Problem Set 12
Due Tuesday, March 4, 2008 (Lecture 15)
Individual Assignment
PLQ 14 - What is a Lineweaver Burk Plot?
Pick the best and the worst in Chapter 6 and explain the reasoning for your answer.
P6-2A (h - Part 1 only), (i - Part 1 only)
P6-3A The Great Race Email Performance number to with the subject line: "che344 icm - The Great Race"
P6-14B (a), (b), and (c)
P6-21B omit part (d)
Load the membrane reactor file and and other file of your choice from the 5 Polymath files of the Examples discussed in class from Ctools (or download below):
1) Liquid PFR, 2) Liquid CSTR, 3) Gas phase PFR with no pressure drop, 4) Membrane
reactor with pressure drop and 5) Liquid phase semibatch reactor. Study
the overall selectivity of C to D. Carry out the base case to plot the
selectivity of C to D, Fc/Fd. Next vary a few of the operating variables (e.g. FA0, V, v0, CA0)
to find what conditions most affect the selectivity. For the membrane reactor you might want to vary the sweep gas velocity on a wide range from very low to very high vosg. If you wish you can include a plot or two to help explain the most interesting things you find. Write a paragraph about each of the two examples describing what you find.
Download the Polymath files: