In the window that appears, browse to the html/help/software/matlab/mfiles directory on the CD-ROM and select "OK."
MATLAB is now ready to carry out commands using the m-files included on the CD-ROM to solve examples from the text.
To access these Word Documents:
The Word files contain examples that have been solved using the m-files. The text in the Word files comes in three different colors:
Lines in green represent commands you should enter at the command prompt.
Lines in blue contain output from MATLAB,
Lines in black contain descriptive text.
We highly recommend using the Word file for each example as a guideline (print a copy if necessary) for solving the porblem. Retype the text from the green lines (one by one) at the MATLAB command prompt. These commands define the boundary conditions and the initial conditions necessary to solve the example problems. They also show you how to make graphs, so you can display the results of the calculations. To change the boundary conditions and/or the initial conditions of a problem, simply change the values in the green input commands.
To change the differential equations and/or their supporting equations, you will have to edit the m-files themselves. (You will have to copy the m-files to your computer's hard drive to edit them, since you won't be able to save them on your CD-ROM.)
The m-files are in the Html\help\software\html\matlab\m-files directory on the CD-ROM.
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