One of the biggest complaints, that chemical engineering students have, is that they never get to see the equipment that they're spending so much time designing. Heat exchangers, pumps, containment vessels, etc. all remain abstract "little black boxes," and reactors are the worst culprits, because they're used in almost every homework assignment (at least in reaction engineering). So, we've taken the liberty of including pictures of some common (and not-so-common) industrial reactors on our pages.
CRE Photos Page
ChE 344 Photos Page
On the CD-ROM that accompanies Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering (3rd Ed.) is an interactive module on chemcial engineering reactors. This module was created by Sam Catalano, a student at the University of Michigan working with Prof. Susan Montgomery. The module can be found in the Reactors directory of the CD-ROM, as a Windows program. (A Macintosh version of the module is also available, but has not been included on the CD-ROM.)
Check out some screenshots from the module.