Additional Homework Problems


  The third-order gas-phase reaction

image 13eq47.gif

    is to be carried out in a nonideal reactor whose macromixing can be characterized by the RTD in Figure 13-9(a). The space-times corresponding to the figure aregreektCSTR = 50 s andgreektPFR = 50 s. The specific reaction rate is k = 500 dm 6/mol2s and the entering concentration of A is 0.02 mol/dm3. Calculate the conversion assuming that the micromixing is described by:
Figure E13-3.1.

(b) Figure E13-3.2.

(c) Three reactors in series: a PFR (greekt = 25 s) followed by a CSTR (greekt = 50 s) and then a PFR (greekt = 25 s).

(d) The complete segregation and maximum mixedness models.

[2nd Ed. P13-10]