Advice to next year's ChE
344 class from Winter 2003
(Numbers in parentheses indicate the number of groups who
gave this advice.)
Make sure to attend every lecture. It's early but very necessary. (5)
Take good notes in class. They will come in handy. Some in class problems
are impossible if you miss the lecture. (5)
Pay attention in class. Everything you need to know for class is covered
in lecture. (4)
Come to class; it will be your best class as a chemE.
Read the book before coming to class. It will make the lecture much more
useful. (4)
Keeping up
Don't try to cram stuff right before the exams. It won't work.
Don't ever fall behind!
Keep up with all of the assignments. (2)
Keep up with the reading. (4)
Stay on top of lecture notes. This is a cumulative class. You need a solid
foundation to build upon.
Office hours
Take advantage of office hours. (3)
Don't be afraid to ask for help.
If you are having problems, seek help. Difficulties early lead to BIG
difficulties later.
Start your homework early; it gives you time to ask questions/go to office
hours. (2)
The big homework assignments are due Tuesdays, so plan to have a light
course load on Monday (you will probably be spending a lot of time in
office hours).
Group homework
Always attempt the group homework problems before meeting with your group.
Things will go much smoother, you will get done quicker, and everyone
will understand the concepts better. (5)
Do your group homework as early as possible.
Group dynamics
Make sure you like your group. You will be spending a lot of time with
them! (2)
Be careful choosing your group members. It's annoying if one of your group
members slacks off, and everyone else has to pick up the slack.
Choose your group carefully. Your friends may be great people, but together
you may be very unproductive.
Be flexible with your group.
Online notes/web self tests
Do the self tests. Exam questions are similar. (2)
Read lecture notes on the website. (2)
Read the web lectures before coming to class so you can follow along and
already know what will be covered.
Use the web lecture notes as a review of class lectures.
Take the ICMs seriously, and don't just do them to get a performance number.
Heat effects and Heterocat are very useful study tools.
Seriously look through the review part of the ICM. I think they are very
Really spend time with the ICMs. They do stress the important points and
the repetition locks it into the brain.
It is very beneficial to keep up with the lecture notes on the web and
to do the self-tests well in advance so that the students are comfortable
with the material early on and if not then they would have ample time
to clarify topics.
Use all resources available: ICMs, web notes, CD ROM, book, as well as
many people to ask for help. There are also plenty of practice problems
to do. (2)
Utilize the resources that are available; they are good 'n plenty.
In class problems
Always make sure you understand the in class problems.
Be an active participant in class group problems.
Learn graphs/trends and love them.
Learn the algorithms.
The first month is all-important: know the algorithm. Be the algorithm.
Live the algorithm.
Once the OEP is assigned, choose the one you want to do right away.
Don't wait until the last week to start the OEP. Use your available resources:
mentors etc. and start early.
Follow the schedule that you make for the OEP.
Play around with Polymath; it has some cute little perks like solving
those pesky unit conversions.
360 and 344
Don't take 360 with this class if you can avoid it.
If you take 360 and 344 do not take 4 total classes. And make your third
class easy.
Extra credit
Take the mystery bag and not the points. It may be harder but it is worth
Petition to have the class start later