Professional Reference Shelf

R5.2 Weighted Least Squares Analysis

    Both the linear and nonlinear least-squares analyses presented assume that the variance is constant throughout the range of the measured variables. If this is not the case, a weighted least-squares analysis must be used to obtain better estimates of the rate law parameters. If the error in measurement is at a fixed level, the relative error in the dependent variable will increase as the independent variable increases (decreases). For example, in a first-order decay reaction

(IMAGE 05eq12.gif), if the error in concentration measurement is 0.01 CA0, the relative error in the concentration measurement [0.01 CA0/CA(t) ] will increase with time. When this error condition occurs the sum to be minimized for N measurements is

IMAGE 05eq13.gif

    whereis a weighting factor.
For parameter estimation involving exponents, it has been shown that a weighted least-squares analysis is usually necessary.1 Two such cases that occur in the analysis of chemical reaction engineering data are concentration-time data for an irreversible first-order reaction,

IMAGE 05eq12.gif


and reaction rate-temperature data,2

IMAGE 05eq15.gif

In general, these equations are of the form


IMAGE 05eq16.gif

    whereIMAGE 05eq17.gif,

    Linearizing, we obtain

IMAGE 05eq18.gif

    We want to find the values of A and B that minimize the weighted sum of squares. For a semilog arithmetic transformation, the weighting function is just the square of the independent variable itself3 (i.e.,). The function to be minimized is

Weighted least


IMAGE 05eq20.gif

    There are also strategies available that suggest the experimental conditions to be used for each succeeding data point in order to converge most rapidly to the best values of the rate law parameters (Box et al.).4