Proof of the PFR Equations

The reactions are:

1 A->B -r1A = k1cA; r1A = -k1cA
2 B->A r2B = k2cB
3 B->C -r3B = k3cB
4 2A->D -r4A = k4cA2

The mole balances around a differential volume in the PFR give:

dFA/dt = r1A+r2A+r3A+r4A

FA = v0cA; FB = v0cB

dFA/dt = r1A+r2A+r3A+r4A

where t = V/v0

And similarly for the mole balance on component B.

Thus the equations describing the PFR are:

dcA/dt = -k1cA + k2cB - k4cA2
dcB/dt = k1cA - k2cB - k3cB

Trying a PFR > Proof of PFR Equations