The enzymatic hydrolization of fish oil extracted from crude eel oil has been carried out using lipase L (Proc. 2nd Joint China/USA Chemical Engineering Conference. Vol.III, p. 1082, 1997). One of the desired products is docosahexaenic acid, which is used as a medicine in China. For 40 mg of enzyme the Michaelis constant is 6.2 X 10-2 (ml/ml) and Vmax is 5.6 . Calculate the time necessary to reduce the concentration of fish oil from 1.4% to 0.2 vol%. Note: There may be inconsistency in the article. The half life for an initial volume of 25% fish oil is stated to be 4.5 days. However, this yields a different initial fish oil concentration one finds from looking in the literature. Search the web for fish oil. Suggest a way to resolve this controversy.
[3rd Ed. P7-10]