CRE - Asynchronous Learning

Unit 19


Objectives After completing Unit 19 of the text and associated CD-ROM material, the reader will be able to
  • Size isothermal reactors for reactions with Lanqmuir-Hinschelwood kinetics
  • Discuss the different types of catalyst deactivation and the reactor types and describe schemes that can help offset the deactivation
  • Analyze catalyst decay and converion for CSTRs and PFRs with temperature-time trajectories, moving bed
Reading Assignment Text:            Chapter 10, pages 661-700

Time Estimate: 2 1/2 hours
Problem Assignment CDROM ICM Heterorgeous Catalysis
P10-10 (a,b,c use regression)
Time Estimate: 3 1/2 hours
Study Problems P10-4
Unit 19 Total Time Estimate: 6 hours