Oscillating Reactions Web Module

In this section we will carry out a linearized stability analysis of the reactions just discussed to determine the start and end time of the oscillations, the frequency, and the number of oscillations. Even though an abbreviated form of the BZ reaction is given on the web below, it is still relatively complex. Consequently to illustrate how oscillating reactions occur we shall use the following relatively simple reaction sequences. Consider the following elementary multiple reactions. 






Batch mole balances and combined rate laws


The initial conditions are that when t = 0 then: CP = CP0 and CA0 = CB0 = 0

1. Applying the PSSH




            Solving for the pseudo-steady state concentrations


We will now put the equations in Dimensionless form by






At Pseudo-steady state




In terms of dimensionless variables



At tcross




At tmax



                            reaches a maximum at



2. Dynamics of the Reactions (Graduate Course Work)  

    2.A. Linearizing the equations to obtain an analytical solution

Recall the dimensionless form of the combined mole balances and rate law is:





Let Da and Db be perturbations from the pseudo-steady state.


We will now substitute for a and b and expand f(a,b) and g(a,b) in a Taylor series around the Pseudo Steady State values ass and bss.


By recalling f(ass,bss) and g(ass,bss) are zero  





For which the solution to Equations (32) and (33) is  



where the roots of the solution matrix are



See Properties of l's

Hopf Bifurcation

The real part of l1, l2 is zero, i.e. Tr(F) = 0


An exchange of stability from a stable critical point to a limit cycle, a bifurcation of this type, from an equilibrium to a periodic solution is called a Hopf bifurcation.

2.B. Finding the conditions that give oscillatory behavior

For oscillating behavior, Tr(F) = 0








we now evaluate the expansion terms in the Taylor series









We will now evaluate the determinate






               , however, for PSSH, bSS = m

Det (F) = m2 + ku / QED


We now want to consider the case where we have pure oscillations, Tr(F)=0

Setting we find


Solving for the roots which will make Tr=0, and produce pure oscillation




                           where m1,2 are the roots of the equation with  taking the + sign

Find the start and end of oscillations 

The oscillations begin when m = m1* and end when m = m2*


We can now calculate the times at which the oscillations begin and end.


                           we see that we start at t=0 and m=mo and that m decreases with t (time). The oscillations start at when m reaches . The corresponding dimensionless time is



                           The oscillations end when m reaches .


The figure below shows how the roots vary with ku.





                           The dimensionless frequency of oscillation is


                           The figure below show the frequencies of oscillation near the start  and end  of the oscillations as a function of ku.

        Finding the periods of the oscillation

                           The dimensionless period of the oscillation


                           At the start of the oscillations




                           Near the end of the oscillation



                           The figures below shows the dimensionless periods of oscillation,  and  as a function of ku.

                           The geometric mean period of oscillation



                           The time of the oscillation is




                           The number of oscillations


                           Dimensionless mean frequency of oscillation



  1)   Reconsider the problem on oscillating reactions. A 10°C increase in temperature produced the following observations. The dimensionless times at which the oscillations began and ended decreased. The dimensionless period of the oscillation at the start of the oscillation increased while the dimensionless period near the end of the oscillation decreased. What conclusions can you draw about the reactions? Explain your reasoning. Feel free to use plots/sketches or equations if you wish.


2)   Oscillating Reactions

(1)   Under what conditions would the time at which oscillations begin (e.g. t = 1800s) increase as the temperature increases by 10°C?

(2)   Under what conditions would the time at which the oscillation begin and end remain the same?

(3)   Under what conditions would the period of oscillation in seconds at both the start and end of the oscillation time decrease with increasing temperature?







Adapted from Chemical oscillations and Instabilities, by Peter Gray and Stephen K. Scott, Oxford Science Publications, 1990.







































Appendix 1

Two coupled ODEs


Click back (page 4 Oscillating Reactions)











































Appendix 2 

Determining the properties of the roots l1, l2

1.                  If Tr(F) < 0 ,  Det (F) > 0 ,  [Tr2(F) – 4 Det(F)] > 0

            Both l1 and l2 are real and negative

                        Critically Damped


2.                  Tr(F) < 0 ,  Det (F) > 0 ,  [Tr2(F) – 4 Det(F)] < 0


3.                  Tr(F) > 0 ,  Det (F) > 0 ,  [Tr2(F) – 4 Det(F)] < 0

            Unstable oscillations



4.                  Tr(F) > 0 ,  Det (F) > 0 ,  [Tr2(F) – 4 Det(F)] > 0


Both roots positive + and real


5.                  Tr(F) = 0 ,  Det (F) > 0 ,


