015 Walter E. Lay Automotive Laboratory
Phone: (734) 647-1450
Email: ejohnsen (at)

Professional appointments

2023-present: Professor of Mechanical Engineering, U. Michigan
2017-2023: Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, U. Michigan
2010-2017: Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, U. Michigan
2007-2009: Post-doctoral Fellow, Center for Turbulence Research, Stanford


Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Caltech, 2008
M.S., Mechanical Engineering, Caltech, 2002
B.S., Mechanical and Environmental Engineering, UCSB, 2001


ME320 (undergraduate fluid mechanics)
ME499 (introduction to computation and machine learning for mechanincal engineers)
ME520 (graduate fluid mechanics I)
ME521 (graduate fluid mechanics II)
ME523 (graduate computational fluid dynamics)

Research interests

Fluid mechanics, including multiphase flows (cavitation, bubble and droplet dynamics), computational fluid dynamics (CFD), unsteady flows, high-speed flows and shock waves, turbulence and mixing, interfacial instabilities, non-newtonian flows, plasmas, high-performance computing.

Applications: biomedical engineering, energy sciences, aeronautics, hypersonics, turbomachinery, naval hydrodynamics, high-energy density physics.

Selected honors and awards

Associate Fellow (2021, AIAA)
Mechanical Engineering Department Achievement Award (2017, U. Michigan)
Ted Kennedy Family Team Excellence Award (2014, U. Michigan)
CAREER Award (2013, NSF)
Young Investigator Award (2012, ONR)
Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Fellow (2010, ORAU)
Center for Turbulence Research Post-Doctoral Fellowship (2007-2009, Stanford)
Centennial Prize (2008, Caltech ME)

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