Additional Homework Problems


  The hydrogenation of an unsaturated organic is to be carried out in a trickle bed reactor packed with 0.4-cm-diameter spherical catalyst particles.

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The reaction in the pellet is first-order in both hydrogen and the organic. Hydrogen and nitrogen are fed in equimolar portions at a total pressure of 2 atm. The reactor diameter is to be 1.0 m. It is proposed to operate at a superficial liquid mass velocity of 5 kg/m 2middots and a total gas flow rate of 36 mol/s. As a first approximation assume that the concentration of organic is constant and the pseudo-first-order specific reaction rate is 2.5 x 10 -5 m 3 /kg cat.middots at 400 K.

(a) Calculate the catalyst weight necessary to achieve 55% conversion of the hydrogen.
(b) If 55% conversion could not be obtained for the operating conditions specified, what should the operating conditions be to obtain this conversion?
(c) For each transport step, determine its fraction of the total resistance to mass transport and reaction.
(d) The bed is now to be operated under conditions of complete saturation of the hydrogen throughout the bed. Calculate the weight of catalyst necessary to achieve 95% conversion of the organic. To achieve this conversion the pressure is increased to 100 atm and the feed is pure H 2. The particle size is reduced by a factor of 4.
(e) Assuming an axial dispersion coefficient of 0.38 cm2 /s, determine if the plug-flow model was a good assumption.

    Additional information:

Liquid viscosity: 3.1 cP = 0.0031 kg/mmiddots
Liquid density: 700 kg/m 3
Hydrogen liquid diffusivity in oil: 7.0 x 10 -9 m 2 /s
Organic diffusivity in organic product: 2.5 x 10 -9 m 2 /s
Molecular weight of organic: 256 Daltons
Hydrogen solubility: 0.004 kmol/m 3middotatm
Pellet porosity: 0.45
Pellet density: 1600 kg/m 3
Bed porosity: 0.4
Superficial gas velocity (kg/m 2middot s): 0.75 0.5 0.1
Pressure drop (kPa/m): 70 50 20

[From AIChE J., 29, 1 (1983)]

[2rd Ed. P12-7]