An RTD analysis was carried out on a liquid-phase reactor [Chem. Eng. J. 1,76 (1970)]. Analyze the following data:
(a) Plot the E(t) curve for these data.
(b) What fraction of the material spends between 230 and 270 s in the reactor?
(c) Plot the F(t) curve for these data.
(d) What fraction of the material spends less than 250 s in the reactor?
(e) What is the mean residence time?
(f) Plot E(t)(t-tm)2 as a function of time.
(g) What is the standard deviation?
(h) Suggest a model consistent with the experimental data.
(i) The hydrolysis of t-isobutyl chloride was carried out in this reactor. The specific reaction rate is 0.0115 s-1. What conversions do the segregation model and the maximum mixedness models predict?
(j) The alkaline hydrolysis of ethyl acetate was also carredout in this reactor. The specific reaction rate. 10.55 dm3/mol*min at 300 K. For an initial concentration of ethyl acetate of 0.01 M, use the segregation and maximum mixedness models to predict the limits of conversion in the reaction.
(k) How would your answers change if the reaction were carried out adiavatically with T(K) = 300 + 150X and E = 4000 cal/mol?