P8-15 Exothermic reversible reaction with a variable coolant temperature. The elementary reaction
is carried in a PBR that has a heat exchanger surrounding the reactor. The feed is equal molar in A and B with FA0 = 5 mol/s. The coolant surrounding the PBR flow in the same direction as the reactant. The molar flow rate of inerts is equal to that of A. The feed enters at a temperature of 325K and a pressure of 580.5 kPa. Plot X, Xe and T as a function of catalyst weight up to W = 4500 kg, for the base case given below
Additional Information (Base Case)
Vary the following parameters and write a paragraph describing the trends you find for each parameter variation and why they work the way they do. Use the base case for parameters not varied.
Plot T, X, and Xe for the Base Case. Print 6 copies. Next, carry out parts (a) through (f) and vary the parameter above and below the base case and sketch the results directly on the plot for the base case.
*Note: The program gives QI =1.0. Therefore, when you vary QI, you will need to account for the corresponding increase or decrease of CA0 since the total concentration, CT0, is constant.
(g) Determine the conversion in a 5000 kg fluidized CSTR where UA/rb = 500 cal/kg•s•K
(h) If the reaction were endothermic with KC = 0.01 at 303 and D HRx = + 20 kcal/mol, plot T, X and Xe vs. W.