Additional Homework Problems


An isothermal pulse test on a piece of reaction equipment gave the following results: The output concentrations rose linearly from zero to 0.5 mol/dm3in 5 min, then fell linearly to zero in 10 min ager reaching the maximum value.

(a) Calculate in tablular form the values of E(t) and F(t) at 1-min intervals. Sketch these functions.

(b) What is the mean residence time? If the flow were 150 gal/min, what would be the total reactor volume? (Ans: tm = 6.67 min, V = 1000 gal)

A second order reaction with kCA0 = 1.2 min-1 at 325 K is carried out in the system.

(c) If the reactor were plug flow with the same flow and volume, what would be the conversion? (Ans.: X = 0.889.)

(d) If the reactor were a CSTR with the same flow and volume, what would be the conversion? (Ans.: X = 0.703.)

(e) If the flow were completely segregatedwith the F(t) above, what would be the conversion? (Ans.: X = 0.86.)

(f) If the flow were in a state of maximum mixedness with the E(t) above, what should be the conversion?

(g) How would your answrs to part _____ (to be assigned) change if the reaction were carried out adiabatically with the paramenter values given by Equation P13-2(h).1]?

(h) What if the reaction were endothermic with E = 10,000 cal/mol and carried out adiabatically with

T(K) = 325 - 500X

How would your answers change?