Welcome Usage Navigation


Objectives page

The picture above shows the start page for the material on the CD-ROM. This is the page that loads when the disc is inserted into a drive with auto-run enabled. From this page you can access any of the material on the CD within a few clicks. Underneath the title for the CD-ROM you will see a list of chapter numbers. If you know what chapter you are looking for, you can click on that number and you will be taken to the material relevant to that chapter. Selecting "TOC" will take you to a listing of the chapters and a brief description of the chapter.

Below the list of chapters you will see three columns: Before You Begin, By Chapter, and By Concept. The links under before You Begin take you to the sections of the CD-ROM that will help you find material on the CD-ROM as well as installation and usage instructions for the software you will need to use all of the components on this disc. Under the by Chapter heading, the links will take you to a description of how the material in each chapter is broken up. The by Concept links take you to a variety of information. Under this heading you can access the interactive modules that are also available within the chapters, the problem solving material included on this CD-ROM, and some representative course syllabi and practice exams.

Objectives page

The first page of every chapter gives a list of Objectives for the chapter. There are four buttons at the bottom of the page. Clicking on Learning Resources takes you to the outline for that chapter. Living Example Problems takes you to the Polymath or MATLAB™ files relevant to the chapter. Professional Reference Shelf takes you to information helpful to the practicing engineer. Additional Homework Problems takes you to a list of problems that will help reinforce the concepts of the chapter.

Learning Resources

Learning Resource Page

The Learning Resources lists the contents for that chapter. There are links to summary notes, web material, interactive computer modules, and solved problems. You can always return to this page by using the left navigation bar and clicking on Learning Resources.

In the Learning Resources and Professional Reference Shelf sections, there are links to Example problems. When you click on an Example, a new browser window will open. Some Examples can also be accessed from the Chapter Outline, where a new browser window will not open.

New Browser

This new browser window is not the main interface. To return to the previous page, close this window by clicking on the top-right button of the new browser window (for PCs), or top-left button of the new browser window (for Macs).

Throughout this material there will be Footnotes. By clicking on a footnote, you are going to open a new browser window.

Footnotes in a New Browser Window

New Browser

Again, this new browser window is not the main interface. To return to the previous page, close this window by clicking on the top-right button of the new browser window (for PCs), or the top-left button of the new browser window (for Macs).

Left Navigation Bar


Navigation Bar


Learning Resources Takes you to the outline of the chapter. From the outline you can access the Summary Notes, Web Material, Interactive Computer Modules, and Solved Problems for that chapter.

Living Example Problems takes you to the Polymath or MATLAB™ files relevant to the chapter.

Professional Reference Shelf takes you to information relevant to the practicing engineer.

Additional Homework Problems takes you to extra problems taken from older versions of the text book.

Modules takes you to the web module and ICM main menu.

Problem Solving takes you to the main problem solving menu.

Syllabi takes you to the sample 3- and 4-credit course syllabi.

Updates & FAQs takes you to updates and corrections for the book.

How to use this CD takes you to information on navigating and using this CD.

Polymath™ and COMSOL Multiphysics™ take you to information and installation instructions for the two programs.

Additional Software takes you to information and installation instructions for extra software that may be necessary to run some files on this CD.

Except for Learning Resources, Living Example Problems, Professional Reference Shelf,and Additional Homework Problems, information you access from this navigation bar is not specific to any chapter. You can go directly to the Problem Solving section to see examples of the 10 types of home problems, or visit the web and interactive computer Modules without leaving the chapter that you are in.

All the material is ordered by chapter. The banner at the top of the page can take you to a specific Chapter or the Appendices. The TOC button will take you to the table of contents for the CD-ROM.

Top Navigation

Below is an illustration of how to access Polymath and the ICMs on the CD.


Welcome  Usage   Navigation        
Begin: Chapter 1